The Gift Card Giveaway Hop is just in time to help
with with last minute holiday shopping!!
Hosted by
Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and
Peep from Attack of the Book.
The Gift Card Giveaway Hop will run from Dec. 9th to 13th. Thanks to Peep and Kathy for co-hosting.
Winners will be chosen by Rafflecopter.
I will be giving away a $10 Amazon/Barnes and Noble Gift card or
I'll let you chose a book from Book Depository
up to $10 and as long as they ship free to you,
you can enter.
Just make sure they ship to you. If not sure, check here.
I love to win Gift Cards and these are the simplest and the best as far as I'm concerned.
For every 50 brand new followers, I'll give away another $10 Gift card or
For every 50 brand new followers, I'll give away another $10 Gift card or
book from Book Depository.

Hope you'll take the time to look around,
make a comment or two.
I am number 22.
Pretty Opinionated is in front of me
is behind me.
WOW! There are over 100 blogs participating! How awesome is that!
WOW! There are over 100 blogs participating! How awesome is that!
This is a great way to meet more bloggers and win gift cards for the holidays!
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1 – 200 of 271 Newer› Newest»I've always found 'secret santas' hard to shop for. You don't really know the person so it's hard to know what to get them. Gift cards are a blessing! LOL
I shop throughout the year so if I see something I want, I have time to wait until it comes on sale and if I miss the deal, it wasn't meant to be. I guess I haven't had any last minute gifts that were hard to find. Great giveaway, thanks.
your1chef at aol dot com
awesome giveaway! I think the hardest gift that I had to look for was a Tokio Hotel cd/t-shirt for my step-daughter. She had to have a certain concert Tee and the cd that matched.
Wow, I can't remember a last minute gift that was hard to find. I do remember going from store to store, calling, checking back, etc. to get my kids specific toys. One year it was a Wii. I don't know how many times we called WalMart and Target -- the employees told us when the delivery trucks came in & we would be on the phone, anxious to hear if a shipment arrived. Finally got one!
jhsmail at comcast dot net
Probably for friends who has everything so it's a bit hard to shop for them.
Malvina B
I've been looking for my sisters favorite childhood book. I'm hoping I can find it in the next 2 weeks, if not, there's always next year. :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
My Husband loves old school video games, and things with old school video game logos and characters... So a couple years ago, I didn't get paid til right before christmas, I think it was the 23rd, and I couldn't find a t-shirt that would have one of his favorite characters on it. Yes they had them online but I couldn't get it in time for christmas... I think I ended up getting him a gift card from a game store =D
thank you for the chance to win
Every year I forget Santas gift and it ends up being a last minute search.
I find it hard to buy gifts for men. I have all these great ideas when it comes to buy gifts for my female friends, but whenever I have to buy a gift for a male friend I got nothing, and I am always buying them the last minute which means I spend the while day looking for something.
Fake moustaches are surprisingly hard to find, I finally got mine on eBay :)
kate1485 at
the more diificult to find is books from my mother because the one she likes aren't published anymore so i have to search in second had shop
thansk you for this giveaway
My son wanted a 'certain brand name' skull cap and I thought it would be no big deal finding it as I remembered seeing them...everywhere. So, I put it off and well...when we actually went to go SHOP for it we couldn't find it anywhere! I was starting to panic!! Very, very late in the evening at like the last store we stopped in we found one...and I do mean ONE. I nabbed it! Whew! I thought we were gonna have to IOU with a gift card...
Sometimes it can be really hard to find just the right gift for my mother inlaw. she does so much for us and is such a wonderful woman, it doesnt seem i ever find the right one.
Thank you for the great giveaway:)
elliott2668 at yahoo dot com
The gift that was the hardest to find was a Nintendo Wii when first came out. It took a ton of stores but we finally found one.
Great Giveaway!
TICKLE ME ELMO- remember him? Hunted all over for it and now (many years later) it sits on a drawer in my son's room.
