Philosophy is defined as a theory underlying or regarding a sphere of activity or thought. Well, my theory is if I can add at least 10 new books to my Wishlist and move at least 5 older Wishlist selections to my TBR list every month, then life is a ice cream sundae. And if I can find those 10 books from at least 5 new blogs each month then that's the cherry on top.


Well, I've made it almost 5 years now, so for better or worse, I continue on. I tend to blog in spurts as the urge to be creative erupts. As I don't have an artistic bone in my body, you will see very few changes in the layouts. Hey, I'm a reader not an artist like so many of the awesome bloggers I follow. I know you don't always have the time but if you stopped and looked, take a half a minute and say your piece. Recommend a book that you have enjoyed or hated for that matter. Thank you to all who visit.
Oh, and I moved my Google Friend Connect info and share this buttons to the top, as without our friends, who are we?

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Mid-Winter's Eve Giveaway Blog Hop Dec 21st-27th

The Mid-Winter's Eve Blog Hop will run from Dec. 21st till 27th. 
Thanks to Jessie Harrell from Oasis For YA and
for co-hosting.

Contest will be open internationally.
I will be giving away a $10 Amazon/Barnes and Noble Gift card or
I'll let you chose a book from Book Depository
up to $10 and as long as they ship free to you,
you can enter.
Just make sure they ship to you. If not sure,  check here.
I love to win Gift Cards and these are the simplest and the best as far as I'm concerned.
For every 50 brand new followers, I'll give away another $10 Gift card or
book from Book Depository.
Book Depository

To enter:
Simply fill out the Rafflecopter form below and answer this question in the comments--
"What is your favorite thing about Mid-Winter?"

Hope you'll take the time to look around,
make a comment or two.
I am number 14
and The Mod Podge Bookshelf (US)  is in front of me
and Cuzinlogic (Int) is behind me.
WOW! There are over 400 blogs participating! How awesome is that!
Click HERE for the full list of participating bloggers on the hop.
This is a great way to meet more bloggers, win books, gift cards and more!

Click on the "Read More" to take you to Rafflecopter--
If you have any problem getting Rafflecopter to come up,
generally refreshing the page will fix it.
Read "Click for Instructions" before answering the question!


1 – 200 of 256   Newer›   Newest»
Tiffany Rochelle said...

Wow! Awesome giveaway! I'm a new follower! :)

Tiffany Rochelle said...

Ok I commented and forgot to answer the can delete the first comment :P I'm a dummy!! LOL

My favourite thing about mid-winter is snow! I love snowy weather and curling up inside with a good book and a comfy blanket and watching the snow fall outside!!

Awesome giveaway! New follower here!!


Jewel said...

My favorite thing about mid-winter is the clothes.
Boots, scarves & coats...oh my!
Also I love sleeping in, hot chocolate & sitting in front of the heater with a nice book. :)
GFC: Jewel
jewel4jay AT hotmail DOT com
Thanks & Happy Holidays!

Cathy M said...

Thanks for the contest and happy holidays.

caity_mack at yahoo dot com

NovelKatie said...

My favorite thing about Mid-Winter is that it is the 'hump-day' of the worst season! Finally you feel as if you are heading towards spring - even if there is still a LOT of cold weather ahead!

Merry Christmas and thanks for a great giveaway.


Unknown said...

Winter baking!! All of those cookies. Mmmmm.

Andrea said...

Christmas break is my favorite!

Ms Saba (aka Teacher007.5) said...

Hot tea!!! Mid-winter is great for snuggling up in bed with hot tea and some soft music :D

Randi M said...

My favorite thing about mid-winter is snuggling up on my couch with a warm blanket, some hot cocoa, and a good book on lazy, chilly, snowy days. :) Thank you for the giveaway!

randi DOT wedekind AT gmail DOT com

Bekka said...

My favorite thing about mid-winter is Christmas of course!

Chocolate Chunky Munkie said...

What I most love about midwinter is the lovely cold crips mornings, where you can see the frost on the hedgerows.

GFC - Chocolate Chunky Munkie

Marianne said...

I've never actually experienced winter before, but here in the Philippines, December is nice and cool, which is a nice change from the usual hot weather.

brendajean said...

My favorite thing about Mid Winter is that Spring is just around the corner. Seriously it is COLLLLLLD where I live! (okay, but I do love playing in the snow)

Cathy C said...

i like Mid winter because it is that much closer to springtime!

catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

tweetyscute said...

