Wednesday, June 23, 2010

OMG! OMG ! Finally After 31 years!

Earth's Children

I don't know if any of you can appreciate the level of excitement that I experienced when I visited 

to comment on her question--- 

Too long to wait for your book??

Is there a series that you love, that has had a longer than you like pause between it's last book and the next?

While knowing that it had been almost 8 years since Auel's last book, I clicked on over to to confirm the beginning date of this series to see the most fantastic, wonderful, scream out loud news that this reader was dying to see. WE ARE GOING TO GET A NEW BOOK MARCH 2011! A NEW BOOK, A NEW BOOK I say, dancing around and around in a circle. Now you may be saying so-- but it was 2002 since we had the last one! The first book came out in 1980--31 years ago. I mean my gosh, that's before some of you were even born. I was just commenting today to a lady at our local used book store that I hoped I'd get to read at least one more of Auel's books before I got so old that I couldn't see to read them. 
Well, there goes my reading schedule shot all to hell cause I'll definitely be rereading this series in anticipation of the new book. Oh, boy can't wait to write the reviews for this 5 star series of books. If you like historical fiction (I'm talking cave dwelling people here), romance, action, adventure, mystery--this series is so great. OMG, I just can't wait.  

Sorry, Gena but as much as I anticipated  "Unraveled", nothing, I mean nothing is more anticipated than "The Land of Painted Caves".  I just can't believe it, I was off to bed an hour ago and thought I'll read just one more email and now, I so hyped up, I don't know if I can sleep or not.


  1. OMG!!! I LOVE this series!!! I started reading it as a teenager and now my own kids are reading it!!! I can't wait to see how it all wraps up!!!

  2. I've never even heard of this series before...

  3. I've got the other books in the series so I will buy this one. To be honest though I thought they were beginning to become a bit repetitive - lets hope theres something new in this latest book.

  4. I too started this series as a teenager! I remember giving a book report on Clan of the Cave Bear in grade 8 or 9 - I remember giving the report, just not the grade (it was a long time ago - 1982/83). I can't wait to read this next one and see how it all plays out!


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