Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tsunami Blue by Gayle Ann Williams

Title: Tsunami Blue
Author: Gayle Ann Williams
Genre: Post-apocalyptic
Rating: * * * *
Publishers Date: 3/30/10
Paperback: 290 pages
Publisher: Love Spell
ISBN: 0505528215
FTC Disclosure: Won in Contest from Author
With her badass rain boots, her faithful dog, and the ability to predict the monster tsunamis that have reduced the US to a series of islands, Kathryn O’Malley isn’t afraid of much. Cut off from all society, she takes to the airwaves as Tsunami Blue, hoping to save something of humanity as the world around her crumbles. But Blue should be afraid—because her message reaches the wrong ears.
Now she’s the target of ruthless pirates known as Runners who want to use her special talents for their own profiteering—as soon as they can find her. Blue’s only shot at survival lies with the naked stranger who washes up on her rocky beach. A man who might just be working for Runners himself. Torn between suspicion and attraction, the two will have to navigate a surging tide of danger and deceit if they hope to stay alive.

A simply awesome tale that captured me on page one and held on tight till I closed the cover several hours later. I loved the world building by Williams and her characters, main and secondary, were fun and totally believable. She obviously knows how the minds of young mischievous boys work. As a debut author she totally blew me away with the descriptions of places. They were vivid in my mind for hours. You could feel the hopelessness and fear of her characters while yet an underlying possibility that Earth would survive these terrible tsunamis. I’m not sure if this is a standalone or there will be more adventures of Blue and her pirates. I sincerely hope so as this world was too fascinating and exciting  to get only one visit.

Gayle Ann Williams lives on a small island off the coast of Washington in the amazing, beautiful, wet Pacific Northwest. Growing up in a small, cowboy town of Eastern Washington, and after numerous visits to Seattle during her college years, Gayle fell in love with the ocean. Trading her spurs for a sea kayak, she left her Rodeo Queen roots behind (yes, she really was a Rodeo Queen) and moved to the "rainy" country. For a time she lived on a sailboat and to this day she thinks sailing throughout the San Juan Islands and the Canadian Gulf Islands was one of the best experiences of her life.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the review! I haven't heard of this before but it actually sounds pretty cool! Definitely a new concept!



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