Saturday, June 19, 2010

Board Books For Babies

"Children are made readers on the laps of their parents" 

     (Emilie Buchwald)

I received a baby shower invitation a while back and was tickled that one of the items that the givers of the shower requested was that we bring a favorite children's book to help fill the new arrival's bookcase. Well, as you can see, I was unable to pick just one. And what was so wonderful is that Barnes and Nobles carries so many children's books as board books. Great for little ones to handle.
If you read one of my earlier posts you know that "Go, Dog, Go!" was my youngest son's favorite and of course I had to include my daughter's favorite, "Stellaluna". If you've never read or heard the story of Stellaluna especially if you have a young child in the family, you owe it to them to get this book right away. 
My daughter used to check this book out at least once a month at school because she loved it so much. It's the story of a baby fruit-bat that gets seperated from it's mother and the lessons she learns about friendship. 
It's a wonderful story that little ones never get tired of hearing, over and over. When my daughter's school had a book fair, we were encouraged to donate a book to the school library. Well, every year for 5 years we bought the same book and donated it. Yep, you got it, "Stellaluna". As my daughter said, "Now, Momma more than one of us can get "Stellaluna" at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. My kids had me read "Are you my mother?" until they could say it along with me. I still love the book, which says a lot about how good it is. :)


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