Sunday, September 25, 2011


Katie had won at another site (lucky girl)  
so she asked that I pick another winner so
Jolene, today is your lucky day.
My winner was number 99, katie_tp@  
138, Jolene A. @ june111@
who answered this question--

If you were already a member of the afterlife, 
what dream would you send to a loved one 
or nightmare to a not so loved one?
She said-

"I would send dreams of being happy and 
ok to my loved ones. I lost someone close to me when
 I was 16, and my mom had a dream about her 
being ok and I felt deflated that I never had one.
 I'd make sure all my loved ones had a dream like that."

Jolene blogs at 
Take a minute and 
check her blog out and 
congratulate her on her fabulous win!
Jolene, I've sent you an email. 
The book is coming direct from the 
publishers. Enjoy!
Thanks to all who entered. Don't forget to check 
out the other contests going on.
WELLLL WE'RE WAITING CONTEST  which ends 10/16/11
BANNED BOOK WEEK  which ends 10/1
See you all at the hop!

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