Monday, June 13, 2011

WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT for The Splash Into Summer Giveaway!



The main winner of my Splash Into Summer  Blog Hop giveaway is # 219---Alicia whose email starts with aliciacald@... She is a new follower and lives in the US.
I had 295 individual entries. I had 62 new followers so that means one more winner! WooHoo!
The extra winner is Maria #106 whose email begins with
m.ramey@... who is an old follower from the US!
I've emailed you ladies to verify email address for a $10 Gift Certificate from Amazon. You have until midnight on June  17th EST to respond or a different winner will be chosen.
All winners were chosen by
Thanks to all who visited  and commented.
Be sure and watch for the MidSummer’s Eve Giveaway Hop that starts June 21 - 25 for your next chance at a $10 Gift Certificate from Lisa’sLovesBooksOfCourse.

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