Philosophy is defined as a theory underlying or regarding a sphere of activity or thought. Well, my theory is if I can add at least 10 new books to my Wishlist and move at least 5 older Wishlist selections to my TBR list every month, then life is a ice cream sundae. And if I can find those 10 books from at least 5 new blogs each month then that's the cherry on top.


Well, I've made it almost 5 years now, so for better or worse, I continue on. I tend to blog in spurts as the urge to be creative erupts. As I don't have an artistic bone in my body, you will see very few changes in the layouts. Hey, I'm a reader not an artist like so many of the awesome bloggers I follow. I know you don't always have the time but if you stopped and looked, take a half a minute and say your piece. Recommend a book that you have enjoyed or hated for that matter. Thank you to all who visit.
Oh, and I moved my Google Friend Connect info and share this buttons to the top, as without our friends, who are we?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Winners will be chosen by
 by blogs Page Turners  and
Splash Into Summer Giveaway Hop
will run from  12:01 AM on May 25
till 11:59PM on May 31.
Contest will be open Internationally. 

 I will be giving away a $10 Amazon Gift/Barnes and Noble ecard or you can choose a book up to $10 from Book Depository and as long as they ship free to you, you can enter. Just make sure they ship to you. If not sure,  check here I love to win Gift Cards and these are the simplest and the best as far as I'm concerned.
For every 50 new followers I get, I'll give away an extra $10 gift cards/Book Depository book. Hope you'll take the time to look around, make a comment or two and offer any suggestions. 
Giveaway Details per the Grandbuns!

To enter giveaway please follow this blog on Goggle Friend Connect, comment telling me where you would go on vacation if money was no object and then fill out the form here.
Last Day to Enter is May 31th 11:59 PM EST
Usually, I offer extra entries for comments on non-contest blogs but I've been busy,buzy working in the yard, (flowers, flowers, flowers) attending graduations, motorcycle riding in the gorgeous mountains, and reading till my eyes bleed. Unfortunately, I've not written any reviews lately. (I've set aside the whole weekend to get caught up --we'll see).
 So, anywhere you comment, retweet, share on Facebook, follow me , just in general share the summer loving, I'll add an extra entry to your name (be sure and leave email address as this is how I tag you).
Enjoy the Hop, meet new and old friends, find that one golden treasure that's going to be your read of the summer and take away a smile- from my home to yours!

I am number 18 and Taming the Bookshelf (US) is in front of me and
Helen Smith (Int) is behind me. Click here for the full list of participating bloggers on the hop, over 200 blogs participating. This is a great way to meet more bloggers, win books, gift cards and more!!


1 – 200 of 239   Newer›   Newest»
Kara_Malinczak said...

If money was no object, Japan, China, Italy, Australia. I have many.

lindsey hutchison @ United By Books said...

if money wasnt a object i would be going all over europe. no joke i would be in england, spain, italy, greece, then paris and amsterdam. i have so many places on my i wish i could go there list.

thanks for such a awesome giveaway and blog hop

June M. said...

I would go to to Great Britian (England, Scotland, Ireland) then hop on over to Europe. Of course, this would cost alot of money and will take time so I guess I had better win the lotto! LOL

Janelle said...

Longtime follower in GFC! I'd go the Seychelle Islands and rent a private villa! Thanks for a chance to win this fantabulous giveaway!

Unknown said...

Id love to go to the Usa !!! Im from Australia and so many of my fab authors live In the Us or nearby !! Id make sure that someone had a book signing !!! ;) thanks for the giveaway ladies !!


Marg @ Clockwork Reverie said...

Hmmm, there are so many places that I would want to visit. Therefore, if money was not an issue, I would choose to go on one of those "around the world" cruises.

Thanks for the giveaway!!

Devony said...

Money's no object? Awesome! We'd be on a plane to Europe! I'd love to take my hubby and kids! thanks for the giveaway! GFC follower - Devony
wilsondev at gmail dot com

donnas said...

