Philosophy is defined as a theory underlying or regarding a sphere of activity or thought. Well, my theory is if I can add at least 10 new books to my Wishlist and move at least 5 older Wishlist selections to my TBR list every month, then life is a ice cream sundae. And if I can find those 10 books from at least 5 new blogs each month then that's the cherry on top.


Well, I've made it almost 5 years now, so for better or worse, I continue on. I tend to blog in spurts as the urge to be creative erupts. As I don't have an artistic bone in my body, you will see very few changes in the layouts. Hey, I'm a reader not an artist like so many of the awesome bloggers I follow. I know you don't always have the time but if you stopped and looked, take a half a minute and say your piece. Recommend a book that you have enjoyed or hated for that matter. Thank you to all who visit.
Oh, and I moved my Google Friend Connect info and share this buttons to the top, as without our friends, who are we?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

SPOOKTACULAR Giveaway Hop Oct 24th to 31st

 Spooktacular 10-24 till 10-31
Co-hosted by Rhianna @ TheDiaryofaBookworm and
Winners will be chosen by Rafflecopter.

What's your favorite trick or treat candy?

Contest will be open internationally.
I will be giving away a $10 Amazon/Barnes and Noble Gift card or
I'll let you chose a book from Book Depository
up to $10 and as long as they ship free to you,
you can enter.
Just make sure they ship to you. If not sure,  check here.
I love to win Gift Cards and these are the simplest and the best as far as I'm concerned.
For every 50 brand new followers, I'll give away another $10 Gift card or
book from Book Depository.
Book Depository
Hope you'll take the time to look around,
make a comment or two.
I am number 9
and Bookworm Lisa  is in front of me
and Kid Lit Frenzy is behind me.
WOW! There are over 400 blogs participating! How awesome is that!
Click HERE for the full list of participating bloggers on the hop.
This is a great way to meet more bloggers, win books, gift cards and more!

 Be sure and check out the  GIVEAWAY: "Destined" by PC & Kristin Cast

                                                                Ends 11/6

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1 – 200 of 475   Newer›   Newest»
~April~ said...

My favorite Halloween candy is Reeses Cups.

ebaker said...

My favorite trick or treat candy is Twix! I love the caramel!

Unknown said...

Wow thats a hard choice since I LOVE chocolate, probably almond joy or reeses pb cups.

Great giveaway, thanks for the chance!

unforgetable_dreamer_always (at) hotmail (dot) com

Stacey Brucale said...

I love your bunnies!! My favorite would have to be snickers!!


Unknown said...

My favorite candy would have to be candy corn! I eat it so much around Halloween that I get sick off of it until he next year lol

Ty for the entry!


Unknown said...

I totally LOVE to steal my kid's peanut butter cups!!!!!

throuthehaze said...

I like mini Snickers bars :) Thanks for the giveaway!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

anme said...

Thank you for the giveaway!

my favorite candy to get on Halloween was Nerds.

Benji @ The Non Reluctant Reader said...

I love Dots. Those things = :-)

AmyG@YA-Sisterhood said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway!!!

Susan @ The Book Bag said...

My fav is Twix! I always had to 'save' my kids from a Twix overload by eating them myself. What a great mom, huh? lol


My Favorite candy is Reese's cups any time of year!!!


Unknown said...

Oh, I love when ppl give away popcorn balls :) I love those!!

Ronalee said...

My favorite is tootsie rolls.


Nicole Zoltack said...

Pumpkin reese's peanut butter cups. Yum! Thanks for the giveaway!


Stephanie said...

Anything chocolate! I loved those houses that gave away full sized candy bars!!

aurora M. said...

What's your favorite trick or treat candy? I adore Black Jacks and not many people give them out anymore so It makes it that much more special when I do get one...It's the first thing I eat.

Rochelle said...

Favorite Halloween candies are Smarties!

Thanks for the contest

trublujo said...