The best thing about mid-winter is its proximity to the holidays! Time with family, an excuse to eat more sweets than necessary, all great things. It's practically the definition of mid-winter! (:

FairyWhispers said...

thx for the giveaway


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway.

What I like about midwinter is that this is the shortest day of the year. After that, it gets lighter again - I don't like dark nights!

Anonymous said...

Snow of course! ;)

Thanks for the giveaway!

Amy @ Turn the Page

Chris said...

I like how bright the stars are in mid-winter.

mimz said...

My favourite thing is definitely Christmas break and the Holidays! :D Just visiting my grandparents, getting away from everything. :)

Jasmine1485 said...

I love getting dressed up all snuggly in my warm clothes and being able to wear big stompy boots :)

kate1485 at

Anonymous said...

There's no winter in the country where I live... However, I think the snow would be something I'd enjoy during mid-winter, since I've never experienced snow or its coldness.

Jet said...

The thing I like most about mid-winter (winter in general) is being able to wear my warm clothes, doesn't get cold very often in Australia, gotta enjoy it while you can :)


SandyG265 said...

My favorite thing about mid-winter is my company shuts down for a week and a half

Unknown said...

It's actually almost summer where I live, but what I like about winter are the cooler temperatures. My dream is to see snow one day. *-* LOL

miki said...

mid winter...i love the fact that the holidays permit me to stay with my family

all the best


Anonymous said...

My favorite thing is the waiting for christmas, hoping for snow... when it gets cold and I can whip out my embarrasing hats... I love everything apart from black ice and gaudy christmas lights!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, my email adress is

Anonymous said...

I wish I could say my favorite thing about Mid-Winter is the snow, but we don't have any here! :P Apple Cider is a close second :)

test3s said...

For me is snow and the holiday spirit :)
What about you?

Anonymous said...

My favourite thing about midwinter is the early dark, which makes me want to light candles and cuddle up on the couch under the blankets with a comfy read.

Marjorie/cenya2 said...

I just really enjoy this season with anticipation for the holidays.

cenya2 at hotmail dot com

holls said...

I love the weather. Thanks

Hollybwright atcomcastdotnet

jcwega27 said...

the holidays

Suz said...

Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win! I like mid-winter because of the holidays!

klaxon63350 (at) mypacks (dot) net

Ana Norte said...

My favorite thing is teh weather! Not so cold, but not so hot! Ideal to walk though the city!

Unknown said...

My favorite thing is drinking hot chocolate! Thanks!


Jenn C said...

I love not knowing if I'll wake up to a blanket of white! Thanks for the giveaway!

jenn.cunha at

Nedraw said...

The only thing I can think of that I like about mid-winter is it's the halfway point to Spring which is my favorite season.
Thanks for an awesome giveaway!

Chelsea W said...

I love the way the sun looks this time of year! Anytime its shining is really appreciated.

Unknown said...

I love Christmas lights.
amandarwest atgmaildotcom

Meg S said...

I love snow! Can't wait for it to finally come this year.

Meg S
mysecretagentloverman at gmail dot com

Donna said...

I love everything about winter. Love the cold and the snow.
follow on facebook and linked to fb donna lawrence

kimberlybuggie said...

The best thing about midwinter is the snow! The cold air in the mornings is refreshing when I'm going to work and I loved the snow starting to fall.

Unknown said...

I love hot soups, coffee and good reading!

latanya t said...

cooler weather

Cricket said...

I love being able to drink hot chocolate, that is my most anticipated thing and I love the holidays.

Unknown said...

In mid-winter, some of the scenery in the woods is absolutely breathtaking.

Sarika Patkotwar said...

Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
My favourite thing about mid- winter is a delicious, steaming mug of hot chocolate. ;) Plus, the nice and pretty winter wear that you can flaunt!

Anonymous said...

I wish I can experience it but there is no winter where I live.

Malvina Beatrice

Reading Mind / The Loyal Book said...

I love fireplaces, hot cocoa, blankets and Christmas decorations!

Carrie Smart said...

I love cold days where I can sit by a fire and read a good book with a cup of hot chocolate


Runaway Bridal Planner said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!!

SacredmOOn said...

