Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer
Winners will be chosen by Rafflecopter.
What 1 thing (not a person) do you
that you don't think you could ever do without?"
that you don't think you could ever do without?"
Contest will be open internationally.
I will be giving away a $10 Amazon/Barnes and Noble Gift card or
I'll let you chose a book from Book Depository
up to $10 and as long as they ship free to you,
you can enter.
Just make sure they ship to you. If not sure, check here.
I love to win Gift Cards and these are the simplest and the best as far as I'm concerned.
For every 50 brand new followers, I'll give away another $10 Gift card or
For every 50 brand new followers, I'll give away another $10 Gift card or
book from Book Depository.

Hope you'll take the time to look around,
make a comment or two.
I am number 39 and
Kristis Book Nook (US)
is in front of me and
Writing in the Dark | K. C. Neal (US)
is behind me.
Kristis Book Nook (US)
is in front of me and
Writing in the Dark | K. C. Neal (US)
is behind me.
WOW! There are over 200 blogs participating!
How awesome is that!
How awesome is that!
This is a great way to meet more bloggers,
win books, gift cards and more!
win books, gift cards and more!
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generally refreshing the page will fix it.
1 – 200 of 223 Newer› Newest»Probably my phone LOL. It has all the contacts and notes I've written.
Thanks for the giveaway!
My phone. I love it. I do everything on it. It's literally got my whole life in it. LOL. Read, listen, plan, talk. It does everything.
My current LOVE thing right now is my Kindle - i got it shortly before Xmas but i've spend just about every night reading it & have accumulated almost 1400 books on there already - lol ^_^
Thank you for opening this Internationally!
Kel xx
I love my kindle fire.
Cathy m
caity_mack at yahoo dot com
I LOVE to read and I think that's one thing in my life I couldn't live without. The adventure we can go on with each new book we read is the greatest experience on it's own. :)
Thanks for an awesome giveaway and for making it international. :)
My cat and my books! ;-) Thanks for the giveaway!
One thing I can't live without is my laptop & obviously internet. I am addicted. :)
GFC: Jewel
jewel4jay AT hotmail DOT com
I think I wouldn't be able to live without books in general. They just complete me. :)
books..i love books..can't imagine myself not reading a book :)
I don't think that I could ever live without... hmm, water. That's the most essential thing in live LOL. I also couldn't live without internet, I think. I mean, how could I enter all these amazing giveaways? :D
I don't think I could live without reading! It's gotten me through so much, and it's turned into this fantastic hobby. Who knew that a solitary act like reading could link you with like-minded people all over the world?
One thing that I really LOVE and couldn't live without would definitely be BOOKS! Plenty of Books! Right.. :)
What I love is book blogs and I must be honest I love those that offer International giveaways even more !
Carol T
buddytho {at} gmail DOT com
I'm pretty sure I could not fuction without tea - proper English Breakfast tea with a splash of milk, mind!!
I wouldn't live without my books!
I think I can't survive without internet.
Water. Seriously, I love water and can't live without it. Yes, I'm a freak, and I don't mind it. LOL.
Another thing...books. Can't live without books!!!
I couldn't live without chocolate :)) I'm obsessed with it! :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Last time it probably would be some game device, but now, books :)
I do not think I could live without my Kindle! There are so many book on my Kindle, and if had to buy them in print, my house would be featured on Hoarders!
Entered under Chandra H.
I'd have to say my kindle. Ever since I got it I always keep it with me.
I love making jewelry with swarovski beads, and I can never do without it, ever.
Is it sad that I say my cell phone? hehe
one thing i love: one of my plush i received at my birth . a bear that follow me in each one of my travel
all the best and a big thanks you for opening this giveaway to international
I could not live without hersheys bar with almonds. Have one everyday of my life!!
annette campbell
My wooden paddle brush is my must have. I have extremely long, super frizzy hair that breaks less able hairbrushes on a regular basis. Yes, I know that is something few people understand. Thanks for the giveaway! :)
Books of course :) I LOVE books, can never live without them
My laptop I guess :D
My Kindle :)
I love my bed, sleep is great. Also my entries are in Glenna Faccenetti.
