Friday, June 26, 2015

Author Jessica Lee Interview and Amazon Gift Card Contest

“All she can remember is hunger…for him.
A year ago, Alexandria Stevens strode through the doors of Wicked Ways and into the arms of a man-a monster, really-who stole everything from her. Her memory. Her life. Now she’s a creature of darkness with only hazy images in her mind of that night and a confusing jumble of emotions. A fierce hate…and an even fiercer desire for Markus Santini.
Markus has walked through this world for more than a hundred years, knowing exactly who and what he was, until Alexandria undid it all. Undid him. When a former vampire colleague threatens one of the Enclave’s own, Markus is needed-but only as the dark, powerful creature he once was. And in order to become that, he must find redemption…in the arms of a woman who despises him with every breath she can no longer take.”
Buy a Kindle copy of Undying Hunger from Amazon by clicking here. – ONLY $3.99!
Books in the Enclave series in the order they should be read:
Undying Hunger - ONLY $3.99!

CONTEST INFO: Open to readers worldwide.
Prize: $25.00 Amazon Gift Card

1 comment:

  1. My author question: do you get inspiration from any particular authors?

    **Thank you for the chance to win!**

    -Amber Terry-


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