I usually don't leave things to the end, but last year I could not find Monster High dolls my daughter wanted so bad. I shopped every store and finally nabbed 2. Now they are everywhere in the stores and my daughters could care less about them, lol.
I also haven't had any 'last-minute' gifts that ere hard to find. I usually get them in advance. :) thank you!!
I really have never had that happen. If I can't get something I am bummed but I usually chalk it up to it not being meant to be and I look for something else. Shopping early helps too.
I was searching for a book The Desert Spear by Peter V. Brett for a long time before I finally was able to order it online and now I'm sooooooooo happy I've finally got it in my hands! :D
The hardest to find was a CD for my father three years ago! It had just release and it was sold out everywhere!!
I bought a gift card for him instead! hehehe
flyergal82 AT (yahoo) /dot/ &com*
i can't seem to find simple things last minute like basic candles or so
Last year everyone in my family was frantically looking for a particular LaLaLoopsy doll. We finally found one in time. Funny thing is it now sits in the toybox unplayed with!
Thank you for the chance to win!
Last year my grandson wanted a Star Wars Lego set...I found all kinds of sets but could not find the specific one he was asking for. I gave him a gift card instead with a smaller Lego set so he could go out after Christmas and pick one himself.
My husband has always been the hardest to buy for. He only shops one day a year, two or three days before Christmas, and if there's something he wants or needs for himself, he'll buy it then. Several times the kids and I would get his Christmas present only for him to come in two or three days before Christmas, proud as punch cause he'd got all HIS shopping done and found this awesome whatever it was that he needed (exactly what we'd gotten him) grrrr. I finally forbade him to shop for himself before Christmas. Poor thing, he only went shopping 1 time a year by himself.
Great giveaway! I don't think I've ever had a last minute gift to buy ... I'm one of those people who hate shopping, so I try to get it all done by the first week of December. If I miss anything, then I forget about it. Ha ha ... :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
We had real problems finding a nice digital photo frame for my inlaws a few years ago. We had shopped online, we had shopped in the RL shops. Only the last day before Christmas we happened to be in a pharmacy store (a big one) and there they had a small selection including one we really liked.
My in-laws like it as well, luckily!
Controllers for new video game consoles
I remember having a heckuva time one year trying to find a little guardian angel pendant, years and years ago. I'd received one the year before and wanted to return the favor, but the little guys were nowhere to be found.
I always end up last minute shopping for my mom because she has everything she wants already and I can never decide
teressaoliver at gmail dot com
Last minute gifts for people that you don't really know that well are the hardest. Not as in trying to find the item, but figuring out what to get.
gagaslab at gmail dot com
The hardest gift I've had to look for was a video game cd for my brother.
Clothes for my two oldest. I have a tendency to wait to last minute so they are on sale and by then I always forget that their sizes are usually sold out. They are both tall and very, very thin, so I have to find the slim sizes with adjustable waists and sometimes I am not very successful
Thank you for your great giveaway :)
Hmm, I would have to say the hardest gift I've had to search for was probably the Tickle Me Elmo for my cousin. I don't even remember what year this was, but it was SOOO popular that year that it was sold out almost EVERYWHERE. I had to drive 2 hours to get the silly thing. LOL It was pretty ridiculous.
are you kidding it's not years past it's this year!!! LaLa Loopsy!! OMG! driving me totally NUTS!
Oh and don't get me started on Emmett Otter's Jug Band Christmas on Dvd much fun!
I usually shop through the year so the only last minute items are usually extras or stocking stuffers. this year i did layaway. worked out nice except the boys dont understand why we only have one present under the tree for dad. lol they dont know that i went shopping a couple months ago and everything else i bought is hiding out in our bedroom already wrapped...
Terri M
I can't remember a last minute gift that was hard to find because i usually shop through the year :s..
the secret santa gif, its difficult to find, Im brand new in an office and i reall dont know what to get for my secret santa!
a winter jacket for my boyfriend. He's really picky!
Amanda Sakovitz
pokergrl8 at
I laways found secret santa for work hard to shop for.
