Friday, December 15, 2017

Review For A CRUEL KIND OF BEAUTIFUL By Michelle Hazen- 4 1/2 *


Author: Michelle Hazen

Genre: New Adult Romance
Rating: * * * * 1/2
Publishers: Self Published
(Dec 4, 2017)
Paperback: 344 pages
ISBN: 978-1975889876
FTC Disclosure: ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley
Copy provided for the purpose of providing an honest review.
 This does not affect my opinion of this book.

If you can’t get to the Big O, can you get to the happily ever after? 
Jera McKnight loves music, swoons for hot guys, but sucks at sex. Jacob Tate is her perfect storm: a pun-loving nude model with a heart as big as his record collection.
When a newspaper-delivery accident lands him in her living room, he’s almost tempting enough to make her forget she’s never been able to please a man—in bed or out of it. Sure, he laughs at her obscure jokes, and he’ll even accept a PG-rating if it means he gets time with her, but he’s also hiding something. And it has everything to do with the off-limits room in his apartment. 
Jera pours all her confusion and longing into her drum kit, which pays off when her band lands the record deal of their dreams. Except just like Jacob, it might be too good to come without a catch. 
She doesn’t know if her music is good enough to attract a better contract, or if she’s enough to tempt a man like Jacob to give up his secrets, even if they could fix her problems between the sheets. But if this rocker girl is too afraid to bet on herself, she might just end up playing to an empty house. 

Grab the first book in this addictive new series if you love snarky heroines, the backstage scoop about mouthwatering rock stars on the rise, and Kindle-melting sex scenes. Perfect for fans of the ragtag band families in Kylie Scott and Crystal Caswell's books.

I usually don't read rock & roll romances nor New Adult books as I tend to get a bit annoyed at the emotional decisions made by the main characters. Yeah, I remember those days but jeez, the constant drama tends to get old real fast now. The main reason I refuse to watch any of the numerous "reality" shows on TV either. 
But the blurb on this one sucked me in and I'm so glad it did as I throughly enjoyed it. I loved Jera, she was the type of rocker I'd want to be. She had a lot of confidence in her abilities as far as a drummer and I loved that she had moved in with her Grandmother to help take care of her all the while going to college and working. She just seemed so real! Ah, and Jacob--well he was the sweetest  guy imaginable. I loved the way he tried to take care of everyone while still being so hot and sexy. He was sex  on a stick! Plus he was smart and funny, just an awesome all around guy. I may have to stick around for the other books in this series if they are half as wonderful as this one.

Michelle Hazen is a nomad with a writing problem. Years ago, she and her husband ducked out of the 9 to 5 world and moved into their truck. As a result, she wrote most of her books with solar power in odd places, including a bus in Thailand, a golf cart in a sandstorm, and a beach in Honduras. Currently, she’s addicted to The Walking Dead, hiking, and Tillamook cheese.
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