Monday, January 10, 2011

Sins of the Flesh by Caridad Pineiro

Title: Caridad Pineiro
Author: Sins of the Flesh
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Rating: * * * * *
Publishers Date: 10/27/09
Paperback: 336  pages
Publisher: Forever
ISBN: 0446543837
FTC Disclosure: Bought by Me

Caterina Shaw's days are numbered. Her only chance for survival is a highly experimental gene treatment -- a risk she willingly takes. But now Caterina barely recognizes herself. She has new, terrifying powers, an exotic, arresting body -- and she's been accused of a savage murder, sending her on the run. 
— Mick Carrera is a mercenary and an expert at capturing elusive, clever prey. Yet the woman he's hunting down is far from the vicious killer he's been told to expect: Caterina is wounded, vulnerable, and a startling mystery of medical science. Even more, she's a beautiful woman whose innocent sensuality tempts Mick to show her exactly how thrilling pleasure can be. The heat that builds between them is irresistible, but surrendering to it could kill them both . . . for a dangerous group is plotting its next move using Caterina as its deadly pawn.

This story was definitely a horse of a different color. It was a magnificent read that kept me up all night flipping pages. The characters were fabulous and the plot was ingenious. I love reading paranormal romance and this was PR at it's best. There was a great mystery, romance and a dark twisty plot that was executed perfectly. Pineiro balances these to create a super read that had me immediately going to Amazon to order "Stronger Than Sin", the next book in this series.

Caterina is dying from a brain tumor and has little time left so she did what anyone would, turned to experimental therapy.  Little did she realize that there was a  bigger threat  from those who were supposed to be helping her than the growth in her brain. Pineiro draws out the suspense in this story expertly and after hooking me from page one, I never looked back.


1. Sins of the Flesh

2. Stronger Than Sin


  1. Thank you so much, Lisa. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. The SINS series continues in August 2011 with THE LOST. It's going to get darker and have more paranormal elements, but you'll still see more of the Carreras in the story. Thanks again!

  2. I actually read this back in the fall. Not bad. Not in my usual reading habits, but I've been reading outside my comfort zone for a couple years now. I may give the next book in the series a try some time.


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