My favorite thing about mid-winter is that we're at the half-way point to spring. I really dislike the cold. Hey, I'm a Floridian! Thank you for the giveaway! DeAnna Schultz

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I agree GC do make things very simple and as a reader you know the TBR is always growing! My favorite thing about mid winter is the chill in the air that allows me to grab a blanket and cuddle up with a good book! Christmas season is always a favorite that is mid winter! We love to make crafts sand gifts for loved ones!
kelleynutrition at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

the christmas season. i love spending time with family.

Terri Matlock

GFC: mommy0306

oriana said...

well, i live in Chile, so now we are in summer, but i love Winter, i love the rain and taking hot chocolate!
thanks for making this international!
gfc follower

Allie said...

My favourite thing about mid-winter is snowfall!

icecreamavalanche at gmail dot com

Simply Kayla said...

My favorite thing is the book give aways and contests!!

Jessica ( frellathon ) said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway. Love the hops

dookiepookiebear said...

eating all things peppermint-y.

Anonymous said...

Normally I would say my favorite thing is the snow, but we don't have any this year. It's making me kind of sad. I like a white Christmas.

Thanks for the giveaway!

justpeachy36 said...

I love this time of year. All of the winter birds are out including the beautiful cardinals and blue jays. I love looking outside on a snowy morning and knowing I will hear my children laughing while the sled down the hill. I just love winter!

Stacy Taylor said...

I live in Alaska so I really love the surreal feeling associated with the cold and darkness of mid winter. It feels kind of like living on another planet.

Thanks and happy holidays!


The Lovely Reader said...

My favorite thing about mid-winter is being home from college and being able to lay around the house and wait for snow. I also love drinking hot chocolate while it snows :)

barbrafl737 (at) yahoo (dot) com

kristina shields said...

I just like that we are half way to spring and warmer weather!

Unknown said...

Favorite thing about mid-winter: Christmas.

anme said...

I like midwinter because it is chilly enough to start making the heavy and oven-required dinners and desserts without causing heatstroke! I also love layering clothes.

Anonymous said...

I love the Mid winter cause that when the really cold weather comes and I'm sitting in from of the fireplace with a good book :)

Thanks for the chance to win

Kristie Betts

Bookworm Lisa said...

I love getting in my PJ's early and curling up with a good book in a nice and warm house.

Unabridged Bookshelf said...

Celebrating Christmas will all my extended family, and watching my girls open their Santa presents on Christmas morning. Also, curling up with a good book, and hot apple cider while the snow falls outside.

Stormy said...

My favorite thing about mid-winter is that winter is halfway over. lol I hate the cold. I'm kind of like Bella Swan in that way. I don't like anything cold or wet and I won't ever have a hot big werewolf to keep me warm so...I just have to endure it to the end.

Patricia Wojnar Crowley said...

My favorite thing about Mid-Winter are the cold snowy evenings where I can just stay in with the family and watch a good movie!

Unknown said...

My fav thing about mid winter is cuddling up with a good book
teressaoliver at gmail dot com

Lecea said...

Mid-Winter where I live is peak snowfall time, my favorite part of the season!

LisaILJ said...

My favorite thing is the anticipation of the upcoming holidays for the gifts and the food. Plus the start of the New Year.

Unknown said...

My favourite thing about Mid-Winter is that I travel from the city I study to my hometown and get back with all my friends and family and finally get some rest! :)

Colleen Boudreau said...

Christmas decorations & baking!
holliister at gmail dot com

*Jam* said...

My favorite thing abou Mid-Winter this year is that I'm on vacations!

Thanks for the chance! =)

Unknown said...

I love when it snows and you step out late at night and just breath in the cold. The world is so calm you can smell the snow and smell the fires in fireplaces. So peaceful

giveawaymommy at yahoo dot com
blumblebees at yahoo dot com

Liese2 said...

The thing I like most about midwinter is that it's half way over. I don't like driving in the snow!

Stacey Brucale said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!

mamabunny13 said...

I love the holidays!

Elisquared said...

My favorite part of mid-winter is the fact that UNIVERSITY IS OVER!!!! I love having my break time where I can read the books I want to read!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Sophia Rose said...

Thanks for participating in the hop and for the giveaway opportunity.

My favorite thing about mid-winter is the colder weather. I'm not a heat person.

Shared on FB:

Tiff Pull said...

I love winter weather,

Irene Jackson said...