Books without a doubt. I would have a really hard time if I were never allowed to read anything ever again.
I'm not too materialistic, I love my laptop and other gadgets but I could live without them, if I have to :)...but I neeed a BED! :)
My bed!
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Lisa Fisher Walker
I couldn't do without reading.
My mobile phone, because it's got lots of my favorite music.
One THING I love... well, pen+paper combo. I think I'd die if I couldn't scribble at all times. ;)
Thanks for the giveaway!
books! haha, I could not live without books, they've been a constant in my life for as long as I can remember, and I have to read everyday :)
Reading I would go crazy without being able to read every day
my computer, it connects me with everyone!
Dove dark CHOCOLATE!!!!
I'll give you three ;-) My Kindle, iPhone and diet cherry coke.
Hmm . . My computer! I'd be lost without it! I don't think I could cope if I didn't have it! You can do anything and everything on it! Oh it doesn't bare to think if I didn't have it! :O
Awesome Giveaway looking forward to your posts :) xx
books! and secondly my ipod!
Books, In either physical form or on my Kindle. Reading has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.
Nancy Bradford
I couldn't live without the internet or books. Or tea.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Books! I couldn't live without them :P Thanks for the giveaway!
(as Carissa St. Amand in rafflecopter)
Books and Chocolate!
books, my kindle, and my laptop computer!!!
My latest love is books and I think that one will stick for a while so yeah... I need my books oh and my computer of course!
Thank you for the great giveaway and for making it international.
I can't live with out my Kindle!
i cant do without books
catherine0807 at hotmail dot com
Hmm , I'd have to say my bed. I love to curl up with a good book, or just when I'm cold!
Thanks for the giveaway!
My photoalbum :)
Books...and my computer.
I wouldn't be able to live without my books, of course. Perhaps that's obvious...
My phone lol It has saved me from boredom so many times.
GFC : Allie
Thanks for the giveaway!
Books!! Such a silly question....
My computer or books, haha My computer is my social life (sad momma) and books are a great escape.
Jennifer Allen :)
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Easy! My laptop!
I have to say my laptop! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Books or my music XD
my husband!
This was a very hard question for me. I have lived without cable, cell phone, and internet before. I will have to say air conditioning. I leave in the south and i would die if i didn't have it.
I could not live without my dog, she is amazing
I could not do without books, chocolate and coffee
I would have to say my Kindle or cell phone
Definitely my Nook Color! I'm in love!
Oops forgot my email deanna_boocock (at ) hotmail.com
Books, chocolate and coffee
I couldn't live without books!
thaliansmhc at yahoo dot com
My Zune! I would not be able to function properly without my music. I breathe music and I live music and without it, I'm convinced I'd be absolutely nothing!
This is my first visit to your blog and I am enjoying it. I of course could not live without my books. Thanks for the chance to win.
griperang at embarqmail dot com
i could not live without my iphone!
My ebook reader and books of course.
I love these blog hops. What a great way to discover great new blogs and visit with old friends.
Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win such a great prize! <^_^>
All of my books, of course! :)
I L O V E my iPad!!!!!
Hollybwright atcomcastdotnet
The one thing I couldn't live without is if the world species of animals continue to disappear, I would die if wolves and Tigers were gone from this planet. T_T
Anyways thanks for the great giveaway!!
Books, of course!
My iPhone.
I love my swimsuit.
TUMS, I seriously could not get along without my tums (I seem to get heartburn for no good reason these days)
My $5 Winnie the Pooh from Kohl's! I snuggle with him every night and he prevents my upper back from twisting while I sleep!!!
books4me67 at ymail dot com
I could not live without prayer. Thanks!
Books! I love reading. :-D
the internet
I couldn't live without books.
Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.
Internet. It keep the world open to me and I win cool things & meet neat people.
Definitely my phone
I love my Blackberry and I really would be lost without it!
Thanks for the giveaaway
My mobile phone!
Sad but I don't think I could live without my diet coke. It's a running joke at work, ha.
