Sunday, June 21, 2015

Author Tara Fuller Interview and Amazon Gift Card Contest

“He’ll destroy everything and everyone to save her…including himself.
Easton doesn’t believe in love. He believes in death. Darkness. Sin. As a reaper for Hell, it’s all he’s known for more than four hundred years. So when he gets slapped with the job of training the boss’s daughter, an angel that knows nothing but joy, he knows he’s in for a world of trouble.
Though he’s made it clear he wants nothing to do with her outside of work, Gwen will do whatever it takes to get close to the dark and wounded reaper – even taint her angelic image and become a reaper herself. But in all her planning, she forgot to factor in one thing – how far the demons Easton doomed to Hell will go for revenge.
When the dangers of Hell threaten Gwen, Easton will destroy everything and everyone to save her. But as the darkness closes in, will he be able to save himself?”
Buy a Kindle copy of Descent from Amazon by clicking here. – ONLY $3.99!
CONTEST INFO: Open to readers worldwide.

Prize: $25.00 Amazon Gift Card


  1. Is there any special formula to choosing your location?

  2. I would flash to Fiji. I have always wanted to go there!

  3. I am still a love rof the Twilight series. It was the first YA series I read and turned me on to the genre.

  4. My book boyfriend is Zsadist from the Black Dagger Brotherhood! YUM!

  5. If the reapers are coming anyway, is it alright to eat my cake before my vegetables?


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