I love candy bars mostly Reese Peanut butter cups

Jodi Trudel

Linda Kish said...

I like the junior tootsie rolls.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Julie D. said...

Reese cups are my favorite halloween candy. Cute bunny pics!

Ren said...

Chocolate candies always the best! =)

sawamura_foxman AT yahoo DOT com

Dani @ Refracted Light said...

I love jawbreakers... and tootsie rolls... and smarties... and...

Oh whatever, I'm an equal opportunity candy lover. ;)

Kati said...

The new Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kisses. Delicious!

Kati R

The Brunette Librarian said...

I love love Candy corn!

Kaetrin said...

We don't really do Halloween in Australia (although it is becoming more popular with the kidlets nowadays). I'd say chocolate - does that count as candy?

latishajean said...

My favorite is Reese's peanut butter cups yummy! Thank you for the great giveaway!

Ange said...

My favourite chocolate would have to be Kinder Chocolate.

moonlightreader1908 at gmail dot com

June M. said...

I do love chocolate. My faves would probably be either Butterfingers or Snickers.

buddyt said...

I love the peanut butter cups.


Carol T

buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

Donna said...

peanut butter cups

Bekka said...

Candy corn! Especially the pumpkins Brach's makes.

FairyWhispers said...

Lidnt Chocolates!

the best


Maegan Morin said...

To be completely honest my favorite candy's were always the Molasses Kisses. They were soooo good!!

megnate at telus dot net

Unknown said...

i love maryjane's i always have!
good luck to all!!

Unknown said...

I always liked those sour candies that looked like little disks and had the goofy looking face with the steam coming out of the ears on the wrappers. I forget the name.


Anonymous said...

definitely kit kat bars, aeros and reese cups!

Birgit said...

Anything that says "Belgium Chocolate" they are the best!
danaan at gmx dot at

Anonymous said...

Sorry, forgot to put my email address:


Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Too bad that we don't have a trick-or-treat tradition here in the Philippines but nonetheless we give away candies to kids on the halloween. My fave treat would be anything chocolate-y or with caramel. I have a weakness for those. :)

Alexis @ Reflections of a Bookaholic said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Alicia said...

Candy corns all the way.

Kathy Ann Coleman said...

My favorite candy at Halloween are Reese Peanut Butter Cups, because they always make me think of the commercial done for them in the 90s where they had vampire fang marks in the candy along with "There's no wrong way to eat a Reeses's".

Anonymous said...

I would have to say that I love anything chocolate-y or anything caramel. Too bad though that we don't observe trick-or-treat tradition in the Philippines but we do give kids candies during Halloween. It's a lot of fun! :)

Ashlyn_Jai said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Elizabeth T. said...

I enjoy Hershey's Cookies and Cream chocolate bars. Thanks for the giveaway!

Have a wonderful day!

Elizabeth T. said...

Oh, I forgot to add...


brendajean said...

I confiscate all the Big Hunk or Pixie Stix each year:)

bchild5 at aol dot com

Jasmine Rose said...

I'm thinking Reese's Pieces and Butterfinger are my favorite candies for Halloween. RP are even Halloween colored!
I also love Sour Patch Kids. Oooh I wonder if they have Halloween themed Sour Patch Kids...

Sonia said...

In Italy we don't have a real Halloween Tradition, but any excuse will do for eat candy. I love anything from Kinder.

MommysYAaddiction said...

I love candy corn!!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite trick or treat candy is candy corn.

mk said...

I've never celebrated Halloween as you guys do so I don't have a favorite Halloween candy....
Thanks for the giveaway!

Fizzingwhizbee said...

Candy corn is my favorite trick-or-treat candy! Very festive :D


Bex said...

My favorite trick or treat candy is the same as my favorite candy: chocolate! Mmmhhhh... nothing can beat that! ;)

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

My favorite trick or treat candy is Reese's Peanut Butter Cups ヅ *Thanks* for the giveaway!

mandala said...