I haven't had any real problems finding things so far for Christmas, but I'll probably have a hard time finding a copy of Skyrim this year :P
I always have a hard time finding CDs last minute
Ashley rexrode
I've never done last minute gifts, but I agree secret santas are hard to shop for.
Well, to be honest. Once christmas rolls around. All my stress leaves and I don't remember what I did or didn't get. I just enjoy family and friends. It is what it is!! Sorry!
As I hate shopping...I find it hard to find anything for anybody! LOL
But..Tickle Me Elmo a few years ago has got to have been the worst!
Power Ranger toys!
castings at mindspring dot com
cheryl c.
I don't usually buy things last minute. Although one year I had a hard time deciding on what bread maker to buy
I usually always buy everything early but finding something for my dad is always hard.
shuttermom77 at gmail dot com
I learned years ago not to wait till the last minute. So I can't think of any hard to find last minute gift. Hurray for me, don't need that stress.
Thanks for the giveaway! (=
I learned years ago not to wait to the last minute to buy gifts.
I can't think think of a hard to find last minute gift. Hurray for me. Do not need that stress.
Thank you for the chance to win your giveaway. Merry Christmas
My daughter wanted a dvd of a band (can't recall which one) that I had a tough time finding. I finally found one on ebay.
jackievillano at gmail dot com
I'm not a last minute shopper. At all. But my hubby is (smile) and I remember he had a terrible time finding a marble rolling pin for me one year. He did find it though - and I love it!
I'm usually finished by the 1st week in December, but the year when the Wii 1st came out was a total pain. I was stalking websites and stores looking for that freaking thing, and I just happen to get a tip for where to buy one. I think that was the most stressful, cutting-it-close gift there has been.
Thanks for the giveaway, Lisa
A pink razor scooter for my daughter. She changed her color choice at the last minute!
2 years ago eldest grandson wanted an HM Forces airplane. Couldn't find one anywhere aargh!
I usually dont have too much of a problem finding last minute gifts.
"What last minute gift you looked for in years past was the hardest to find? Tickle me Elmo! couldn't find one anywhere that year.
My brother wanted a certain videogame which could not be found anywhere!
My mother wanted this very specific printer and me and my brother had to search all around town to find it! And of course she barely uses it!
My Husband wants a collectible Transformer that is almost possible to find
The hardest to find was the perfect wallet for my friend.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I had to find some special tool for my father in law that wasn't hard to find per se. It was hard to find someone who could direct me to where it was in the store and to find it in stock.
I also commented on your 'Hearts of Anemoi' Laura Kay post in November.
Thanks for participating in the hop and for a giveaway opportunity.
The hardest to find was this specific basketball jersey my brother wanted.
Thanks for the great giveaway.
I have an aunt that is hard to shop for and I always pull her name for our families secret santa. I can't find her anything she likes. Nothing at all.
Hardest gift was my friend's favourite band's CD. Man, who knew it's so hard to find a damn CD.
The last minute gift I couldn't find was my mom's favorite perfume
It's usually a gift for my mother. She is impossible to shop for.
icecreamavalanche at gmail dot com
I'm showing my age here, but when the Cabbage Patch kids first came out my oldest daughter wanted one so bad and you couldn't find them anywhere. I had to get on a waiting list and if someone didn't pick one up that was ordered they would call me. A few days before Christmas I received a call from them and I rushed right down to pick it up. I paid a fortune for it, but my daughter was thrilled.
seriousreader at live dot com
I don't have any last minute gifts just me and my mom! I christmas shop early so I don't have any problems!
Thank you for the great giveaway!
tickle me elmo
It's hard buying books for my sister because it's in Chinese.
Emily L
I'm having the hardest time finding two secret santa presents! I have no idea what to get them and I really don't want to get them fruitcake ;)
My mother wanted a pepper grinder that wasn't made of plastic. It was surprisingly hard to find one.
I get my shopping done early so I don't have to deal with getting last minute things but I helped someone look for a last minute gift before. It was a particular watch. We had to go to so many stores to find one.
