Saturday, June 11, 2011

ALPHA by Rachel Vincent 4 1/2 * –The end of an awesome series!

Title: ALPHA1
Author: Rachel Vincent
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Rating: * * * * 1/2
Publishers Date: Oct 10 2010
Paperback: 480 pages
ISBN: 9780778328186
FTC Disclosure: I purchased

“Power, revenge, and justice - prepare yourself for the final battle! In the final chapter of "The Shifters Series", Faythe and her Pride must fight a tyrannical werecat intent on taking over the territorial council, and the south-central Pride in particular. It's down to Faythe to take on the role of Alpha before she feels completely ready for the job. Forced to rise to the occasion, Faythe must balance experience, advice, and the urge for vengeance. She must also finally choose between Marc and Jace... No decisions will be is easy, and not everyone will survive this epic fight to the death.”

Despite the fact that I bought this book as soon as it was released, I did not read it until a short while ago. Why, you might ask would I buy it in October and allow it to lay on the corner of my desk for months gathering dust? Because, durn it, I knew as soon as I started it, it would be the end of the werecat era! I knew that I would read it in one day and then Faythe, Marc, and Jace would have to be placed on that shelf in my mind only to be brought out every time I saw Vincent’s name or someone else discovered this awesome series and reviewed one of her books. I know that every time I see a review, I’ll have to stop and comment as it was one of my most favorite series. I read few series books as soon as they come out, my preferred style is collecting them and reading them in batches as I hate to wait a year between books. I love being able to finish a book at 2 AM and immediately being able to pick up the next book in the series without that cliffhanger driving me crazy for months. This was a series that I would have loved to have seen Vincent do an off shoot of and do several books on the other females (Kaci, Abby and Melody)in this pride. I even think that the Thunderbirds deserved a book or two of their own. I seriously did not want this to end. Yes, it was a great ending, several surprises I did not see coming and a couple I had hoped for. I sincerely wish I was one of the few that had not already discovered this series just so I could read it all back to back. This series had all the things I enjoy the most, a little romance, a great back story, and enough excitement and mystery to feed my need. Thank you Rachel for sharing your wonderful storyline with me and (hint, hint) I’d be the first in line to squeal if you every decided to change your mind and return to this fabulous world.
Stray (2007)
Rogue (2008)
Pride (2009)
Prey (2009)
Shift (2010)
Alpha (2010)
1 2 3  4 5 6
 Oh, did I mention the wonderful covers in this series? Loved ‘em! Gonna miss you guys!


  1. I love this series. Books about cats are always awesome. It was so sad when Faythe made that mistake in one of the latter books. Broke my heart. But I love the ending the series and who Faythe ends up with :)

  2. i would really like to read this series..i have heard a lot about rachel vincent and i'm looking forward to starting with this series!


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