I like Hersheys Dark Chocolate and Reeses. Thanks!
mandalarctic at gmail dot com

Maji Bookshelf said...

I LOVE Reese Chocolate the cups ones, and also hershy's kiss chocolate =D

- juhina

Eva's Flowers said...

My favorite candy is anything dark chocolate! :)

Eva's Flowers said...

The rafflecopter didn't give me the chance to leave my name or here it is...


Anonymous said...

My favorite is candy corn.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

We don't really do Halloween candy over here lol, but when it comes to sweets - you cannot beat some Haribo! :D It's especially amusing watching my dad eat any as it immediately reverts to a hyper 5 years old!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Rebecca said...

My favourite candy would be bounty bars. I absolutely love coconut and chocolate.

Anonymous said...

Reese's peanut butter cups! The little ones, so I can pop the whole thing in my mouth. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Nakoya said...

I would have to say Milky Ways. Love those. Thanks for the giveaway!

Norman Roy said...

Favorite Candy? "White Rabbit" i dont know its that available in the other countries but it tastes sooo good here in the Philippines!

Irene Jackson said...

mini smarties. I still sort them into colours before I eat them the same as I did as a child!

Anonymous said...

Full size Milky Ways!

Unknown said...

We don't have trick or treating here but I have eaten Reeses Peanut Butter Cups before and loved them!!

Agrippina Legit said...

They're only JUST starting to try to bring in trick or treating in Aus, so I've never done it. But I never say no to Sweet Tarts ;)

Anonymous said...

I like anything chocolatey!!

Thanks for the giveaway, Lisa.

Ellie said...

Chocolate aside, I think my favourite Halloween candy is toffee or chocolate apples. With sprinkles! I know they're more of a Bonfire Night thing, but I don't have them otherwise. I cut the apple off the stick and save the toffee/most chocolatey bits until last... :)

Jasmine1485 said...

I've never been trick or treating, as I live in Australia but some of my favourite lollies are jellybeans, sour gummy worms and Sherbies (chewy lollies filled with sherbet), yum!

kate1485 at

Ellie said...

Chocolate aside, I think my favourite Halloween candy is toffee or chocolate apples. With sprinkles! I know they're more of a Bonfire Night thing, but I don't have them otherwise. I cut the apple off the stick and save the toffee/most chocolatey bits until last... :)

miki said...

haribo candies^^

thanks you for the giveaway


Stephanie O. said...

My favorite candy is Milk Duds.

Stephanie O.

Carol L. said...

One of my favorites is the M&M's pretzels candy. Great giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Tynga said...

My favorite are the mini chocolate bar ^^
Thanks for the giveaway!

Carol L. said...

Thanks for participating in the Blog Hop and the chance to win.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Dominique said...

I like the Heath Bars.

couponcookie at gmail dot com

holdenj said...

Reese's Peanut Butter cups are my favorite treat!

Mary Kirkland said...

My favorite trick or treating candy is butterfingers. I like most candy bars but those are my favorite.

humanecats said...

Smarties are my favorite.

(Ericka Todd)

humanecats at gmail dot com

Amy delong said...

my favorite is twix

Luvdaylilies said...

My favorite Halloween candy is Twizzlers=)
Thanks so much!
Lethea B
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net

Unknown said...

i love toffee apples i cant get enough of them


Anonymous said...

I Love Candy Corn

Memrie said...

I love Hershey's Mr. Goodbars :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Happy Halloween!


Mary Ellen said...

My favorite is Tootsie Rolls.

Thank you for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

My favorite Halloween candies are gummy bears :P

Michele said...

I am a big Smarties (USA) fan, also the black and orange peanut butter chewy candy, not sure what they are called lol

Tiffany Holme said...

I would have to go with skittles or chocolate bars. Preferably chocolate/coconut lol but it's a take what you get givin thing and really I love it all:)
Thank you for being a part of this blog hop and the giveaway!!

trinity said...

