Monday, January 10, 2011

From AMC -Mad Men Season 4 Interviews - The Women

I don't know about you but I'm really missing MAD MEN. This article from AMC gives us some interviews from the lovely women and girls who make up this fabulous show. For their full interviews click here. Maybe this will help tide us over.

 "When I was a kid I couldn't hide anything on my face. My dad would be like, "Don't look at me like that," and I'd be like what?" -- Christina Hendricks (Joan Harris)
• "We're actually wearing more clothes than I would be wearing if I wasn't taking my clothes off...everything is just pulled down to create the illusion that you're naked." -- Elisabeth Moss (Peggy Olson)
• "I really liked the fall in Episode 9 -- the trip. It was my first time doing a really big stunt and I thought it was fun." -- Kiernan Shipka (Sally Draper)

• "The scene we did when we're both in bed -- that really intimate scene before he leaves [my hotel room] -- was my favorite scene to shoot in the whole season. Or maybe in my life." --Jessica ParĂ© (Megan)
• "I got to curse and scream at this imaginary boyfriend, and [Faye] does it so well. I just think, boy is she articulate, she says what she wants, she tells him off, and she's just really clear." --Cara Buono (Dr. Faye Miller)
• "I felt like somebody came into my body and my whole body adjusted. I think there was a Miss Blankenship out there just saying, 'Hey, I'm coming in,' and she landed inside me." -- Randee Heller (Ida Blankenship)

1 comment:

  1. I just started watching the first season on In Demand. My mom and I love it!


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