I would go to Sidney.

Rachel said...

If money were no object, I would totally go to Italy and Greece. Lifelong dream!

hopester777 at gmail dot com

buddyt said...

Thanks for the giveaway and hope you have a great summer.

My most ardent travel wish is to take a voyage through the Antarctic.
However these trips are very expensive and the best ones last 28 days !

So at the moment I can only dream.

I am a Follower via GFC.

Carol T

buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

jeanette8042 said...

I would travel to Italy with its amazing art, food and beautiful coasts.

Irene Jackson said...

If money was no object I would holiday in New zealand and go to all the locations the Lord of the Rings trilogy was filmed. Those panoramic views are stunning !

Georgia said...

I would probably travel all around Europe, visiting all the historical places, if only I could afford it!!

Thanks for the giveaway :D

Patricia's Particularity said...

If money was not an issue I would go back to England for summer vacation. I love it there so much!

Patricia @ Patricia's Particularity

SarahSparrow said...

If money were no object, I'd visit New Zealand, no question.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Memrie said...

I would love to go to Altanis
Paradise Island, Bahamas.


Mary Preston said...

I would go to Egypt: sail down the Nile, visit all the tombs & pyramids. Go home loaded with loot - fake or not.

Mel u said...

thanks for this contest-if money were no object I would go to India!-I am a new GFC follower

Nicki J. Markus / Asta Idonea said...

I would go to Prague as it is my favourite city. I love to wander those old streets, eating langose!

Jasmine1485 said...

If money was no object I'd go to Italy and travel around, gathering recipes, tasting local delicacies and generally enjoying myself :)

kate1485 at

Unknown said...

So, hi! My name is Alexandra and I'm kind of new in all these hops and giveaways, but I think they are an amazing way to get to know more people and authors.
Thanks for the giveaway. And yes, I'm following you right now^^


Bleuette said...

If many wasn't an object than I'd love to go to Spain or France.

kai (amaterasu) said...

If money's not a problem? Woah. I'd love to go back to Japan! I miss visiting the temples, and Disney. But mainly because I want to experience snow and see the Sakura blooming. :)

thanks for the giveaway!

Sarah M said...

If money were no object, I'd love to go to Italy.

Hanna @ Booking in Heels said...

Hmm. I think I'd go to Russia - not particularly warm, I know, but I love their culture.

Failing that, possibly Thailand?

Victorique de Blois said...

If money was no object I'd go to Paris and Italy. After that I would tour the world then go to outer space to see what other planets look like :)

Mona said...

Thanks for the giveaway :)
If money were no object, I'd take the PALACE ON WHEELS train trip through India and/or an ALASKAN CRUISE.

Mona said...

Twitter follower(@Kulmona) and Tweet

throuthehaze said...

If money were no object I would want to go to England, Germany, and Ireland.

Serene said...

I would love to go to Paris and visit the Louvre Museum. Been a dream to visit there ever since i watched Da vinci Code =D

Mona said...

If money was no object, i would go to Hawaii and Alaska.

StacyUFI said...

I would love to visit Ireland

Kat said...

I would tour Europe for the entire summer... and if I had time left over, I'd head to Australia and Fiji and Japan. :) Great giveaway-- I wish you an awesome summer! :) New follower, btw.

Misha said...

If money was no object, I would go on a tour of Europe.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Sarah Reads Too Much said...

I would go around the world. The vacation would last for an entire year. I would obviously need to stock up on the ebooks to do it though!

Stephanie said...

I would LOVE to take my family to Disney World for two weeks, then take a Disney cruise. =)
steph4575 at msn dot com

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I would go the Finland. I would love to see those lakes and those beautiful mountains :P I hope I will get there someday :P
And thanks for the giveaway :)

Unknown said...

I would go to Italy!

Unknown said...

I'm a gfc friend.
If I didn't have to depend on money, I'd like to travel all over the United States, then spend some time at Canada and London. *-*

kah_cherub at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I would love to go to Australia!