My favorite candy is Candy corn. :)
Trinity Blacio

Tiffany Holme said...

p.s. LOVE the bunnies :D

ikkinlala said...

Tough choice! I haven't been trick or treating in years, and when I did I lived in a small enough place that my neighbours gave us some interesting stuff. Of the standard trick or treat stuff, though, I think my favourite is probably Snickers.

Darlene said...

Mmmmmmm, I just love Reese Peanut Butter Cups!

Thanks for the giveaway!

darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

1grown2togo said...

I love reese's candy for trick or treaters

Shari Lynn Alligood

Katie said...

the marshmallows. i love those!!! and they are so cute in the pumpkin forms

Adriana C said...

My favorite candy is CHOCOLATE!

loves to dive said...

I have two favorites, both old fashioned and hard to find. I love the orange/black peanut butter taffey things and the necco wafer candies.
lvs2dv at gmail dot com

Shari Jung said...

Favorite Candy...generally I just would say plain ole Hershey Chocolate Bars, but I have discovered White Chocolate Candy Corn flavored M&Ms lately and I can't get enough!

Anonymous said...

Oh, it's M&M's :) It's sooo delicious! :)

Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I love anything with chocolate. ;P Such cute bunnies!
thanks for the giveaway!

kah_cherub at hotmail dot com

Janhvi said...

I love any kind of candy but my favorite is Hersheys and M&Ms.

justjanhvi at gmail dot com

AshleyS said...

I love bottlecaps, smarties, and reeses and three musketeers...yum!

ashleylittlehandprintsdaycare at yahoo dot com

Sharon Stogner said...

popcorn balls!!! does that count as candy? if not then 100 Grand bars :)

Hot Off the Shelves said...

I like Reese's - either the cups or the pieces. Peanut butter M&M's are nice too. Pretty much anything chocolate and peanut butter.

Ashley Prince said...

My favorite candy is anything chocolate. Preferably Milky Way or 3 Musketeers.

NovelKatie said...

My favourite candy are these chocolate eclair sweets - toffee with a chocolate centre!

Thanks for a great giveaway!


Anonymous said...

My fav. Halloween candy is flavored candy corn. I like the blackberry cobbler candy corn Walmart sells. However, a little goes a LOOOONNNGGG way. lol

desitheblonde said...

i like the namals you have cute
but the candy i like is chocolate but i like the candy corn

Unknown said...

My fave Halloween Candy is either Milky Way or Twix

kissyjensen at gmail dot com

Maureen said...

Milky Ways are my favorite.
mce1011 AT aol DOT com

Tabitha said...

Resses Cups are my fav treat!

kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews said...

M&Ms! I can munch on them any day! :)

dailymom said...

My favorite trick or treat candy is Snickers!

iffath said...

I don't have a favourite.. any kind of chocolate ROCKS!!!

LorettaLynn//Temprance said...

When i was younger, i know this is bad but i loved to tp houses :) It was just fun and i love Candy corn!
Great giveaway:)
elliott2668(at) yahoo(dot) com

Sarika Patkotwar said...

Thanks for hosting the giveaway! We don't celebrate much of Halloween in India, but I think chocolate would be the best candy! :)

Giada M. said...

Twix is one of my favorite. Thank you for this giveaway! :D

Giada M.

fabgiada (at) gmail (dot) com

Jeryl M. said...

My favorite Halloween candy is anything chocolate especially Twix and Milky Ways.

Reading Away The Days said...

My fave halloween candy is lollys in any flavour!!!

iOaNa... said...

I'm in love with Snickers! :X

Anonymous said...

Any kind of chocolate works for me. I think Snickers are my favorite. Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

My favorite Halloween treat is candy corn.
Thank you!

S a n d r a said...

We don't play trick or treat here so I don't have one... :(

leersinlimites @ hotmail . es

Hannah said...

