Monday, January 10, 2011

Halo by Alexandra Adornetto

Title: Halo
Author: Alexandra Adornetto
Genre: Young Adult
Rating: DNF
Publishers Date: August 31, 2010
Hardback: 496  pages
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
ISBN: 0312656262
FTC Disclosure: Local Public Library

Three angels are sent down to bring good to the world: Gabriel, the warrior; Ivy, the healer; and Bethany, a teenage girl who is the least experienced of the trio. But she is the most human, and when she is romantically drawn to a mortal boy, the angels fear she will not be strong enough to save anyone - especially herself - from the Dark Forces.

Is love a great enough power against evil?

DNF---Thumper Award Candidate. (see right sidebar for explanation)

          Did you have any books in 2010 that you would award The Thumper Award too? If so let me know, this would be an extra entry in the snowy day contest.

I don’t know what annoyed me worse, the book or the fact that I stuck it out till page 293 before I called it quits. I tried, I really tried to like the book and the longer I read the more I realized that it was a total waste of my time. I’m sure there must have been a plot as I heard this was a trilogy. All I can say is thank goodness I checked it out from the library as that way I did not throw it against the wall, no matter how many times I thought about it. The book was soooo  slow moving, I’ve watched paint dry faster than the plot progressed here. I was bored out of my mind. Yes, it’s a YA book and I’m hardly the targeted market, but usually I can find something I enjoyed about a book that I invest the time to read 293 pages of. Normally, I’d just give this book the “Thumper Award” and be done with it but  because I wasted my time please, please heed my warning and if you are at all tempted to read it, check it out of the library as I’m sure there will be a copy or 4 on the shelf.


  1. This wasn't my favorite book ever either. I did finish it though it took me longer than normal! The cover is super pretty though...

  2. Yes, it did have a beautiful cover. And I hated that that was the best thing I could say about it. It was kind of like saying a guy you dated was "nice". The kiss of death in one word.

  3. So sorry you didn't dig it. I just finished it and I really liked it :) Thanks for your honest review!


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Sorry, but because of those nasty spammers I no longer allow Anonymous Users. AU if have comments come out of the dark and stand up and say it instead of hiding behind AU.