Philosophy is defined as a theory underlying or regarding a sphere of activity or thought. Well, my theory is if I can add at least 10 new books to my Wishlist and move at least 5 older Wishlist selections to my TBR list every month, then life is a ice cream sundae. And if I can find those 10 books from at least 5 new blogs each month then that's the cherry on top.


Well, I've made it almost 5 years now, so for better or worse, I continue on. I tend to blog in spurts as the urge to be creative erupts. As I don't have an artistic bone in my body, you will see very few changes in the layouts. Hey, I'm a reader not an artist like so many of the awesome bloggers I follow. I know you don't always have the time but if you stopped and looked, take a half a minute and say your piece. Recommend a book that you have enjoyed or hated for that matter. Thank you to all who visit.
Oh, and I moved my Google Friend Connect info and share this buttons to the top, as without our friends, who are we?

Monday, July 25, 2011

Bitten by Books � Release Party Chat and Contest with-----

Author Jennifer Estep Release Party and $40.00 Amazon Gift Card Contest 7/26 - RSVP Here

Gwen Frost is a 17-year-old Gypsy girl with the gift of psy­chom­e­try — or the abil­ity to know an object’s his­tory just by touch­ing it. Gwen can see every­one who’s ever touched an object — and she can feel their emo­tions too, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Gwen uses her magic to track down objects that other kids have lost like cell phones, wal­lets, and purses — for a price.

After a seri­ous freak­out with her magic and her mom’s death, Gwen gets shipped off to Mythos Acad­emy, a school for the rich, priv­i­leged descen­dants of ancient war­riors like Spar­tans, Ama­zons, Valkyries, and more. Gwen doesn’t know one end of the sword from the other, and she doesn’t fit in with the other kids. But when Jas­mine Ash­ton, the most pop­u­lar girl in school is mur­dered, and Gwen her­self is attacked, Gwen decides to use her Gypsy gift to fig­ure out who killed the other girl and why — and finds her­self learn­ing some secrets that just might kill her

 Author Christine Cody Release Party and $150.00 Contest 7/26 - RSVP Here!
WooHoo! Ride Em Cowboy! Vampire Wild West!

At first they called it the New Badlands—a desolate area out West forged by the same events that altered the entire country. A place where a few scattered, frightened citizens retreated to underground dwellings that provide safety from the brutal weather…and from a society gone terribly dangerous.    It was only after the vampire arrived that they started calling it the Bloodlands.   The name didn’t change because Gabriel, a so-called monster running from his true self, came there to rediscover his humanity by hunting down the murderer of his lover.  e o rediscover his humanity by hunting down the murderer of his lover.

It didn’t change because Mariah, the woman who reluctantly took him in, would do anything—even kill—to survive the trials forced upon her and her neighbors.

No, the Badlands officially became the Bloodlands the moment a mortal gun-for-hire decided to slay Gabriel.

Now it’s up to Gabriel to stand up to the threat. But his desire to defend himself--and Mariah--without giving in to his vampire nature will prove to be futile. And when he can't beat the man sworn to kill him with human powers, he has to make a choice: be the monster he has tried so desperately to escape--or die…

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