My daughter wanted a Wii when they first came out and I could not find one anywhere.
My trackpad's glitchy today. My e-mail address, which didn't make it into my first comment because I thought "enter" would move me to the next line rather than submitting the comment, is ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
A Wooden Boat Calender for my husband.
Well hardest gift so far is this year. Hubby came to me the other day and asked for a new snap-on coat for Christmas! I have looked and have yet to find it:( Thank you for the giveaway!!!
Tickle Me Elmo!
One I can think of off the top of my head would be a Hallmark ornament, I always wait to the last min. You would think I would learn my lesson when I can't get the one I want. This year I missed out on a great deal for a Leapfrog Leapster2 for my son. They sold it of my cart...I'm still mad about it :)
My last minute gift I have had to search for is a "Chunky" candy bar for my Dad! They are not always easy to find!
Laurie Carlson
laurieisreading at gmail dot com
The hardest gift for me to find was for my hubby before we got married. I had NO clue what to get for him. He's a tough one to shop for.
A cat shirt/sweater
That would have to be when Tickle Me Elmo was popular, I was trying to find it for my little one (who is now a teen) and I don't think I ever found it for Christmas, but later on for her birthday I did!
Shannon Gallagher
lovescrissangel at hotmail dot com
I can never find a gift for my husband. He's impossible to buy for. So every year, at the last minute, I pick something I hope he'll like, and he politely returns it later. It works for us.
Happy Holidays!
Usually looking for specific movies, cds, or games at the last minute is very hard.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
Thank you for the giveaway!
Happy Holidays!!!
I hate shopping. I prefer to buy everything online if at all possible to avoid going into a mall, LOL! I never leave shopping until the very last minute because I know the hordes will be even worse!
I guess I would have to say that my hubby is the hardest to buy for because he has everything!
Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC Darlene
darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com
It would have to be a tickle me Elmo for my baby cousin... it was always sold out! Thank you for hosting this giveaway and for participating in the Gift Card Giveaway Hop!! I hope you have a wonderful Holiday and stay safe considering the crazy Holiday drivers out there! =)
Also, I hope Santa gives you all you wish for!
GFC Follower: SpadesHighReads
A couple years ago I was trying to find a particular CD, I think it was a Taylor Swift one for my cousin and it just so happened that like all the major retailers were out of stock ._.
Generally the hardest to find at the last minute for me have been either specific movies, cd's, or video games.
Thank you for the giveaway.
I posted comment on the Cover Release for Kerrelyn Sparks Wanted Dead or Alive.
I am usually pretty on top of gifts and don't have to do last minute shopping. Although this year I haven't even started and so I might find myself in that predicament! Yikes!
I usually have all my gifts purchased well in advance. The only trouble I have is when I don't know what to get someone ... usually my husband. So the elusive gift is purely my fault.
Kasee Johnson
when pokemon was popular it was hard to find pokemon cards
The hardest gift to find is clothes for my mom who lives out of state. Her style and likes are different than mine so it is usually easier to send her a gift card and let her buy for herself.
A couple years ago I went all over town trying to find a Nintendo DS.
amandarwest at gmaildotcom
a particular manga/comic book was har to find,
One year my daughter wanted a certain webkinz and I couldn't find it anywhere!! That has never happened since. All shopping done now!!
I had a hard time finding a special video game my son wanted. It was sold out everywhere!
It's hard to find gifts for my dad. I always run around last minute for him. :)
Thank you! Happy Holidays!
GFC: Jasmine Marie
thebookishmama at gmail dot com
old movies on dvd, I love old movies and love to give them as gifts.
ZhuZhu Pets the first year they were out!
kpuleski at gmail dot com
Pretty much any gift for my dad. Last year we tried to find a cool iPad case.
My absolute worst shopping dilemma is finding something every year for my mom who is 87 years old.
At that age they don't really need anything and of course I buy her numerous things throughout the year.
After having give her family oriented presents like family photos etc., I agonize for weeks before finally buying something.