Why do I like midwinter ? Being snowed in is such a good excuse to cancel everything and cuddle up on the sofa with a blanket a hot chocolate and a good book. Husband and cat are optional extras :)

Maegan Morin said...

My favorite part of Mid-Winter is the fact that it is not yet too cold to play in the snow... and yes it gets that cold here! Brrrr...

Michele said...

That mid winter is almost over!! haha

Michele Luker GFC

jmluker at winco dot net

Ricki said...


Lolawid said...

My favorite thing about mid-Winter is that Winter is half over!! :o)


widsfam7 @ digis dot net

Mariana S said...

My Favorite thing? The food!! I love how close we are of Christmas and I Love the food, hot cocoa, coffee... everything!

Unknown said...

My favorite thing about mid-winter is the outside ice skating rink. I hate the cold but I enjoy going there.

BRN2SHOP9 said...

Thank you.

brn2shop9 at gmail dot com

Reading Away The Days said...

Thanks for the giveaway! My fave thing about mid-winter is curling up in bed with the heat on reading a good book with a nice cup of tea :)

Happy hoildays :)

meganmcdade2008 (AT) yahoo (DOT) co (DOT) uk

JBarr5 said...

looking forward to peace and quiet snowfall brings. very nice atmosphere when reading books.
happy holidays
thanks for the contest.

Holly said...

My favorite thing is having a lazy day in my pajamas and slipper boots, with an endless supply of coffee and reading material!

LoveOfBooks said...

Using the fireplace. That's it. I'm a total summer person.

Pat said...

My favorite thing about mid-winter is curling up inside with a good book.
pkildow at gmail dot com

marian said...

my favorite thing about mid-winter is snow!!!

Unknown said...

I love the cool, crisp air,
Thanks for the giveaway!!

Nay Nay said...

Happy Holidays. My favorite thing about midwinter is I get to use my fireplace. Living in Southern California doesn't give me many opportunities to use it and it gets cold enough in winter to do so.

Thanks for the chance to win.

ann said...

Snuggling up with a nice warm blanket and a good movie or a good book

amhengst at verizon dot net

samantha35 said...

great giveaway
follow via gfc- samantha35

nayjf said...

my favorite thing about midwinter is my 2 weeks off every year. Woot!


sarah said...

The holiday drinks at Starbucks!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway! What I love about mid-winter, living in Ontario is ... snow! :)

Helen said...

The weather I love to cool down after summer,and it makes it feel like the holidays.

Stephanie said...

My favorite thing is having my kids home for winter break.

Kristin Aragon said...

I love the winter. The snow, the "feeling" of the holidays, just everything about it.

Thanks for the giveaway.


Lindsey said...

My favorite thing about mid-winter is getting cozy - getting a blanket, some coffee and curling up with a book.

deanna_boocock said...

My fav thing in Calgary are the ice warm chinooks.

Juana said...

The colder weather is my favorite.


Thais said...

It's not really Mid-Winter here in Brazil, it's actually summer... but when it is Mid-Winter what I love about it is the possibility of curling up under some blankets with a cup of hot chocolate and a good movie!

Terri Martin said...

My favorite thing is Christmas.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Ollie said...

Though I hate the cold weather I love it when a gentle snow falls at night among the twinkling lights of Christmas.

Thanks for this giveaway!


Ollie aka DarkBloodyVamp

Anonymous said...

It's not humid!
jmcghee2024@yahoo. dot com

Veronica W. said...

You have a new follower!

Aleetha said...

The day off :D at gmail dot com

nodizzies said...

My birthday! It's next week actually :)

Candie L said...

It is Christmas and I am off work. Thank you


Anonymous said...

Nie giveaway!

My favourite thing is watching the dogs play in the snow ... they're so happy when they can bounce through it!

readinginwinter AT gmail DOT com

Adelina Priddis said...

Using the fireplace!

elin said...

Xmas is the best thing about mid winter.
emilymeimei204 at yahoo dot ocm

Christine A. said...

Favorite thing about weather.... watching my Christmas cactus bloom- so pretty. Plus an excuse to eat lots of great food!

Megan said...

I love the first snow. That's always the best snow. Every snow after that is always annoying.

Courtney Wyant said...

I would say the snow but no snow in south Mississippi before January... :)

SpadesHighReads said...

My favorite thing about mid-winter would have to be the seasonal Carmel Brule that Starbucks make yummmm and the perfect weather to cuddle =)

GFC Follower: SpadesHighReads

Stephanie said...

