Monday, June 21, 2010

HARPER/TEEN Browse Inside and Try Before You Buy Feature

Harper/ has a Browse Inside and Try Before You Buy Feature that I think is wonderful. They always have 4 or 5 full length books you can read for free (usually the first book of a series where there is a new book for the series coming out) and also a sample (3 or 4) chapters of new books that are about to be released. This is a great way to take a new book or author for a test drive. So if your in the mood for a test drive, check them out today.

Browse Inside this book
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Browse Inside this book
Get this for your site

It's tough living in the shadow of a dead girl. . . .
In the five years since her bad-girl sister Xanda's death, Miranda Mathison has wondered about the secret her sister took to the grave, and what really happened the night she died. Now, just as Miranda is on the cusp of her dreams—a best friend to unlock her sister's world, a ticket to art school, and a boyfriend to fly her away from it all—Miranda has a secret all her own.
When two lines on a pregnancy test confirm her worst fears, Miranda is stripped of her former life. She must make a choice with tremendous consequences and finally face her sister's demons and her own.
In this powerful debut novel, stunning new talent Holly Cupala illuminates the dark struggle of a girl who must let go of her past to find a way into her own future.


In a time of deadly crisis, Linden alone has the power to save her people.
The faeries of the Oak are in danger of extinction, and their only hope for survival rests in fifteen-year-old Linden. Armed with the last of her people's magic, she travels bravely into the modern human world. Along the way she makes a reluctant ally—a human boy named Timothy.
Soon Linden and Timothy discover a danger much worse than the Oakenfolk's loss of magic: a potent evil that threatens to enslave faeries and humans alike. In a fevered, desperate chase across the country, Tim and Linden must risk their lives to seek an ancient power before it's too late to save everyone they love.
R. J. Anderson has artfully crafted a world of stunning magic, thrilling adventure, and delicate beauty, where the key to the future is in an unexpected, forbidden friendship.


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