Carol T
buddytho {at} gmail DOT com
Hardest gift to find this year,
is to snag 2 tickets to the
Rammstein Concert tour for my
two boys. Checked on the internet,
for price comparison. Had to go
thru hops it seemed as the tickets
were selling fast. I almost gave
up as I have the horrible flu, but
I knew that they wanted to "rock"
at the loud heavy metal concert.
So I phoned direct to the box
office and got front row seats.
It was a joyful movement to because they have been fans of this German band for years. Hey, I even like them. thanks for letting me share. and thanks for the great book giveaway too. dayleb at telus dot net What mom's do eh.
Posted a comment about the
Thumper award.
I am having trouble finding a pair of men's slippers that do not cost as much as a pair of shoes! Holly Hennessy Swint astroqueen67(at)
I don't do last minute gifts. If it isn't easily found they don't need it.
Definitely the hot toys or video games or gadgets for kids.
A pair of books that I had seen in the sales paper and wasn't able to find in the store
Tickle Me Elmo was a pain to find the year it came out..and a fortune to buy too!
hollow_sins(at)yahoo dot com
A kitten for my brother. It was almost imposible, but I manage. Now I wish I hadn't.
christmas 1996- my nephew's 1st birthday and i had such a hard time finding tickle me elmo...nothing was harder than that!
Tickle Me Elmo was so hard to find:)
I've never had to do that. But I do have those people who are very hard to buy for, like my boyfriend and grandparents.
Cabbage Patch Dolls....years ago!
jmcghee2024 AT yahoo DOT com
Last year my brother wanted a certain toy that I could not find anywhere, it wasn't until the day before Christmas that I found it.
I don't do last minute shopping, because usually the best gift ideas come to me just after the occasion, so I write them down, and then have a whole year to look for the perfect gift.
I always have the most trouble when looking for gifts for my dad, because he has no hobbies that I could buy stuff for apart from computers, and I don't know a lot about that. Socks, scarves and DVDs are boring, and I've already given those some time or another. Last year I've waited looking for so long, that I finally gave up and bought him a bunch of lottery tickets:) And now I'm still looking for a Christmas gift again...
I actually have never had trouble finding something. I usually go shopping with a few things in mind, and it is never something electronic that would maybe be hard to find. I usually buy something that is a necessity.
Some cute makeup stuff for a good friend. I couldn't decide if it would be a good fit for her or not!
The hardest gift to find was the original Super Mario Brothers on the Wii. I've been looking for it everywhere and it's always sold out. I finally got it last night though! :)) lol
A Hello Kitty kid's bracelet because I can't remember in which shop I've seen it before *.*
An attachment for a stand mixer. I think it finally was mailordered and late :(
I hate to say it but it was a Elmo not the tickle me one the Elmo hands. My daughter wanted that in the worst way.
mary_reiss @
I don't have that much people to give presents to so I usually buy them early. If i leave something for the last minute it's to choose something for myself!
bymyself.g at gmail dot com
I've been looking for a good deal on a Acer tablet. When the right price comes up, they're gone before I can blink. Ugh.
snapdragon77 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Thanks God it's never happened to me since I don't really like shopping!
Thanks for the giveaway! =)
A good price on toys it seems like they raise the price on everything at the last minute!
I'm not a last minute shopper. I usually have all of my presents bought by Thanksgiving.
adsanders77 at gmail dot com
I was to trying to help my friend find a digital photo frame about 6 years ago and it was IMPOSSIBLE!
I've been having a hard time finding one of those Fijit friends this year. They were everywhere in November. Now I've waited too long and can't find them.
I have never had a problem finding a last minute gift...yet.
A box of a special type of candy.
One year a Furby was nearly impossible to find.
rebecca.nvcl (at)
Video games!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Nintendo Wii, the year it came out :)
My mom has always been the hardest to buy for because she never wants anything specific, and even when she claims to like something, it usually never gets used.
I left a comment on Cover Release by Kerrelyn Sparks: Wanted Dead Or Alive.
I've never had to find a last minute holiday gift, thankfully!