Thank you for the opportunity<3

ani hearts japan said...

If money were no object, I would spend two weeks in Hong Kong and two weeks in Japan.

aniwilsonintx at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I would probably go to Fiji ( or a similar place) & stay in a luxurious resort.

Deborah Julene said...

I would go to the Wizarding World in Florida. Then I'd head over to Europe to visit some castles!

Thanks for this amazing giveaway!

Nikita said...

If money wasn´t a object I would go to Bora Bora. Check the pictures of it, isn´t it look amazing? =D

Thank you for the giveaway! =)

Nikita --

Unknown said...

I would go to Egypt!
amandarwest at gmaildotcom

Sassy said...

If money wasn't an object it would be Britain. My mom loves there.

sassysasha817 at gmail dot com

Katia said...

I think I'd go to Monaco. Thank you for this great giveaway.

Getting Your Read On said...

I'm really not picky. I'd go south, to a warm tropical beach. Maybe forever. :)

Tailored4Dreams said...

If money was no object I'd tour around Germany and find out information about my family tree and maybe find some relatives! :)

debbie said...

If I had unlimited funds I would travel all over Europe- England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Belgium, Switzerland.

Cindy said...

If money was no object I'd be off to Bellingham, Washington to spend time with my son, he is worth every penny.

Juana said...

I would go to Egypt.

GFC follower = Juana Esparza


lisa said...

would love to go to Europe!

CrystalGB said...

I would go to Australia. Thank you for the giveaway.

Alyssa said...

If money were no I object I would love to go to Rome! i would would love to see the culture.

lindseybousfield said...

If money was no object I would go to either China/Japan or Ireland!

Anonymous said...

Hawaii, definately!

I'm going on my honeymoon, but thats not for a while!

Anonymous said...

I would love to go to Italy or Greece!


Hannah Doermann said...

I'd go to Costa Rica (:

ArtemisG said...

If money were no object, I would like to go to Spain and Balearic Islands.
Thanks for the giveaway!

artgiote at gmail dot com

Mariee said...

I would go on Bahamas luxury cruise. I've never been on a cruise, but I would love to go someday.

marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com

Mariee said...


marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com

Wall-to-wall books said...

Surprisingly enough, I would just stay here in the US. There are 2 dreams I have - To travel up the coast of Maine, just staying here and there for about 2 weeks.
And to go to Nome AK and be at the finishline of the Iditarod!

Great question!
forevereading at gmail dot com

Dovile said...

I'd like to go to New Zealand, because I think it's a very beautiful country, and I'd like to see that for myself.

Kati R said...

I'd go back to Italy. One week was not enough time to see the country. After that, I'd go all over Europe. Of course, if money was no object, I'd bring my closest friends with me so the trip would be more enjoyable.

Thanks for the opportunity at this great giveaway!

Anita said...

I think I'd go on a long road-trip. I'd spend few days in one country and then moved to another and so on :)

Romancing the Book said...

My dream vacation is to New Zealand. I'm going to get there one of these days!


Unknown said...

If money was no object I'd love to take an Alaskan cruise and I'd also love to see Greece! Thanks for the giveaway!


Melissa S. said...

If money wasn't an issue I would tour the Greek Islands and then head to Scotland and Ireland:)

kristina shields said...

I would love to go to Ireland (it looks so beautiful there) and Austrailia (for some hot australian boys!) :)

BrittanyGale said...

I would love to go to Greece!!


Reading Away The Days said...

If money was no object I would go a trip around America to all the places I want to visit. L.A, Las Vegas, New York, Miami,and loads more places!

Great question, thanks for the giveaway :)

Patty said...

I would love to visit England, Greece, and Paris.

Christie said...

If money was no object, I would tour Europe. We`re hoping to go there for our honeymoon but of course money is an object right now so we`re just heading over there and going as many places we can within our budget. With unlimited money, we`d go everywhere!

swaggirl01 at gmail dot com

aurora M. said...

where you would go on vacation if money was no object?