Curling up by the fire with a good book!

June M. said...

I do like the clothing (sweaters & boots) but I don't really like cold.
Have a great holiday season!
June M.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

Read for your future! said...

my favorite thing about Mid winter is the hops and the snow. I look forward to this hop and the next hop in the einter time. I love the snow and curling up with a good book like Isle of Night.
I love the blanket and the coffee that goes with the snow.

Read for your future! said...

My favorite thing is reading under a blanket with cocoa in hand and the house is nice and quiet. While im getting snowed in.

Karenladd said...

The slower pace and lots of indoor time to read and relax!

Janhvi said...

My favorite thing about winter is the lovely warm clothes I get to wear and having a cup of hot chocolate.

justjanhvi at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Well here where I live summer has just started but I love when it's cold and then you're able to stay in your bed drinking hot chocolate, uhm ! Simply awesome ^^


Jan Messali said...

My favorite thing about mid-winter is that it will be getting warm again soon... LOL!

Mona said...

Thanks for the giveaway :)
My favorite thing about mid-winter is the cozy sleeping weather. When I lived in Wisconsin, I waited eagerly for spring. Now that I live in Florida, I am lamenting the fact that winter will soon be over.

Tiffany Drew said...

My favorite thing is the snow days, no school! I get to sleep in a little later when I don't have to get the kids off to school :)


~April~ said...

Living in the south to me the best thing about mid-winter is that the temps finally start dropping and it stays cooler. :-) Also Like all the winter flavored coffee and drinks. lol... :-)

Jayna said...

My favorite thing is that midwinter means that the days are about to start getting longer again! I'm tired of getting up in the dark.

Dovile said...

My favorite thing about Mid-winter is that after it the days start to become longer and longer!

ebaker said...

Drinking hot chocolate!

andimjulie said...

Fantastic giveaway! Happy Holidays!

Tammy said...

My favorite thing about mid-winter is cuddling up with my Beagle Max under a warm and soft blanket reading a good book!! :0)

Judy said...

I love that here in the south, we are having some really nice cold days. We don't see too many of them.


Keetra said...

That it's the longest night of the year :) Happy holidays! :)

Unknown said...

I can back to re-tweet and seen everything said I needed to do again on the refflecopper. What should I do?

Anne said...

My birthday, it's January 20th.

ikkinlala said...

My favourite thing about mid-winter is cross-country skiing.

Aurian said...

Thank you for the giveaway. I love hot chocolate with whipped cream on top, and something chocolaty to eat, while reading a cozy mystery :)

Rachel said...

My favorite is the hot chocolate.

hopester777 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

The best thing about mid-winter, is that my birthday is coming at the end of February.

drainbamaged.gyzmo at

Nola Host said...

My favorite thing about mid-winter is that spring is just around the corner.

mk said...

Snow! That and a book in my hand while I'm sitting at home. Too bad there's no snow yet... I miss it this year!
Thank you for the giveaway and for making it international!
bymyself.g at gmail dot com said...

I love wearing sweaters. That is my favorite thing.

Dominique said...

Honestly, I love the cold. We don't get snow where I live which is a shame, as I really love the snow. But I do enjoy the colder weather. I don't tolerate heat very well. Plus it's a great excuse to drink a lot of hot chocolate lol.

couponcookie at gmail dot com

Chloe Booklover said...

My favourite thing about Mid-winter? Christmas!! All that holiday spirit makes me so happy :)

MikiHope said...

The fall is actually my favorite time of year. Mid Winter you still get some fall like days!!

Michele aka MikiHope

TayteH said...

Snow. All the pretty snow. :D Thanks!

JessS said...

Umm, no idea, because it's MEANT to be summer where I live, except for the fact that it's been raining on an off for the last few weeks. But midwinter, I guess I love when it's cold and you just sit somewhere comfy with like a million blankets and read. Thanks!

Amanda said...

Hot chocolate & snuggly sweaters. :)


Cheryl said...

I love the weather! Thanks for the great giveaway!

sweepingtheusa at gmail dot com

Adri said...

What I love most about Mid-Winter is break time from school and being able to spend it with my family!! :)

latishajean said...

My favorite thing is the snow love Hot Coco too! Thank you for the great giveaway! Happy Holidays to you!

