Friday, May 11, 2012

Dangerous Favor BookBlast- $50 Amazon Gift Card

Dangerous Favor by Joyce DiPastena

Mathilde needs a champion.
Her father has been accused of stealing from the king, an allegation that has reduced her family to poverty. She has one chance to find and marry a man who can help her prove her father's innocence. Lord Therri, heir to a rich barony, has the wealth and connections Mathilde needs to delve into the mysteries of her father's past. Furthermore, Therri embodies all her romantic dreams.
Etienne, the younger son of a disgraced family, has neither wealth nor connections, but is smitten with Mathilde at a glance. She finds the knight intriguing, but believes he is only out to seduce her. While she seeks for a way to win Therri's attention, Etienne tricks her into granting him her favor, an embroidered white ribbon, for a tournament, setting in motion a dangerous chain reaction of events. Can Etienne save Mathilde from a nightmare from her past and prove himself the true hero of her dreams?


"I laughed, I sighed, and at times, almost cried. Beautifully written, flawlessly researched, this book immersed me into the romantic, yet often dangerous, world of Medieval France complete with knights' jousts and court intrigue."
~Donna Hatch, Regency romance author

"Joyce DiPastena has lived true to her reputation and written another outstanding historical romance set in the tumultuous backdrop of France in the Middle Ages. With extraordinary skill, she has woven intrigue and danger around the exquisitely delicious romance between Etienne and Mathilde."
~Wanda Luce, author of Lydia

Joyce DiPastena is the queen of sweet medieval romance. She pulls the reader into a story full of romance, intrigue, politics, and history. I thoroughly enjoyed Dangerous Favor and look forward to reading it again and again.
 --LDS Women's Book Review

Author Joyce DiPastena

Joyce DiPastena moved from Utah to Arizona at the age of 2, and grew up to be a died-in-the-fur Desert Rat. (110 degrees? A little toasty. 117? Utah isn't looking quite so bad right now!)
She first fell in love with the Middle Ages when she read Thomas B. Costain's, "The Conquering Family" in high school. She attended the University of Arizona, where she graduated with a degree specializing in medieval history.
Joyce has taught piano lessons to children and adults of all ages for over 20 years. She loves to play the piano and sing for her own amusement, and sings in her church choir. Other interests include reading, spending time with her sister, trying out new restaurants, and unfortunately, buying new clothes.
Joyce has been owned and loved by many cats, the most recent being Clio (who helps her with her website), and Glinka Rimsky-Korsokov (that's all one cat).
Joyce loves chocolate chip cookies, Hershey Kisses with almonds (because if they've got nuts, they're good for you), and Orville Redenbacher's Movie Theater Popcorn with a video/DVD or TV on Sunday nights.
Loyalty's Web, her first published novel, is described by Kaye Trout's Book Reviews as: "an historical tale of intrigue with multiple twists and turns, arranged marriages and true romance. It is a fast-paced, well-written, fascinating read."

Books by Joyce DiPastena


Mystery, adventure and "sweet" romance in the Middle Ages

"Through their kisses and caresses they experienced a joy and wonder the equal of which has never been known or heard of. But I shall be silent...; for the rarest and most delectable pleasures are those which are hinted at, but never told." ~~ Chrétien de Troyes, 12th Century poet

Giveaway Details

This BookBlast will begin on May 4th and run through May 11th. 
The prize will be a $50 Gift Card provided by the Author. 
Open to anyone who can legally enter and use an gift code
Leave a comment on this post for an extra entry on the Children's Book Week Giveaway Hop
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