Monday, September 26, 2011

WOOHOO! More to Come from Stormy Gale!

Got a note from this awesome author.
"Yay! So glad you enjoyed it! Carina Press just 
contracted the second book, The Bewitching 
Tale of Stormy Gale, a full length novel where 
Bacon, Stormy and Dev travel back to the time 
of the Salem witch trials. I'm hoping it will be 
out by late spring next year. Thanks so much 
for the lovely review, I truly appreciate it."


If you have not checked  out this awesome Steampunk/Time Travel novella, now's the time. The fabulous people at Carina Press have contracted for a full length second book! Woohoo! If you love steampunk and/or time travel you are in for a treat. I've decided to repost my review. As a newish Kindle reader, I still don't find myself getting lost in a story quite the way I do when it's print but this one had me flipping pages and reading from start to finish. This is my first wishlist book for the Spring of 2012.  


Title: The Twisted Tale of Stormy Gale
Author: Christine Bell
Genre: Steampunk/Time Travel
Rating: * * * * *
Publishers Date: 4/25/11
Kindle: 25,900 words
FTC Disclosure: Net Galley

I'm a time pirate—born in 1810, now a 21st-century woman. I travel through time trying to right wrongs without disrupting the fragile balance between what is and what can never be.
That's why it's vital that I go to 1836 and find the man who conned my brother out of his Time Travel Mechanism as quickly as possible. If the technology falls into the wrong hands, it could change the world as we know it. The notorious Duke of Leister definitely qualifies as the wrong hands. An amateur scientist of the slightly mad variety, he's bound to figure out how to use the TTM sooner rather than later.
I knew this wouldn't be easy. But I wasn't counting on him being as sexy as hell. Or winding up chained to his bed…

Let me say right off the bat, the only disappointment I had in this book was the length. As I was reading it on my Kindle and it had been there for awhile, I didn’t realize it was a novella. This is one of the things I don’t like about a Kindle. When you have a book in your hand you know immediately, wow! it’s 500+ pages so it’s going to last awhile or gee it’s 100 so a very quick read. Not so obvious on a Kindle.
But anyway, CB had me with her first “Wizard of Oz” reference. I totally fell in love with the kick-ass Dorothy and the steampunk/time travel genre.  It actually reminded me a bit of the novella for the “Girl in the Steel Corset”.  Action packed, full of mystery and romance. And that says a lot for a mere 25,900 word story. Oh, I’d love to see this done full length. There was just so much more story untold. I wanted to know more about Gilly and his history. I wanted to know more about Devlin’s time in BedIam. I could have read this for hours but alas it ended just as I got invested in it. If some publisher doesn’t snap up this writer and get the rest of the story, I’m really gonna be pissed. I’m putting this author on my watch list as I expect to see more of her!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a compelling tale. Time travel and steampunk + a mad scientist? You can't go wrong there. :)


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