Friday, April 14, 2017

First Look Celebration/Giveaway & GIFs For BLOOD VOWED By Traci Douglass

BLOOD VOWED (Blood Ravagers) by Traci Douglass
BLOOD VOWED by Traci Douglass is a dark and sexy ride with an otherworld ex-assassin on a mission to atone for the sins of his past, and the woman who holds both his only means of escape and the keys to his ultimate salvation. This exciting installment in the Blood Ravagers series is perfect for fans of BLACK DAGGER BROTHERHOOD by J.R. Ward and IMMORTALS AFTER DARK by Kresley Cole.

Praise for the Blood Ravagers:
 “Fifty Shades of Grey” meets “Sons of Anarchy” in Traci Douglass’s “Blood Bound.” The first book in the Blood Ravagers series, “Blood Bound” brings us to a world where humans and Otherworlders live side by side but with an uneasy truce. An exciting read from beginning to end. It’s steamy and sexy while also hair-raising and fearsome at the same time.” - MARI D., NETGALLEY REVIEWER, 5 STARS

“Yes, yes, and more yes. I'm in love with this series. Give me more!” - ERIN M., NETGALLEY REVIEWER, 5 STARS

Title: Blood Vowed
Author: Traci Douglass
Series: Blood Ravagers
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: April 13, 2017
Publisher: Tule Publishing

Reverend “Rev” Walker, expected some backlash after he foiled The Council’s attempts to overthrow the Blood Ravager Biker Gang. What he hadn’t expected was to wake up in the last place he ever wanted to see again—a dank cell of The Council’s Siberian dungeon. Drained and chained, he faces certain death if he can’t escape from the hellish prison. Now, his only means of escape depends on him accepting help from a fellow prisoner, a woman whose very existence is a lie and the only one capable of awakening Rev’s long-dormant heart.
Claire Deveraux is Dygarian, a race of shadow-shifters who have been slandered and hunted to extinction by The Council. But Claire has used her years of enslavement well, reading her captors’ secret texts and hearing their whispered secrets. Now, after being locked up for a crime she didn’t commit, she plans to use her knowledge of the dungeon’s maze-like interior to gain her freedom, or die trying. Then a new prisoner arrives, a man Claire has dreamed of and knows in her heart is her destined mate, if only she can break through his walls.
On the run and threatened from all sides, will Rev and Claire learn to trust each other and their growing feelings for one another before it’s too late?

Find out more at: Tule Publishing | Amazon| Kobo | B&N| Goodreads

Follow the celebration for a chance at the #giveaway and exclusive excerpts!

Excerpt from Blood Vowed:

Peering around Rev, Claire studied the new opponent. The thing was big and ugly and must’ve come running from the deepest crevices of the dungeons.  It launched itself at Rev, saliva dripping from its huge sword-like fangs as if it wanted to gobble the vamp up for dinner.
This wasn’t her first run-in with the Council’s monsters who went bump in the night. There were others, many, many others that lurked in the shadows down here. In the past she’d always had a contingent of guards surrounding her when she’d come to clean, then later, she’d had the iron bars of her cage. Now, though, there was nothing between her and what looked like certain death. Nothing but a vamp she didn’t know and didn’t particularly trust, who was currently getting the thrashing of his immortal life from the looks of it.
The need for self-preservation swelling inside her, Claire mentally reviewed the texts she’d read about hand-to-hand combat while she searched for a weapon. At last, she settled on a sharp shard of wood from one of the vicious roots that had died and assumed a battle stance.
Time for a little payback.
As she crouched and prepared to strike, Rev dodged from one side of the narrow passage to the other, slicing the tip of his makeshift rock dagger across the beast’s throat…only to disappear. Vampires were notoriously fast and Rev even more so due to his training.
Still, the creature remained on its feet, healing quickly and growing angrier.
Rev reappeared in a flash and struck again and again, inflicting more damage each time. The creature tried to claw him, but Rev always seemed to duck at the perfect moment. Much as Claire hated to admit it, his masterful skill was impressive. He never seemed to make actual deadly contact with the monster or land a punch though. Why? She wasn’t sure, since the opportunities were there.
Then the idea occurred that perhaps the whispered rumors of the other prisoners were true. Perhaps he had left his killer ways behind and now searched for redemption by turning only against the people who had made him what he was. That would certainly make sense, given what he’d told her about why he was here, why he’d sacrificed himself and his freedom.
Claire clutched her wooden stake tighter. No. Even if that were true and he had changed his ways, it would not alter his fate. She had nothing to her name now, nothing but her integrity and her vengeance. She would use him to keep her safe until she could fend for herself and then she would end him as she’d promised.
The beast swiped a razor-sharp talon at Rev, nearly beheading him if not for his quick reflexes, and this time Claire jumped into the action. The assassin was hers to kill. No one else’s. “You have five seconds, creature,” she shouted. “I suggest you run. Fast.”
At the sound of her voice, the monster narrowed its black gaze, growling, “Mine.”
“Three seconds left.”
Rev dove through the air and gouged out one of the beast’s eyes. Yelps of pain echoed.
Retaliating, the creature slammed hard into Rev’s chest. Rev tumbled backward through the dark tunnel, disappearing into the shadows beyond.
Slowly, Claire turned back to face the beast that had just signed its death warrant. “Zero.”