I think the hardest last minute gift I could find was the Wii when it first came out.
Thanks for this giveaway!
Ollie aka DarkBloodyVamp
Wii game console was the hardest to get when it came out. Stores were always sold out.
The hardest gift to find is ALWAYS for my mother! In general, though, I think the hardest thing to find last minute is anything personalized.
Vampire Academy series book set(1-4) was the last minute gift which is hardest to find(i.e,where i live)
Thanks for the international giveaway!!
GFC name - sweety
I remember when my kids were tiny and Tickle Me Elmo was super hard to find that year.
the twilight series i really want this now for my collection and the other thing is the bears from wall mart
Usually have a hard time finding something for my mom!
thanks, jennifer k.
I spent days looking for a disney princess ride on toy for my Daughter. I finally found one, by accident!
I always make sure to get all my shopping done early, so I've been able to avoid that problem so far.
The hardest gift to find several years ago was a Tickle Me Elmo doll/ My sister called me in NJ (she lives in Iowa) to try to find this. After about two weeks of looking, I finally found one. Thanks for the giveaway.
video games are always hard to find last minute here
Whatever "hot" toy it is that year, that's what my nieces and nephews want! I remember Tickle Me Elmo was practically impossible to find.
hmmm...i'm not sure, it has been a LONG time since i wasn't able to find a specific item i was looking for. more often i have trouble picking out a gift for someone. my dad is hard to shop for. at least hard to pick out something that i think he'll like, though i did well for last fathers day and his birthday last year. my sister can also be challenging to shop for as items i think she'll like the most tend to be too pricey for my budget. and i like to try to avoid just a gift card if i can.
thank you for this great giveaway! i also have a participating blog in this awesome giveaway hop!
Happy Holidays!
The Tickle me Elmo from a few years back was hard to find.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
We tried to find a Wii Fit Plus game and board a year or two ago and it was impossible. We ended up having to put one on hold for the store's next shipment because they were sold out everywhere.
I could NOT think what to buy my Mother so last minute I'm hunting around looking for her favorite perfume.
my dad is always the hardest to shop for. he's not your manly man sort so tools and most other stereotypical guy gifts are out. I usually end up going with costco chocolate, which is pretty sad!
Its always the gift for my mom. Every year.
Nintendo Wii was my last hard to get item.
Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u (at) yahoo (dot) com
Happy Holidays! Thanks for the great giveaway and for participating in this blog hop! When my son was young, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were a big thing. We had a difficult time trying to find the fourth TMNT but after enlisting the help of family members, we were finally able to locate that last one!
My kids always want the most popular video games that is usually sold out
s2s2 at comcast dot net
I remember hunting all over for a tickle me elmo years ago.
Robin Blankenship
I can't remember the last minute gifts I have had to buy but I found that getting a Nightmare Before Christmas Snuggie was hard to obtain.
wingedpersephone at gmail dot com
Normally my in-laws are hard to shop for. This year I shopped for them online and it was so much better :)
That would be the Wii a couple years ago!!! It was sooo hard to get! Finally had to sit out in the cold on Thanksgiving morning. (not black Friday, Thanksgiving!) for a sale and they only got 3 in!! Thank goodness we were 2nd in line!
Last minute shopping is so much of fun! I usually don't understand what to gift guys, so I leave that for the last minute and just end up buying sweets or treats! That works. :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Shopping for my brother! He never wants anything but I want to give him something! I never know what to get!
This year I had a hard time finding the Air Hogs Fly Crane Helicopter. Every time we went to Walmart, it was sold out! I finally did get one on sale though. :-)
I would have to say that this year I've been looking for a specific Monster High doll for my niece and have not been able to find it yet. Well, actually I have found it, but what should be a doll that at the most will cost $20, costs $50 at the places that I have found it. I love my niece, but I'm gonna keep trying to find it somewhere else thank you very much.
Actually this year we really wanted to get our son a Buzz Lightyear but I waited till a week ago to actually look for one... I ended up having to order it online and pay 25.00 for shipping (yuck) and now I have to pray that it will make it here for Christmas!! But it will be worth it to see my sons face when he opens it!
