Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Spotlight Post & Giveaway For OCEANSIDE MARINE by Jennifer Ann

Will they be able to survive her insecurities and the scrutiny of their friends and family?

Follow the reveal and enter to #win an Oceanside Marine prize pack including a paperback copy of the book, $50 Amazon GC, adult coloring book, and Kate Spade clutch

Title: Oceanside Marine
Series: Kendall Family #4
Author: Jennifer Ann
Genre: Contemporary Military Romance
Release Date: April 24, 2017

Fresh out of the Marine Corps, Braden Kendall has settled into a comfortable routine in SoCal with his 3-legged dog and a handful of good friends. Despite being undeniably handsome and perceived as a lady’s man, he’s lonely and tired of meaningless hookups. After becoming pregnant in her teens, Katie Walker dedicated her life to raising her two sons, putting any romantic notions aside until they flew the nest. Now that she’s on her own and free to date, she struggles with putting her needs first.

Though Katie and Braden aren’t related by blood, their families are intertwined by marriage, making a relationship seem forbidden. Katie always found the cocky Marine attractive, but their considerable age difference made him off limits. Little does she know, Braden has been crushing on her for years and can’t get enough of her quirky personality. When they meet up in Vegas for a family celebration, Braden offers to show her a good time unmatched by anything she’s experienced. Once Katie decides she wants more of what he’s offering, can she survive a judgmental society, her insecurities, and the scrutiny of those closest to her?

Find out more at: Goodreads | Amazon

Excerpt One:
Braden’s lips are suddenly on mine and I can’t process what’s happening. Can’t breathe. He smells like sin and tastes like heaven as his warm tongue strokes past my lips to lap against mine. His eager lips move with blinding strokes of fervency, coaxing me to join in. The citrusy taste of his tongue and the hardness of his colossal muscles render me weak at the knees. One strong hand cradles my head while the other grazes against my lower back with just enough pressure to keep me grounded.
Holy shit, the guy knows how to kiss with passion and purpose. Slipping my hands underneath his shirt, I stroke the smooth skin on his lower back and hum dreamily. My underwear becomes so wet that I’m able to smell my own arousal. Aside from the fact that Braden’s exceptionally skilled, it’s similar to the way my ex would kiss when we were teenagers. Eager. Reckless. Without abandon. The same way that led to me becoming pregnant—twice.
I won’t deny that I’ve made countless bad decisions in my lifetime. Some I still regret, others have molded me into the woman I am today—namely the fact that I did get pregnant as a young teenager with the biggest douchebag in the land. But I wouldn’t go back and change anything. My sons mean everything to me. I’ve structured my life around them, putting the idea of serious relationships with men on the back burner until they were out of the house.
Now that Allen and Connor are both off at college, I finally have time to focus on what I want. What I need. And at the moment, I need to relieve the red-hot ache rocking me to the core.
Finally my mind catches up to what’s really going on.
I’m. Kissing. Braden. Kendall.
The guy who knows how to rock Marine dress blues and make beautiful women faint with a mere flash of his thick eyelashes. The hottie with the highly impressive body who paraded around the Hamptons last summer wearing a pair of low-slung swim trunks like a male supermodel. The same younger man I’ve fantasized over too many times to count. The gorgeous creature with dark brown eyes that all too often makes me forget my own name, or the brutal fact that I’m over a decade his senior.
Evelyn’s little brother.
Holy shit, this is all kinds of wrong. And since I’m his elder, I’m the one who has to stop.

Jennifer Ann is the author of nine contemporary romance novels with complex love stories. Like her characters, she's in love with the city of New York, trips on airplanes or the back of her husband's Harley, and everything rock and roll. Sometimes you can catch her driving a tractor alongside her husband in southern Minnesota while trying to keep up with the madness of their four active children.
You can connect with her online at: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | BookBub | Goodreads

Follow the tour and enter to #win an Oceanside Marine prize pack including a paperback copy of the book, $50 Amazon GC, adult coloring book, and Kate Spade clutch.

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