The More the Merrier said...

I love looking at all the snow from my very warm home. Thanks for the chance to win!

Marie said...

My favorite thing are the holidays which mean more time with my family!

Kate W said...

Mu favorite thing about mid-winter is the first gentle snowfall!

beck20202 @ gmail dot com

Angela said...

I love the cooler weather and warmer clothes

birthdaywish at gmail dot com

Rica said...

there's no snow maybe when it's cold here i love drinking hot chocolate and reading books :)

Rica said...

we don't have snow maybe when it's cold here i like drinking hot chocolate and reading books :)

Jess said...

My Favorite thing about mid-winter would have to be College Bowl games and College Basketball.

The (Mis)Adventures of a College Book Addict said...

Usually my favorite part is the snow, except that isn't really working out this year :-)


Clarissa (Bookadicea) said...

I love the cold weather

nrlymrtl said...

I love reading in bed, under 3 quilts, with a roaring fire, and about 8 cats sleeping on top of me. A little bit of bedside chocolate never goes amiss either.

JHS said...

My favorite thing is that I'm always on vacation over the holidays & I can relax, visit with friends, and hang out around the house which I love to do because I love my home. My birthday is Dec. 21 so I always have fun, esp. since I don't have to go to the office that day.

Happy holidays!


jhsmail at comcast dot nte

Linda Kish said...

My favorite thing is I actually get to wear some of my sweaters for a change.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Linda Henderson said...

My favorite thing is eating soup when it's cold and snowy. There is nothing like a big hot bowl of soup in the winter. Or chili, that's good too.

seriousreader at live dot com

annejude said...

My favourite thing is the first snow! I wait for it every time and when it finally comes, it makes me really happy and I am like a little girl:)

Happy Holidays and thanks for the giveaway!


sa9603 said...

nothing, prefer summer,

Unknown said...

The first snow!

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing about Mid-Winter is the excitement that begins for Christmas! I love the build up! :)

email: echika[at]insightbb[dot]com

brookea_2006 said...

My favorite thing is curling up in a hoodie with a good book :)

Unknown said...

I live in Florida, so usually in mid-Winter we actually have a few days cool enough for me to wear boots!

Happy Holidays & thanks for the giveaway!

Mandy R said...

My favorite thing about midwinter is that it's too cold out to be outside so I have mor etime to snuggle up with a good book!

Darlene said...

My favourite thing about mid-winter is the snow! Also, I love Christmas lights.

GFC Darlene
darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

Celebrate Woman said...

I love wearing sweaters!

discovery4 at mac dot com

Unknown said...

Drinking Hot Chocolate without people giving me a creepy stare!!!!
As is it's so weird to drink it in the summer....LOL

Marrria said...'s a time of holiday, I get to stay at home(instead of going to school) and read books, drink hot chocolate and relax. Of course, I get to catch up with awesome giveaways

Bessamy said...

My favorite thing about mid winter is when it snows and frosts it to all the plant life. It looks like a crystal wonderland. Wow! So pretty!

Thanks for the chance! =)

Sena said...

I love winter fashion! All the lovely coats, boots and scarves to don! Lovely!
sena.sagani [at]gmail[dot[com

Maidenveil said...

What I love about mid-winter is the feeling it evokes!:)

katayoun said...

gathering on midwinter eve's with family or friends and eating watermelon and reading poetry from hafiz!

scottsgal said...

my fave thing is curling up with a book and hot chocolate and watching the snow fall (hopefully on the weekend) so I don't have to drive in it

AEKZ2 said...

I love that my children are off from school so that we can be together more.

Triona A said...

thank you!
my favourite thing is the same as manyn others' - cuddling up somewhere warm with a good book
new follower

Lioness said...

What I love about midwinter is being able to see my family and friends who are away half the time.

ColdNovember said...

I found your blog through because of the giveaway. I really like the site!

My favorite thing about mid-winter is that it's a chance to reflect and think. Everything is calm and its the beginning of the new year!

rlmccloskey85 at

Krystal Larson said...

I adore the freedom from school and extra time with my family.

Kat C @ Books and Sensibility said...

I love all the breaks. I mean I am working now, so it's not like school but, I still get days off.

iLuvReadingTooMuch said...

When I lived in Canada, it used to be the snow. But now that I live in Singapore, it's the long winter holidays :) Thanks for the amazing giveaway!


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