Monday, June 21, 2010

Should publishing houses charge more for an eBook than a print book?

Once again BittenByBooks has asked a question that I and I'm sure other readers feel very strongly about. So stop by and leave your 2 cents worth. They also always have some fabulous contests and interviews with authors. For my 2 cents check the end of this post.

Welcome to the Bitten By Books poll of the week!! Polling runs through Sunday 6/27/10 at or around 11:00 pm CST. VOTE on the Right side of their site then stop there to tell them  “Should publishing houses charge more for an eBook than a print book?” And why you feel the way you do.  Tell me too!
Last week’s poll showed 115 out of 309 voters said they loved the book version of Eric Northman. 
Please comment as MUCH as you like. We want to hear from AUTHORS AND READERS alike! 
My 2 cents worth!
I imagine the publishing houses are going to charge the most they can and get by with. All I can say is it’s a damn good thing for them that I’m not the average book buyer. No way in hell would I pay more for a book that I can’t hold in my hands or loan to a friend if I want. I buy 90% MMP. For the same $25 I’d get 1 hardback, 1 1/2 trade size (and don’t get me started on these bulky things that do not fit in a purse) or 3 1/2 MMP. If a book I want to read is only available in HB or trade then I get it from a swap site, which is where I share all my books after reading them anyway. Why would I spend even more to put it on an electronic reader and heavens forbid should I lose it, then I’d be out a $300 ereader and thousands of dollars of ebooks in one swoop? It’s not that I mind spending the money on books, I probably spend $100 a month easily but I expect to get the most for that $100 that I can. Like I said, if all readers bought like I did, the publishing houses would drastically have to change their strategy or they’d go belly up.

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