Friday, June 26, 2015

Author Selena Illyria Release Party and $50.00 Amazon Gift Card Contest

“Take one stubborn and sexy cowboy, add in a voluptuous beauty, mix in emotions, and stir.
Vanessa and Tyler have been friends with benefits for a year. While he’s fallen in love with her, she’s tried to keep her distance. Convinced by her parents that she’s a failure in everything from relationships to jobs, she’s come to believe that she isn’t worthy of love.
Tyler fell for Vanessa from day one when she came to him for a job. He’s accepted her distances and a friends with benefits relationship, while keeping his feelings to himself. Well, not to himself, he had to tell his family right? When his aunt blurts out the dirty details, he has to deal with the fallout.
Can Nessa move beyond her past and what she thought she deserved? Will he take her back despite the hurt she’s caused him?”
Buy a Kindle copy of Once with a Cowboy from Amazon by clicking here. – ONLY .99 cents!
CONTEST INFO: Open to readers worldwide.
Prize: $50.00 Amazon Gift Card


  1. Thankyou for the giveaway 😊 may I ask how to overcome writers block? Thanks

  2. Have you ever visited a real cowboy ranch?

  3. For summer we have lots of activities and camps for the kids, we swim a lot, go to the beach, and travel!

  4. I am looking forward to seeing Home, it looks adorable!

  5. I would love to have a Pegasus! I love horse and one that could also fly would be awesome!

  6. I love to find out and ask authors what their favorite location is and why?


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