Monday, February 27, 2017

Blog Tour/Interview & Giveaway For OF THE TREES By E.M. Fitch

Author: E.M. Fitch
Pub. Date: Feb 28, 2017
Publisher: Month9Books
Format: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 345

Cassie and Laney fancy themselves amateur ghost hunters. When a carnival comes to town, Cassie embraces the chance to try something new.
Carnival workers watch the girls with a collective gaze that ignites in Laney a dark and dangerous fascination, leaving Cassie unnerved.
It's not just their age or the unsettling way they stare. There is something in the shifting of their skin and the way their features seem to change in the shadows.
Cassie can's shake this sickening feeling that there's more to the carnival than meets the eye.
When townspeople suddenly start dying and bloody warnings appear around town, Cassie is lured into a nightmare where trees whisper and strange, shape-shifting men haunt the backwoods she once hunted for ghosts with her best friend.
Then Laney goes missing, and only Cassie can get her back. But the creatures of the trees aren't simply going to hand Laney over to Cassie without getting something in return.

E.M. Fitch is an author who loves scary stories, chocolate, and tall trees. When not dreaming up new ways to torture characters, she is usually corralling her four children or thinking of ways to tire them out so she can get an hour of peace at night. She lives in Connecticut, surrounded by chaos, which she manages (somewhat successfully) with her husband, Marc.

Lisa's Loves (Books of Course) Q&A

Twitter or Facebook?
Favorite Superhero?
Favorite TV show?
                The Walking Dead. Love me some zombies.
Sweet or Salty?
                Both together! Raisinets in popcorn is the ultimate combination. Trust me.
Coke or Pepsi?
Any Phobias?
                Not really, I super hate bugs and spiders though.
Song you can’t get enough of right now?
                Lost Boy by Ruth B.
Who is your ultimate Book Boyfriend?
                Jamie Fraser. Oh, I’m sorry, James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser.
What are you reading right now or what’s on your TBR?
                I’m currently reading Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness by Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kuttner. (Yes, I realize how dry that sounds; but it’s fascinating! One of my short stories coming out in 2017 was inspired by the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment.)
2017 Movie you’re most looking forward to?
                A Monster Calls

Was there anything you wanted to add or had to eliminate from the story? What was it and why?
                There really weren’t any cuts that I found problematic. The major elements of the story were left untouched. Most of the edits to Of The Trees were grammatical and some developmental, but they all made the story better and more focused. Now, that being said, the sequel has some juicy bits and horror elements that made me wonder if perhaps I was pushing the envelope a bit. I let my characters and the storyline take over, though, and pushed through. I hope all those bits will all stay intact, but I guess time will tell.

What is the heartbeat of your new novel?
                This novel centers around friendship, trust, and fear. There’s a feeling of helplessness, and an uncertainty of how to overcome it. But, beyond the horror, fairy lore, and whispering trees, Of The Trees is a story of two friends who love each other, and lose each other.

If you found a genie, what would be your three wishes?
                Hmmm… Okay, first, money. I’ll admit it, I’m that person. And while money doesn’t buy happiness, it’s sure easier to put a meal on the table and pay off a mortgage if you have some. So, I’d want a magical little safe (not a big one! See! I’m not greedy!) that is stacked with cash whenever I open it. Second wish: a recipe for calorie-free chocolate chip cookies. Third wish: the ability to fly! I’ve always wanted to be able to do that.

What do you hope readers will take away from reading this book?
I want readers to see that bravery is a choice; that it looks different for different people, but that it’s always worth choosing.

Tell us Seven things we may not know about your writing life...

1)      I have found some of my best friends online in the writing community, it has been one of the most welcoming and encouraging experiences of my life.
2)      I have been rejected more times than I am willing to count, and I keep them all in a separate folder to track where I’ve submitted, and where I’m submitting next.
3)      I’ve been writing seriously since 2013, with plenty of “I’m just doing this for fun, I swear!” writing before that.
4)      Of The Trees is my fourth published novel – before this was a YA zombie trilogy entitled The Break Free Series. Overall, I’ve currently written eight complete novels (some which will never see the light of day), a smattering of novellas, and a dozen or so short stories.
5)      Typing ‘The End’ on a novel or series is one of the most thrilling, giggle-inducing, adrenaline-pumping moments for me, I get giddy just thinking about it.
6)      I have no routine, music, or formula that gets me writing – when it’s time to write, I just sit down and do it.
7)      I do an absolute ton of research regarding all sorts of topics for every book or short story I write, this includes movies and television shows that inspire ideas, to non-fiction works, actual research papers and articles, and internet searches that could probably land me in some trouble with the NSA.

Was there any particular research that you did for the new book?

                Yes, tons! I started with Irish fairy-tales and folklore, which led me to W.B. Yeats and a collection of his stories and poems. One in particular stuck out to me, The Stolen Child, and that helped to influence and shape Of The Trees. And while old tales of the Fae are the dark undercurrents that run throughout this novel, the story begins with a ghost story. So there was a lot of research put into one of the old, local legends that skulks around a cemetery quite close to me. It was a ghost story I remembered from my own time in high school, and I went searching through archives for the details. I also looked into everything from tree varieties, to high school floor-plans, to… oh! This was a big one: The Appalachian Trail. So much research went into the conditions on the trail, what you’d have to pack for a thru-hike, how long something like that would take, what the particular sections of the trail looked like. On and on! I just adore researching, which comes in handy because every novel I write requires often very bizarre research. 

Giveaway Details:
1 winner will receive a $25 Fandango Gift Card, US Only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tour Schedule:
Week One:
2/27/2017- Lisa's Loves(Books of Course)Interview
2/27/2017- Never Too Many To ReadReview
2/27/2017- Julie ReeceExcerpt

2/28/2017- Tales of the Ravenous ReaderGuest Post
2/28/2017- Book Review BeccaReview

3/1/2017- Two Chicks on BooksInterview
3/1/2017- Omg Books and More BooksReview

3/2/2017- Always & Forever FangirlingExcerpt
3/2/2017- Bookaholic BanterReview

3/3/2017- Rockin' Book ReviewsGuest Post
3/3/2017- QuantumReview

Week Two:
3/6/2017- LILbooKloversInterview
3/6/2017- Don't Judge, ReadReview

3/7/2017- Book Lovers LifeReview

3/8/2017- Hidden Worlds BooksGuest Post
3/8/2017- Book-KeepingReview

3/9/2017- Bibliobibuli YAInterview
3/9/2017- StephanieCassidyBlogReview

3/10/2017- So Few BooksInterview
3/10/2017- I am not a bookworm!Review

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for hosting me on your blog! Your interview questions were wonderful, I so enjoyed answering :)


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