Sunday, May 13, 2012

Cover Reveal:Deadly Secrets, Loving Lies

Deadly Secrets, Loving Lies  by  Cynthia Cooke

Family secrets must be kept, and painful wounds must be ignored.
After an all-out assault by a vicious terrorist bent on 
destroying her entire family, a former government agent
 must break the strict rules she has always
 lived by when she emerges from hiding to reluctantly
accept the help of her all-too-sexy ex-lover.
Running a deadly race against time, they rush 
to rescue her kidnapped sister, find her missing father, 
and bring the notorious villain to
justice. But nothing ever goes as planned.
Bullets fly, danger abounds, and their passion reignites 
even faster than the lies are flowing. But their stubbornly
 held secrets just might spell the end of their rekindled love
 and hopes for the future…
as well as their very lives.

Deadly Secrets, Loving Lies
Release date: May 13, 2012

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