Sunday, September 25, 2011

CELEBRATION! My Favorite Banned Book!

Seriously, can you imagine life without this awesome series of books and movies? That would be an alternate universe I wouldn't want to live in. 
What banned book could you not imagine never having read?
Not sure what's on the list? Check here and leave your answer. 

If you have entered my Banned Book Contest here, leave your answer in a comment here and I'll give you another entry in the contest.


  1. They are my favourites too :D Can't believe it when I saw it was on top of the list.

  2. I can't imagine my life without Harry Potter. I totally loved the books back when they first came out and still do and recommend them to almost everybody. Also, I loved His dark materials, but it's much more complicated and maybe not suited for younger kids.

  3. I can't imagine not having read A Wrinkle in Time. Or Harry Potter. It's such a big part of my childhood.


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