Sunday, April 16, 2017

Book Blitz & Giveaway For THE UNBREAKABLE CONNECTION By Stephi Hart

The Unbreakable Connection
by Stephi Hart
Publication Date: April 16, 2017
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Purchase: Amazon

With dog sledding in her blood, Marie Matthews swears that she’ll never race again. Trapped by the same nightmare that haunts her nightly after a horrifying accident, Marie turns to her Great Grandmother for support and guidance.
Finally, after months of agony and indecision, Marie believes she’s ready to get back on the snow. But her best friend and trusty racing partner won’t budge. She’s forced to call in reinforcements, and the renowned Dog Whisperer, Alex King, knows exactly what is holding her back–and it’s not the dog. With the race looming, can Alex help Marie conquer her fears to grant her Great Grandmother’s final dying wish?


When she patted her bed, Blaze came and jumped up next to her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and lay her head on his back. Blaze licked her sweaty face and lay down, allowing her to get comfortable. 
With her best friend by her side and the feeling of his fur lightly tickling her palm, she was able to fall back into a peaceful sleep. 

Her name is Marie Matthews and this is her story. 

About Stephi Hart

Stephi Hart is a YA romance author who lives in Ohio. She started writing when she was just nine years old. Even before that, she made up stories about her imaginary friends and all the adventures they had. When she was thirteen years old she signed up for a homeschool writing class. That’s where the passion for writing took hold of her. She just kept writing and writing. It didn’t take her long after that to realize that her passion for writing was a blessing that she longed to share with others.
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