I am London girl! so UK here I come!

CindyWindy2003 said...

if money has no object I'd go to ITaly, Greece, Spain and Japan. Can't decide which.

CindyWindy2003 said...!/carafferty/status/73467600583143424

Meghan @ Books and a Cup of Tea said...

If money was no object, I'd probably go to either Disney World or I'd go to some island with white sand and bungalows over the water :).

Or maybe I'd go to both! Lol

Thank you for the giveaway!

Maria said...

I would love to travel to Scotland. I would love to see all the beautiful castles. Thanks for the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

I would love to go to Italy, England, and Denmark if money was no object.

pepsivanilla said...

I will have to say I would go to Italy or Australia. Italy so I could drown myself in delicious carbs and Australia because it just sounds so awesome.

J.L. Campbell said...

I'm a follower. I'd definitely go to Egypt.

Unknown said...

I would tour the Mediterranean.

Texas Type A Mom said...

If money was no object I'd say trip around the world. If you're looking for a specific location, I'd love to sit on a beach in Fiji or Tahiti!

texastypeamom at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I would go to Scotland, England, Ireland,Wales, Norway, Swedan and Denmark.

SiNn said...

if money wa sno object id go to Ireland spend a fe wmonths then tour Japan and scotland then go back to Ireland for another few months

im a follower

Sonia said...

I would love to go to Egypt and Greece :) I'd probably stay in Greece and take a boat over to Egypt from there. Thanks so much!

Elizabeth said...

I'd go to Ireland and then fly around the world and stop by Hawaii so my hubby would get to see the beach again. Then maybe stop off in California on our way home so the kids could see Legoland and Disneyland. Oops, did it have to be one place? :)

IandSsmom said...

I would go to Hawaii! I've always wanted to go!
GFC Shannon Johnson

Krystal Larson said...

I would go to Egypt, I've been dying to see the pyramids. Then I would go to South America to see the amazing waterfalls and the local cultures. China looks amazing, Europe is a given :) edysicecreamlover18ATgmailDOTcom I would have such a great time! GFC Krystal Larson

tfalick said...

if money wasn't an object, I'd be in Ireland right now. and then Germany ♥♥♥ Thank you so much for the giveaway! and for the amazing chance to win ♥

samantha35 said...

Great giveaway
follow via gfc

brendajean said...

England, Scotland and Ireland of course:)

Amanda said...

I'd love to go to Italy!

Aydrea said...

Oh man there are so many good places. I would want to go to Australia, Western Europe, & Great Britain!

Unknown said...

I'd go to Paris. And everywhere else too :)

I think I put on the form that I'm a new follower, but I've been following you for ages! My mistake.

Elizabeth Morgan said...

I would love to visit Europe. It would be awesome! I am a follower!

Idris said...

Well, I would love to go to South Korea, I love their culture, and their food!! mmmm.... Ahhh! I wish I could go one day!

Tiffany Drew said...

Honestly, I would take my kids to Disney World. They have wanted to go forever but we haven't had the ability to go. I would love to watch them having the time of their lives.

holls said...

holly wright GFC
hollybwright at comcast dot net

Valerie said...

If money were no object, there are many places I'd love to go- Australia, Ireland, England...would be at the top of the list :)

Thanks for the great giveaway!

GFC follower-Valerie


BLHmistress said...

If money wasn't an object I would go to either St Barts, Australia or Europe.

Anonymous said...

If money was no problem, I'd visit the British Isles, I've always wanted to go.

Kim Pickett said...

If money was no object I'd go to Greece to island hop. That has always been my dream.

Thanks for the generous giveaway!


Ana Norte said...

If money was no object, I would go to USA (I'm from Brazil, hehe), get a car and drive from Miami to NY!

Mithee (The Deranged Book Lovers) said...