Other Books in the Blood Ravagers Series

Blood Bound
Anna Frost had a bad feeling when her twin sister, Liz, told her she’d run off with a member of the notorious Otherworld biker gang, the Blood Ravagers. And her unease skyrockets when her sister subsequently vanishes. The police have no authority and little interest, so Anna decides to take matters into her own hands by infiltrating the group to discover for herself what happened to Liz, where she meets….
Dante, half demon, half human. A mix of two worlds, accepted by neither, he’s had no choice but to learn the hard way how to play whatever side of the fence kept him alive during his nearly 500 years of existence. Now, as second-in-command of the Blood Ravagers biker gang, his survival depends on keeping his humanity a secret. Dante’s ultimate goal is to fulfill the vows he made over two centuries ago to create a world where half-breeds can live in safety and equality.
But when sheltered schoolteacher Anna finds unexpected, white-hot passion in the arms of Dante, will her quest for the truth cost him more than he ever bargained for? Or will they find a way to save Liz – and their love – together?
Book 1 is available at Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks

Blood Freed
Elizabeth “Liz” Frost has always been the wild one. But now, with a niece or nephew on the way and her promise to become half of the new psychic Oracle team for the Blood Ravagers Biker Gang, she’s ready to turn over a new leaf. And what better way to start than by answering the call when gang leader Dante needs help? Her mission: to travel cross-country to get the information the gang needs to complete the Oracle Binding Ceremony. Should be easy, right? Except for the incredibly tempting lone-wolf shifter named Dex who’ll be her riding partner and protector on the journey. Dexter “Dex” MacCallahan is tasked with guarding Liz Frost, one of the gang’s beautiful and bewildering new psychics. Dex can’t refuse the mission, but there’s one small problem. The time of his Rut is approaching, a rare occurrence where male wolf-shifters must physically bond with their chosen mate or face certain insanity and death. It could cost him not only the new life he’s built, but also his battered, scarred heart. Together, Dex and Liz must search for the information they need before his old nemesis and a rival gang annihilates all they hold dear. But when the simmering chemistry between them boils over into searing hot passion, will they risk losing their hearts to save the ones they love?
Book 2 is available at Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks

Traci is a USA Today Bestselling Author of Contemporary and Paranormal Romance. Her stories feature sizzling heroes full of dark humor, quick wits and major attitudes and heroines who are smart, tenacious, and always give as good as they get. She holds an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University and she loves animals, chocolate, coffee, hot British actors, and sarcasm—not necessarily in that order.

Connect with Traci at her Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter 
| Pinterest | Google Plus | Book Bub

Traci Gives Us GIF's Telling Her Story 

Blood Vowed begins with our intrepid hero, Rev Walker, and heroine, Claire Deveraux, locked in the Council’s dungeons for crimes they didn’t commit.

With Claire’s help, Rev manages to escape and they must trudge across the Siberian tundra to reach his abandoned home where they can shelter until they come up with a plan for revenge against the Council.

Once at his ramshackle home, they must learn to work together and their forced proximity grows into deeper longing and desire.

Then the truth Rev has hidden from Claire since the beginning is revealed and things get complicated.

To make matters worse, the Council swoops in and things look bleak.

The rest of the Blood Ravagers gang arrives and a battle to rule the Otherworld ensues.

And they all lived happily ever after…

Wow! That was incredibly hard and surprisingly fun! 
Happy Reading! J
Thanks so much!

GIVEAWAY DETAILS: Kindle to one lucky winner and 2 runners-up will receive a signed copy of Blood Bound (or monetary equivalent if international).
a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for featuring BLOOD VOWED on your blog! Telling the story in GIFs was amazingly fun! :)


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