I'm not one for trick or treating, but my favorite Halloween candy is candy pumpkins. Seriously, I live off those things from Sept.-Oct. LOL

Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Mini Nestle bars. I have to steer clear of them this year, but I'll probably break down and have at least a couple.

Lala77 said...

Reeses Peanut Butter Cups and Twix.
Thank you,
bookloon at gmail dot com

Michele said...

anything that is chocolate!! FOr sure

jmluker at winco dot net

SandyG265 said...

I liek peanut butter cups.

Demijel said...

Twix! Or sour skittles (or anything sour really~)

Jolene and Family said...

Mini Baby Ruth's...YUMMMMM :)


Bwyatt said...

Happy Halloween! My favorite trick or treat candy is snickers. Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

White chocolate stuff!

thecanticlekingdom at gmail dot com

KaeliH said...

butterfinger minis..mmmm
kaeli hines
kohines at gmail dot com

Jennifer G. said...

Kit Kats and Milk Duds were always my favorite candies to get for Halloween. I'm still known to eat a Kit Kat every now and then :D

Zara said...

Mine would be Snickers

Lin Ryals said...

I love Peanut Butter Cups and Mary Janes. Mmmmmm...

ily said...

I don't have a favorite Halloween candy.... because in Italy not all people celebrate halloween.

Dovile said...

We don't celebrate Halloween over here, so I don't have favorite trick or treat sweets, but I just love chocolate, especially from the Schogetten brand.

BookStacksOnDeck said...

Candy Corn! :D
-Heather @BookStacksOnDeck

Anonymous said...

I love your bunnies! So cute!

Favorite Halloween candy? I always liked the little Carmilk bars, but this year I'm on a diet and don't get any. :(

Ella Bella

Chey said...

Kit Kat bars! Thanks for the giveaway!

Dovile said...

I was so distracted by thinking about my favorite Schogetten chocolate, that I forgot to leave my email:)

spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

DhesiX said...

In my country we dont celebrate halloween, but I'd hardly have a favorite.. every candy can come... yummy!! ;)

Thanks for the giveaway!


Unknown said...

I love peanut butter cups or snickers!

Andrea said...

My favorites are the M&M snack packs!

Kerry-Ann said...

Ohhh I'm 18 but I still love love the little choclate balls you get with like the tin foil over them and the tine foil is like roange with green pumpkins on them or black with a green skull! I love them lol the choclate is YUMMY!!!

Thanks for the awesome giveaway :) Following your blog looking forward to reading your reviews and future interviews :) xxxxx

debbie said...

I like almond joy or special dark bars.

Celticlady's Reviews said...

My favorite Halloween Candy is chocolate, anything chocolate works for me. Thanks for participating in giveaway!! I am #212

Nicole Larsen said...

My favorite is Reese's PB cups of kit kats!

ham1299 said...

I am such a candy junkie that I just have the hardest time picking! Some of my favorites:

Take 5, Milk Duds, Twizzlers ...

erin said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway! This hop is amazing!

I'd have to say that my fav T or T candy would have to be 3 muskeeters. Yum :)

fishgirl182 said...

it's hard to pick a favorite but i am a big fan of snickers and twix. mmm thanks for the giveaway!

Adelina Priddis said...

the green tootie fruities. Yes I will pick them out of my kids baskets :)

Tiffany Drew said...

Definitely Reeses Peanut Butter Cups! Delicious :)

Andrea @ The Busy Bibliophile said...

Definitely Reese's Peanut Butter Cups!

Mia J. said...

I am just a big fan of candy. I like m&m's and twix and candy corn......

mia at jacobsracing dot com

samantha35 said...

My favorite is Candy corn!
great giveaway
follow via gfc

Jennifer Mathis said...

I love those little milky ways . They seem not so bad for you til you reliazed you ate more hehehe

Amanda said...

CHOCOLATE. Anything chocolate, I'm not picky. :)

Marjorie/cenya2 said...