One of my friends has every book imaginable, even ARC (okay, not EVERY book, but YA books) and finding gifts for her, especially when she'd love some more books more than anything, has been incredibly difficult so far. I have no idea what I'm going to get her at all!
The book "Dune" - my hubby wanted this and couldn't find it. Now, he has 2 copies :)
mandalarctic at gmail dot com
the hardest to find last year was a pair of slippers for my sister. she has a specific design in mind.
Toys are always hard to find. Especially those one of a kind limited edition types. :)
surprisingly it was paper weight xD
Thankfully I've never had a hard time finding a last minute gift.
years ago it was tickle me elmo
msboatgal at
I'd say something Star Wars...maybe a Millennium Falcon many years ago. Or the Ghostbusters Firehouse. Something toy-wise anyway. Cabbage Patch Kids were almost impossible in 1984.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Hmm the hardest find for me was certain posters I needed to get!
Shopping for my husband, he has everything, never know what to buy him.
the gift for my dad. Every single years.
I have found certain books impossible to fine (out of print). edysicecreamlover18@gmailDOTcom Thank you!
A gift for my father.. he is difficult to shop for on a good day and I was unfortunately unable to get to any stores until christmas eve.
crystalmarieporter at gmail dot com
this year I have looked all over for an affordable laptop - I missed black friday so I think I am out of luck!
great giveaway
follow via gfc
My dad is always the hardest to buy for.
He usually gets giftcards because I never know what to get him.
earthsbooknook at gmail dot com
I think Secret Santas are always hard to shop for. But friends are also hard to shop for. :)
Secret Santas are always kinda hard for me, also gifts for my mom, is so complicated to give her something good!!
thanks for the giveaway
I'm always lucky when it comes to buying something for me lol I usually buy books online so it's often easier to find. And the plus side is that they are cheaper than in physical bookstores.
I can't think of one for year's past. This year we had trouble finding the LeapPad, but were finally successful.
I always buy early but this year I'm still trying to find my hubby a ipod touch for a good price!
It's the hardest to find a present for my Secret Santa person. This person is my friend's boyfriend who's new to our group of friends. So I didn't know what to get him. I had to ask my friend for help. My friend said to buy something from Harry Potter World b/c we were all going to Florida for vacation so that was the perfect opportunity to get something Harry Potter :)
Chen Chang
I rarely have to look for last minute gifts - Christmas shopping is one of the few things I don't procrastinate on!
It seems like the hardest to find things though are always those that you never expect. For example, I wanted to get my sister some pretty coasters for her new house, but for some reason I never see much of a selection in stores - they're such a common item I assumed they'd be easy.
The hardest gift to find was the nintendo wii the year is came out. I went to some stores, it was crazy.
I'm not really a last-minute shopper, so I don't really run into problems. My biggest problem is deciding what to get some of my harder to buy for friends and family.
Sometimes I wait until the last minute to buy my dad a gift because he's hard to shop for. I usually end up getting him a gift certificate.
One year, don't remember-too long ago- I had a terrible time finding my daughter a certain doll she wanted. I think that is why I start shopping around September. All I have left this year is a few gift cards, which will not take much time:)
I usually get my gifts early. I worked at Walmart for ten years so I know the routine. I never wait until the last minute. It is too crowded and everything is picked over.
I almost always wait until the last minute to buy a gift for my husband because he's almost impossible to buy for -- he never seems to like anything I get, probably because we can't afford the things he'd really like -- sigh.
Thank you for the giveaway.
The hardest gift to find this year was a very specific-looking tackle box for my mother.
2much2reid {at} comcast {dot} net
A gift for my cousin! He's big and he has a different taste so it was difficult to find a tshirt for him :)
monette_893 at hotmail dot com
A electronic diary for my daughter.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I haven't really run into this problem. This is the first year that I've really had money to buy presents. Also, I'm not really a last minute shopper.
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