I'd go to Okinawa, Japan!


somithee @

Anonymous said...

I want to take a tour of Southeast Asia (for the food!) and Japan. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

If money were no object I would go to Israel. I found my best friend from when I was 8 years old on Facebook and I haven't seen her in 45 years. She moved to Israel when we were about 12.

captainliss40 said...

I would go to Greece! captainliss40(at)gmail(dot)com

Spaz said...

Were money no object, I think I'd go to New Zealand.

Allie said...

If money were no object, I would go to Italy.

Unknown said...

I'd love a European trip! I'm a GFC follower under Teen Readers' Diary btw.

Jennifer said...

I would like to go to Hawaii, Australia and Paris!

jlkalman26 at gmail dot com

Charla said...

If money was no object, I would take an extended tour of EUROPE!

Julie Anne Lindsey said...

okay if I could vaca anywhere, I'd visit Hawaii. I know not super imaginative but seriously I just wanna go to there! LOL

Ricki said...

If money was no object, the Scottish Countryside.

Judy said...

I have always wanted to go to Egypt and see the pyramids.


Sarah the Hobbit said...

I would go to Hawaii or Alaska.

SpadesHighReads said...

GFC Follower: SpadesHighReads

I would love to take my family to the Philippines... my husband is caucasian and im filipina. I want to introduce him to my culture and where i grew up, and summer is the best time to go =) *home sick*

Thank you for hosting this giveaway and for participating in Splash Into Summer Giveaway Hop!! Nice to meet you!!

SpadesHigh @
TValeros18 @ gmail [dot] com

Im a new follower !!! =) If you wouldnt mind, could you follow me as well?

stephanie_22_us said...

I would travel the world. Fashion capitals of the world are a must though. Japan, Paris and New York would be my first stops!

Thanks for the Giveaway

Rachel said...

If I could go anywhere I'd go to Egypt hands down! I'm obsessed with all things ancient Egypt and the pyramids, the Spinx, the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens--my idea of heaven!

Thanks =D

Rachel @ The Rest Is Still Unwritten

Unknown said...

Good question! I'd have to say that I would travel all over Scotland and Ireland, maybe a bit of England too?

Thanks for the great giveaway,
onebookshy at yahoo dot com

Ren said...

I live at Indonesia, but sadly I never go to Bali, LOL! I would love to go there someday for vacation :)
For other country, I would love to go Scotland or Ireland :)

Thanks for the giveaway
sawamura_foxman AT yahoo DOT com

Jen M said...

I'd love to go anywhere in Europe! And Australia, Hawaii, Japan... Anywhere :)

AwesomeNiks said...

If money was no object, I'd take a world tour....

Top choices:

The Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas
All over Europe (France, Italy, Greece, Poland, Great Britain), and then I would go to California and Hawaii


Stacey Brucale said...

I would love to go to Italy! Thanks for the giveaway!


JessS said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I'd love to go to so many places, so maybe a world tour of sorts, including England, Germany, Russia, Italy, Japan, Thailand, and more that I can't think of at the moment.

GFC - JessS

Skye (In The Good Books) said...

If Money was so object, I'd go to London.

Olivia said...

If money was no option I would go all around asia.

Kaity said...

I would travel to Australia or somewhere tropical. Perhaps both since money isn't an object!

I tweeted your giveaway too:!/bittenbooks/status/73661222599409665

~Enamored Soul~ said...

If money was no object, I'd love to travel to France, Spain, Italy and Greece.

GFC Follower: ~Enamored Soul~
Email: Enamoredsoul(at)gmail(dot)com
Twitter: @inluvwithbookz

Aik said...

Australia, Russia, Korea, Italy... There are probably 100+ places on my to-go list.

aikychien at yahoo dot com

LadyVampire2u said...

If money was no object...I would go to the Philippines and then Alaska. Thanks for the giveaway!

FreakChiq said...