I like candy corn or chips.

Ally said...

Definitely Dots :)
Thank you for the giveaway!

Dani Cotton said...

My favourite is anything to do with orange or white chocolate - YUM!

Anonymous said...

My favorite are Kit Kats! Thanks for the giveaway!

missnobodyblog (at) gmail (dot) com

Tasha said...

candy corn...thanks for the giveaway

Andra Lyn said...

I love reese cups!! :)

andralynn7@ gmail DOT com

Read for your future! said...

My favorite halloween candy is candy corn

Natalie Frampton said...

i live in the uk so my fave is halloween haribo sweets

Read for your future! said...

My favorite Halloween candy is Candy Corn

Marg @ Clockwork Reverie said...

I'm a chocolate anything made of chocolatey goodness will make me happy. However, if I had to pick just one favorite, it would have to be Twix.

Thanks for the giveaway! Happy Halloween!


Jess said...

i would say reese cups.

j.hansen1709 at

Simčila said...

We haven't halloween at Slovakia, but still if we could have... I think, that it could be chocolate or candies. I love candies!
GFC: Stormy Whisper

Katie Dalton said...

Fav candy would have to be Mounds or Almond Joy's!!! Woot!

Alex Taylor Wolfe said...

Favorite? Just about anything chocolate, but mini Snickers are probably at the top.

Alex Liz R. said...

I am a big fan of candy corn especially the big pumpkin ones.

Amanda Welling said...

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are my fav!!


BLHmistress said...

My favorite Halloween candy is smarties.

Candace said...

Symphony candy bars are my favorite but I've cut sugar so no candy this year :(

Dollycas said...

Candy Corn and Milky Ways!!

Anonymous said...

I adore snickers!

Aeicha @ Word Spelunking said...

Starbursts or Snickers FTW!

Aeicha @ Word Spelunking

Jenn C said...

Twix bars and Candy Corn are my weaknesses at Halloweeen! Thanks!


Bitsy Bling Books said...

My favorite are Butterfingers. I dig through all the candy just to find them. Yum!


Dayen said...

We don't celebrate Halloween in Slovak republic :(
What a pity.
But I'm sure I will love anything made of chocolate.

Great giveaway, really.

GFC: Dayen Leah
dayenleah [at] gmail [dot] com

Unknown said...

My favorite candy are Hairbo Gummy Bears. Not many people give them out for Halloween candy; but, I do so I can spread the love.

Happy Reading,
Bona Fide Reflections

IngaSilberg said...

I like chocolate and "gummy-bears"!

Thanks for the giveaway!


GFC inga

inga from

Dayen said...

Oh, and these pictures of bunnies are sooooo lovely ! <3

Michelle said...

I love twix and candy corn.
cmichellehofer AT gmail DOT com

Jana said...


Rea said...

I luuuurve your bunnies! I don't think mine would ever let me put a pirate hat on him, though! XD

My fave Halloween sweets? I used to adore getting Chuppa Chups or however you spell it. There's just something about them!!

Gena @ Life With Captain Fussybuckets said...

I'm a sucker for anything chocolate... except Butterfingers!

Ricki said...

Not really Halloweeny, but Swedish Fish - I love the Halloween sized packets.

Jeshu~ said...

Gotta love smarties!!! they're delicious, and my daughter loves them as welll

Jeshu~ said...

Gotta love smarties!!! they're delicious, and my daughter loves them as welll

Sarbee said...

Hmmmm, I think my favorite Halloween candy is the little package of Twizzlers! I love me some licorice! :)


Diane said...

Reeses Peanut Butter Cup are my favorites!!!
Awesome Hop!

dsadler53 at yahoo dot ca

Ana Norte said...

My favorite candy is Kit-Kat!!
Irrestible!! Hehehe

Litza said...

My favorite Halloween candy? I'm a sucker for these little caramel creme thingies... yum!

Thanks for the giveaway!

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