Saturday, December 16, 2017

Blog Tour & Giveaway For THE EVAPORATION OF SOFI SNOW By Mary Weber

The Evaporation of Sofi Snow 

(The Evaporation of Sofi Snow #1)

Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Release Date: June 6th 2017
Genre: Young Adult, Science Fiction, Dystopia

Ever since the Delonese ice-planet arrived eleven years ago, Sofi's dreams have been vivid. Alien. In a system where Earth's corporations rule in place of governments and the humanoid race orbiting the moon are allies, her only constant has been her younger brother, Shilo. As an online gamer, Sofi battles behind the scenes of Earth's Fantasy Fighting arena where Shilo is forced to compete in a mix of real and virtual blood sport. But when a bomb takes out a quarter of the arena, Sofi's the only one who believes Shilo survived. She has dreams of him. And she's convinced he's been taken to the ice-planet.
Except no one but ambassadors are allowed there.
For Miguel, Earth's charming young playboy, the games are of a different sort. As Ambassador to the Delonese, his career has been built on trading secrets and seduction. Until the Fantasy Fight's bomb goes off. Now the tables have turned and he's a target for blackmail. The game is simple: Help the blackmailers, or lose more than anyone can fathom, or Earth can afford.

Mary Weber is the multiple-award-winning author of the bestselling young adult Storm Siren Trilogy, and The Evaporation of Sofi Snow series (all by HarperCollins). An avid high school, middle school, and conference speaker, Mary's passion is helping others find their voice amid a world that often feels too loud. When she's not plotting adventures involving tough girls who frequently take over the world, Mary sings 80's hairband songs to her three muggle children, and ogles her husband who looks strikingly like Wolverine. They live in California which is perfect for stalking L.A. bands, Comic-Con, and the ocean.
Mary's debut, Storm Siren, was featured in the Scholastic School Book Fairs, and her novels have been endorsed by bestselling authors Marissa Meyer, Jay Asher, Wendy Higgins, CJ Redwine, and Jonathan Maberry.

You can also find Mary's fun interviews in the paperback of Marissa Meyer's NYT bestselling, CRESS, and in Jay Asher's 13 REASONS WHY movie tie-in edition. Most recently, you can see her and her family as extras in the NETFLIX Original Series, 13 REASONS WHY.

She gets nerdy at, FACEBOOK @MaryWeberAuthor, INSTAGRAM @MaryWeberAuthor, TWITTER @mchristineweber, and GOODREADS. Come say hi!!

December 11th

December 12th

Bibliobibuli YA - Guest Post
JusticeReads - Review + Playlist
Hauntedbybooks13 - Promotional Post

December 13th

T's Stuff - Interview
Confessions of a YA Reader - Promotional Post

December 14th

Marrok Macintyre - Guest Post
Wishful Endings - Review
Literary Meanderings - Promotional Post

December 15th

December 16th

postcards for ariel - Interview
Lisa's Loves(Books of Course) - Promotional Post

December 17th

The Mind of a Book Dragon - Review + Favourite Quotes
Library of a Book Witch - Review + Playlist

       Prize: Everything in the picture— Backpack, earbuds, hardcover copy of the book
       US/Canada only
       Starts: 12/11
       Ends: 12/29
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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