Where I would go on vacation if money was no object? New Zealand and Scotland! And after that I'd take a road trip across the USA :D

Thanks for the giveaway!


FairyWhispers said...


Karen H said...

If money were no object, I think I would enjoy spending 6 months in Australia!

I am a new GFC follower!

kkhaas at bellsouth dot net

Deea said...

Thank you for the giveaway!
Hmmm... Good question! I'm an International reader and though I love Europe and I'd like to visit all our countries, if money wouldn't be a problem, I'd definitely go to the US... California to be more specific!<3

Literary Winner said...

I would take my husband on a grand tour of Europe and perhaps even Asia, and we'd travel across the oceans via boat so I wouldn't have to deal with his flying phobia. ;)

Thanks for the giveaway!

Maggie at tethered mommy dot com

Lisa said...

I would go to Japan, then Portugal, then hang with family in Hawaii.

lhoffpauir at gmail

AlleluiaLu said...

I would definitely go to London. I've been wanting to go there. If money was no object, I'd make it a summer tour and revisit Ireland as well!

My e-mail address is:

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Whoa...I almost missed this! Thanks for the heads up and the chance to win.

Ireland...and have a guiness while there. Then off to the lake district in Britain. Then a wee stay in Scotland, visit every castle there and stay in the ones we could. Then Tibet. Oh and India. And, go up and down the Pacific Northwest and visit Atlantic Canada. Okay, basically around the world in Eighty Days?

Stephanie A said...

If money were not object I would take a vacation to Australia or go on an African safari!

sassygirl4u27 at gmail dot com

SandyG265 said...

I've always wanted to go to Australia.

mfay2 said...

I would go to CT to visit my best friend.

Unknown said...

Bookworm Lisa said...

I would take a luxurious cruise around Hawaii.

Michelle said...

I would love have an extended vacation to travel all over Europe! Following with Google Friend Connect
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

Hannah said...

Ireland. I would most definitely go to Ireland. And I will ... one day.


Louisa @ Words I Write Crazy said...

If money wasn't a problem, I'd tour all of Europe, see the sights, and just enjoy it.

latishajean said...

Great giveaway thank you so much! I would love to see Australia!

Sophia said...

If money was no object I'd take a global vacation, staying about 2 weeks at every country I have ever wanted to visit! Some of these countries are Italy, Germnay, France, Korea, Greece, Enlgand, Japan, etc!

Sophia L.
sophiayunjin at gmail dot com

Sophia said...

I tweeted-!/Adidaswbm/status/73916741130010624

Sophia L.
sophiayunjin at gmail dot com

Rhianna said...

Hmmm money no object eh? I would totally find a couples spa so my husband and I could spend a few days being pampered and relaxing together. In 12 years we've never been on a trip of any kind together where it wasn't family oriented so some time for us would be great but the money is never there.

Thanks for the giveaway Lisa!

LittleMsBookish said...

Definitely ITALY! <3

Gabbie said...

If money were no object I'd travel the Northern Hemisphere.

Tabathia B said...

I would go the Bahamas
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

heykiddego said...

hmmmm, since I finally saw China last October (was lucky and went for 3 weeks on a businees trip, so get a few weekends in there), I'd have to say New Zealand/Australia is high on my list.

Breanne said...

I would go to Italy.

Llehn said...


Dayen said...

I'd always wanted to go to Moscow, Russia. Simply love that country and language...
And also to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower, or to London, it must be amazing there.

Thanks for giveaway, it's awesome ! :D

Shell said...

I would go to Egypt and see the pyramids! Or maybe I'd go to BEA next year... :)

oreo_93 at hotmail dot com

Michelle Bledsoe said...

My no money object vacation would be to Scotland

Bookish in a Box said...

I would go to Italy--somewhere sunny, with lots of beaches and a need for fabulous (Italian) sunglasses.

Anonymous said...

If money wasn't an object I would travel around the world, that way I can go everywhere^^

Toni said...

