Monday, May 14, 2012

Kings & Queens by Courtney Vail-BookBlast - $100 Amazon Gift Code Giveaway

Seventeen-year-old Majesty Alistair wants police to look further into her father’s fatal car wreck, hopes the baseball team she manages can reclaim the state crown, aches for Derek…or, no…maybe Alec…maybe. And she mostly wishes to retract the hateful words she said to her dad right before slamming the door in his face, only to never see him again. 

All her desires get sidelined, though, when she overhears two fellow students planning a church massacre. She doubts cops will follow up on her tip since they’re sick of her coming around with notions of possible crimes-in-the-works. And it’s not like she cries wolf. Not really. They’d be freaked too, but they’re not the ones suffering from bloody dreams that hint at disaster like some crazy, street guy forecasting the Apocalypse. 

So, she does what any habitual winner with zero cred would do…try to I.D. the nutjobs before they act. But, when their agenda turns out to be far bigger than she ever assumed, and even friends start looking suspect, the truth and her actions threaten to haunt her forever, especially since she’s left with blood on her hands, the blood of someone she loves.

What people are saying: 

"Gritty, emotional, and, at times, deeply disturbing, Kings & Queens heralds the arrival of an exciting voice in young adult fiction." ~ Jessica Chambers, Voices on the Waves

"A thrilling, mysterious tale with an ending that moved me to tears." ~ Sybil Nelson, Priscilla the Great

"An action-packed adventure where the stakes are high and the players ruthless." ~ J.L. Campbell, Contraband

"I think the best way for me to describe the book is quirky. "Beautifully unique" would be another term I'd use. I just...I love this book. Each character, especially Majesty, was like a 20-layer cake. The book was both character-driven and plot-driven, which promises to be an exciting ride for every type of YA reader. Add to this Courtney's incredible writing style and you have a story that you want to devour in one sitting." ~ Missy of Missy's Reads & Reviews

COURTNEY VAIL writes totally twisted YA and adult suspense. She enjoys braiding mystery, suspense & romance with some kind of weirdness. Her addictions to crazy coffee concoctions, Funny Bones, Ben & Jerry's, and bacon keep her running and writing. She currently lives in New England with a comedian stud and a wild gang of kidlets.
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  1. I grabbed Kings & Queens for my Kindle on Amazon and I am glad that I did. I have heard great things and can't wait to get started!

  2. Thanks for the great opportunity! Have entered *fingers crossed* :)


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