Great giveaway, scampbell96@hotmail.com
my tv or laptop!!
thanks for making it international!!
My books of course! ♥
Thanks for the international giveaway!
I could not live without my laptop lol
I literally cannot get through the day without a Diet Coke!!
My laptop!!!
thanks for the international giveaway!
My laptop!
Thanks! I love chocolate!
mochagirl at email dot com
Dancing or my cell phone!
Would have to say the Internet. If it disappeared overnight I'd be lost now!
I never thought I'd say this but probably my phone... it allows me to speak to my family and friends, get updated via the Internet and read books via the Kindle app. What more could a girl want!
I want to say my books but since I can only pick one thing and I won't be able to choose I will go with my I POD. Thanks for this great giveaway!
-Maritza Robinson
I don't think I could live without my iPhone. It holds my music, my kindle app, my e-mail, my audiobooks. I always have something to read at my finger tips. It would be so hard to go back!
My bed. We have an ongoing relationship and spend lots of time together, especially on weekends!
Diet Coke. It is the thing that keeps me going all day!
One thing I can't live without I'd say is my mother's necklace, I love it. But any book or my netbook are in a very close second place ;)
One thing I can't live without I'd say is my mother's necklace, I love it. But any book or my netbook are in a very close second place ;)
Is this a trick question? I wouldn't want to live without SOMETHING to read!
My laptop! What would I do without those wonderful persons I've met online?!
Coffee, it's the one thing I refuse to give up...ever!
My computer... I love to read and facebook and all those things, which my computer would be able to do... lol
My computer. It has books, music, and pretty much everything else.
DR PEPPER!!!! I love that stuff, but it really hates my waste line.
The obvious answer is books/reading and it's true. I'm sure it's true for most anybody here. So aside from that, I'll say my computer and internet. I'm addicted to both!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Diet Mt Dew - I drink it first think in the morning and all day long!
My books! My laptop is a close second. But without my books i'd be lost!
Lip balm!
Spaghetti! I love that stuff :) thanks!
My cell phone! I forgot it once at home and I felt lost and naked without it! Never again!!!!
If anything alive other than people is ok: my cats otherwise Diet Coke or ice cream.
My cat!
amandarwest atgmaildotcom
My laptop. It connects me to everything! Of course it was also given to me by the love of my life, my fabulous hubby. I don't know what I would do without either. :)
kalea_kane(at)yahoo(dot)com (kelly blackwell on entry form)
My books!! I would be lost and lonely without them!
This disgusting pink rabbit that I sleep with. He also is the best to hug when you are sad. And yes, I am 24 and have a stuffed animal in bed with me.
my computer!
Entered as Allie
I can't live without my computer!
I L-O-V-E Colby Ridge popcorn. It's based in Lincoln, NE and whenever I take a trip back there I have to stock up! It is the best ~ mix a little cheese popcorn with the white ~ yummmmm!
I'd have to go with ICECREAM!!!
dany7578 at hotmail dot com
My laptop, lol. Not sure what I would do without it!
Hmm it would definitely have to be my computer. I have everything on it. If i lose it my life is over.
Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire
I'm going to have to say books like many of the others.
I don't think I could do without my computer, because I use it every day for lots of different things.
Name on form= Jay Dee
I'm gonna skip past the unimportant things like food, water, and shelter and say my computer! My precioussss... Ahem. Anyway, you can do everything on the computer nowadays, shop, read, watch tv, movies, date, etc. :)
Chocolate! Thanks so much!
Ohh difficult to choose between my laptop or Kindle!
Coffee and books!!!
I would't live without internet!
The first thought I had was books but to be honest, it would be a teddy bear I've had since I was born. It has huge sentimental value to me and so I just couldn't live without it.
my handphone because i love open facebook to search about book ;)
My piano! I love music and can't bear it if I can't play the piano for a single day.
I could not live without my Kindle !
I would have to say my Kindle !!!!
The obvious answer is books, but I'm going to have to go with cookies. I really love cookies.
workingforthemandroid at gmail dot com
My phone. I have to stay in touch with my Dad.