Scotland and most of Europe! Been to Ireland and would go back in a minute!!

tsteinerid (

Ashley Ziemer said...

I'd go to Hawaii! I've been there before since we have friends who live there and I'd love to go back!

ashleyziemer AT gmail DOT com

Coffeelicious Bookaholic

Leah Rae Miller said...

Oooo, good question! I'd have to say Scotland, I've always wanted to go :)

polly said...

follow gfc....we have always wanted to go to austrailia...i'm still hoping! i would also love to go to ireland!

Badass Bookie said...

If money wasn't a problem I would love to do a European tour ( Greece, Italy, Spain, England, France, Germany etc.) and then head to south america!

Alicia said...


Ashley @ Book Labyrinth said...

Heck, if money were no object? I'd go around the world! But my top 5 places would be Holland, England, Australia, Disney World (I've never been!), and California.

iLuvReadingTooMuch said...

My ideal vacation?? Italy, Egypt, New Zealand, Norway! any of those would be amazing :)

Gaby said...


Anonymous said...

If money was no object I would firstly buy a gigantic suitcase, fill it to the brim with a lotta books then go to London so I can finally find out what the hype is about on these Fish 'n Chips

Julie S said...

I'd love to visit Australia~

Anonymous said...

If money was no object I wuld go in Japan or in Ireland...
Thank you for this giveaway by the way ;)

Freckles said...

i would like to visit lots of places like London, Paris, Rome and many others.. Maybe I'll visit all those places sometimes.. At least I hope :)

humanecats said...

I'd tour the USA and see every Federal park.

humanecats at gmail dot com

humanecats said...

I follow on twitter as humanecats.

humanecats at gmail dot com

humanecats said...

tweeted giveaway as humanecats!/humanecats/status/74515033433980928

humanecats at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

I would go to Europe and take special tours, have excellent food, maybe take some food classes, and basically get whatever I wanted whenever. Kind of like a 'Last Holiday' thing.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Rachel said...

Italy. I would EAT my way around Italy.... mmmmmm how good would that be?!

Elle said...

I would go to Scotland. Of course if I had the money there would be lots of other places after that.

Book Sp(l)ot said...

I think I would go all over Europe and Asia-or just a whole bunch of tropical and historical places (not places that were both but a then b and repeat as necessary!).

Veronica said...

If money was no object, I would actually like to travel with my husband and all of my kids across the United States, just taking our time and sightseeing as we go.

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

@_eHope tweeted!/_eHope/status/74671780513595392

Karina said...

I've always wanted to go to China. So if money were no object, I would take a tour of the world and end it with two months in China.

IdentitySeeker said...

If money was no object, I'd travel Europe starting with the UK, Ireland and Scotland. Thanks for the giveaway:)

Gigi said...

If money was no object then Paris, London or Spain!
Twitter: Gissele_Alv

Janhvi said...

thanks for the giveaway!!!
i would love to go to rome and england if money was no problem because there's soo much to see and its beautiful

IngaSilberg said...

I would go to US! Never been there.

inga from

marieevans1990 said...

It won't let me post comments on blogger
but GFC is finally back up and I'm following you under the name Marie

Texas Book Lover said...

If money was no object I would take my kids to Disney World since they contantly beg me to go there!

I follow on GFC & Twitter & Tweeted.!/Maria_Smith_76/status/74841663041835009

Thank you!
mmafsmith at gmail dot com

evening-green said...

My first picks would be Japan and the US, but I wouldn't want to stop there, there's so much to see.

Gaby G said...

Ohh I would travel the world!! Right now, I'm very curious about Iceland!

magabygc at

Sakira said...

Where you would go on vacation if money was no object?

I would go to Japan and Korean and then hop across Europe!! :D

Thais Pampado said...

I think I would go to New York (yeah, nothing much, I live in Brazil and have always wanted to go to Manhattan!).

aeondesires said...


Chloe said...

I would love to go to the Seychelles or the Maldives! I want to go so bad! Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

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