Monday, June 13, 2011

The Shifters of 2040 by Ami Blackwelder--- 4 *

The Shifters of 2040 by Ami Blackwelder

Title: The Shifters of 2040                                                          
Author: Ami Blackwelder            
Genre: Sci-Fi
Rating: * * * *
Publishers Date: Oct 1, 2010
Paperback: 336 pages
ISBN: 978-1453785133
FTC Disclosure: Won a copy from the author at giveaway and bought a Kindle copy from Amazon.

“America 2040.
Three Species. Divided Lovers. The Race is on for Planet Earth.
Summary: Set in Alaska in 2040, Melissa Marn and Bruce Wilder must work under the iron fist of the SCM, while still trying to maintain humanity. Discovering a world of shifters and hybrids, the scientists must struggle with human prejudice and betrayal. With the original ancestors, dubbed shifters, still living on earth, humans are in the midst of a fifteen year old war. As the eldest hybrids, Unseen and Diamond, learn about humans the hard way, with the loss of loved ones and sacrifices, love on planet earth proves challenging.”

While I read several reviews that referred to this series as paranormal, it is definitely more sci-fi than PR. Luckily, I enjoy both. Paranormal to me is vampires, werewolves and other types of shifters, basically characters that I don’t believe exist. Now aliens from other planets, I’m more open to the possibility of them, so why couldn’t they be  shape shifters? 
I do admit to being a bit overwhelmed with all the information presented at the beginning of the story. I think the glossary would have been a better fit at the back of the book rather than in the beginning. The massive list of alien characters was a bit overwhelming too but it always takes me a bit to settle into the first book of a series anyway. While the first book was not exactly an easy read, it was a fast paced exciting read and once I got about a 100 pages into it was unable to put it down. At this point, the book really took off for me.
One thing that bothered me was the level of total distrust and bias against the aliens. As this takes place a mere 25+ years in the future, I didn’t quite buy the pretty much government control of individuals and their loss of rights. I expect the prequels to this book will satisfy some of those questions though. While I’m one who HAS TO read a series in chronological order as I don’t want to learn a single detail till the timing is right, I love that this series is written Circular in time and after beginning with The Shifters of 2040, you can chose to read the past or the future. Awesome concept!
Blackwelder’s aliens were remarkable. They were fascinating and quickly grabbed your attention and horror to their hardships and persecution by the human population. This takes place in Alaska and the descriptions of the areas had me picturing the forests and wilderness with no problem at all. If you are in the mood for a great sci-fi read don’t hesitate to pick up this series. It will entertain you for hours and best of all there are already 3  books out with the rest to follow shortly. Nothing than I love better than to find a great series that I don’t have to wait a year between books for.
If you are a Goodreads follower be sure and check out these great giveaways or purchase a copy on Amazon. Though I won my copies from Ami on a BittenByBooks giveaway, I still purchased a Kindle copy as they were a steal at $.99.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Giveaways ends in 3 months(October 01, 2011)
The Shifters of 2040 by Ami Blackwelder
Shifters of 2040
The Hybrids of 2050 by Ami Blackwelder
Hybrids of 2050

The Hunted of 2060 by Ami Blackwelder
Hunted of 2060

Shifter Evolutions Saga
Invasion of 2020
SCM of 2030 (Jun 9 2011)
Shifters of 2040 (Oct 1 2010)
Hybrids of 2050  (Mar 7 2011)
Hunted of 2060 (Apr 12 2010)
Revolution of 2060


  1. Thanks Lisa- and yes, to learn more about how/why teh humans and military move toward "extermination" of the shifters can read books 1 and 2. Book 2 it out now and book 1 in about 2 months.

    Please go to my website for those reading and join for more info about the upcoming film project for shifters and to win book copies each month!!!

  2. Link to the Goodreads giveaway for this book (US only(:

  3. I actually won an a digital copy of this book a few months ago but haven't gotten down to reading it. Your review seems quite positive so I'm bumping it up a few places on my TBR list.


  4. Interesting concept, first time I've heard of this one. Will check out.


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