What one thing could I not live without? My computer. Yep. I see that's the same as many answers here.
I couldn't live without my phone and an internet connection. From there, I can get everything else (including books!)
Thanks for a wonderful giveaway, my rafflecopter name is Kaity too.
I wish I could say books or my laptop but I honestly love caffeine and wouldn't function well without it.
My computer! I do just about everything on it and would be totally lost without it.
Irene Jackson
I LOVE the internet. I really could not live without it.
Sugar, lol. I want to say books, but sugar is truly my very first addiction. Ugh.
Thank you for participating in this hop and for the great giveaway chance!
Gena Robertson
A pen. Because without books there are always alternatives, but without a pen I cannot write, and that is like my major stress reliever!
Diet Coke. hahahaa, but um I love it. A lot.
Books of course. I've gone without computers and a cell phone and didn't really care. But whenever I'm stuck somewhere waiting, I don't usually turn to my phone. I turn to a book - I usually always carry one with me!
My cat. She's my best friend.
I know it sounds strange but I love my bathroom, ah, peace and quiet.
Thank you for the giveaway :)One thing I cant live without?? BOOKS lol
Well that's easy! I love my Kindle, my books, and my laptop. At the moment, I also love my fleece throw and gas fireplace.
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
i love books!! :)
BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS!!! I swear I'll shrivel up and die with them. :P
Thanks for the giveaway :)
I'm not sure I could live without my moisturising lip gloss. But woithout my books I'd be dead. I love them all, and I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't have something to read. Thanks!
My Ipod!!! Oh God I have no idea what I would do without it! YEARS of music live in there and Music is the most important thing to me in this world. I'd die of sadness is something happened to my ipod o_o that's why I have two, lol x)
Thanks For the Giveaway :)
Colleen at myartsite dot com
I dont think i can live without my laptop/ internet .... and my books :P
Thanks alot for the giveaway!! :D
GFC: Farah M.J. Elmajdoub
um, my vehicle and chocolate!! :P
I could not live without books! Whether print or eBooks, I would be lost without a great story to read.
GFC: June M.
I could live without any material thing, but I would hate to give up the internet
teressaoliver at gmail dot com
I couldn't live with out my books and ereader cuz whenever I can I read, I always have and always will!
Thanks for the giveaway!
My computer :D
I think I couldn't live without books !!
Thanks for this giveaway :)
GFC : Emilie
I would be totally lost without the internet and the book blogging community.
Thanks for the giveaway.
The first thing that came to mind was sleep, because I'm running low on that right now! :) But as for a concrete object I'd have to say indoor plumbing. I'm all about the practical.
I don't want to sound like a cat lady, but totally my cat! He is just my little love bug and I can't imagine what I would do without him.
Great giveaway! I love my kindle! :)
I would have the saw the thing I love and can't live without would have to be the internet.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Ollie aka DarkBloodyVamp
Right now it's my Kindle Fire that I can't live without.
My Kindle Fire is the current thing I can't live without.
My computer. :(
Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC: Jasmine Marie
thebookishmama at gmail dot com
my cellphone! :)
I think I couldn't live without my PC,internet and the books!!
Thanks for the international giveaway!!
I couldn't live without my laptop and books!!
I think I can't live without my laptop with, of course, an internet connection. :D
Thanks for the giveaway! :)
- Noely Jeleen
My Dog Pixie she is always there for me and love cuddling with me in my bed.
Thanks for the giveaway :) I'd probably say... food... lol xD
I don't think I could live without my car. Without it, I would be stuck in eternal torture, walking everywhere.
I couldn't live without my car.
I love my books! Thanks for the giveaway! =)
I love coffee and books, of course.
Wll thats easy the internet! LOL
thanks for the great book hop giveaway.
Just can't live without a good book and
my GS doggie. follow by gfc - vinci dayleb
I love to write, if I cold no longer write, I don't know what I'd do!
Music! I love love love music. I couldn't live without my iPod, or access to my pandora account, or at minimum a radio.
I don't think I could live without my computer nor my kindle. I'm agoraphobic and my computer is my lifeline.
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