Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Author Guest Post(Playlist) & Giveaway For SPACE COWBOY SURVIVAL GUIDE by Heather Long

Escape for the space adventure of your life and learn the rules along the way...

Title: Space Cowboy Survival Guide
Author: Heather Long
Release Date: December 13, 2016
Format: Digital
Genres: Action/Adventure, Science Fiction, Space Opera

Rule #42 – Don’t be a hero. Heroes do shit for free and get themselves killed. It’s a lose-lose proposition.
From his leather Stetson to his long coat and choice of weapons, Shaw Sullivan is just a space cowboy who lives by his own code. A loner by choice, he accepted the contract to conduct a stellar census under duress…it was the only way to save his family’s ranch. 
Sullivan has four years to complete the mission, and he has zero intentions of letting anything get in his way least of all a desperate woman who wants to hire him to be a hero.

Find out more at: Amazon | ARe | B&N | Kobo | iBooks


Once up the ladder, he closed the hatch to the hold behind him and sealed it. Tika waited for him by the cockpit access and he double-timed it, unlocking the seal and letting them both in as the engines came fully online. 
“Buckle up,” he ordered her and took his food container. At his station, he tapped a button and opened a secure hatch. “Store the food for now. I doubt you want to try and eat during takeoff.” 
She mirrored his action. One thing he did admire about Tika, she understood urgency. While their earlier conversation seemed to bother her, she didn’t bring it up. So he took a page from her and ignored it for the time being. 
“Zed, controls to me.” 
In most circumstances, he’d let Zed handle basic departure as he did most of the landings. The storm on the scanners bearing down on them was rife with red, which indicated heat and electricity. If it was a thunder snow system, they’d run the risk of lightning strikes on the hull. “Ionize the hull,” he instructed. “Keep your sensors on that system.” 
“Acknowledged, Captain.” 
Throughout the exchange, Tika remained white lipped and knuckled. She didn’t interrupt. 
“It’s going to be fine,” he told her. “Don’t forget there’s a bag in the side pocket.” 
“And don’t vomit on the console. I remember.”
On that note, he engaged the engines and completed lift off.
The launch proved far more violent than their descent. Lightning strikes spread out over the hull, riding the ions on the plating. By the time they achieved orbit, Tika slumped in her seat, her eyes closed tight while her lips moved.
It took him a minute to focus on the words she said, and when they did register it was hard not to be offended.
“Are you praying?”

“Don’t complain,” she chastised him. “We’re still alive, so it worked.”

Doctor Ilsa Blaine

Codename: Doc
 Abilities: Designs programmable bioware, enhanced understanding of brain chemistry 
Mission: Research, analyze and troubleshoot the team’s active microchips
On the cutting edge of neuroscience, Ilsa is developing microchips that can be inserted into the brain and deliver information. The applications are endless, but her current goal is just to get dogs to return to their owners should they ‘become lost.’ When her college roommate turns up asking for lunch, she’s hardly prepared for the chaos that ensues or the revelation her chip changed the world and the lives of five heroes from the future. And now they need her help…

Garrett Fox

Codename: The Viper 
Abilities: toxins, poisons and assassination, he can kill with a touch. 
Mission: Protect Ilsa Blaine 
One of five desperate men sent back in time to save the future, Garrett volunteers to be the doctor’s guinea pig as she studies their neuro-chips. It’s not his first time being a lab rat. In close quarters, the unthinkable happens, an attraction that could kill Ilsa. Drawn together by science, and on the fast track to destiny, Ilsa must prove to Garrett he isn’t toxic to everything and save his team from their chips before they can end them… 
Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. An alliance with Halo has given their leader a taste of hope. For these five lonely soldiers, the single emotion may prove their most dangerous threat.

Find out more at: Amazon | Kobo | iBooks | ARe
One Thief...
Wealthy, titled, and very privileged, Lady Katherine Hardwicke successfully eluded some of the best thieves in the world in a quest to obtain the Fortunate Buddha. Her time is running out and her enemies are closing in, and one deliciously enigmatic man seems determined to get in her way. Will he save her or end her quest forever?
One Hunt...
Jarod Parker wears many faces and lies for a living, but when the same thief steals the Buddha out from beneath his agents not once but twice, this handler returns to the field. His target? The last woman anyone would suspect of being the thief. But is he really after the Buddha or has this brilliant woman stolen his heart?
One Choice...
Their sensuous game of cat and mouse turns deadly when a third player turns up the heat, but can these two liars come clean with each other or will they lose it all?
Find out more at: Amazon | Kobo | iBooks | ARe

Visit the blogs below for a chance to enter the #giveaway! 
  One lucky winner will receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card!

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 Joyfully Reviewed Author Interview
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Heather has created a playlist Shaw Sullivan:
Definitely MY kind of music!

Shaw Sullivan has eclectic tastes, and he’ll need them on his journey. Whether he’s visiting a planet or cranking up the Rosen engine, Shaw’s playlist keeps him grooving while he’s moving!

1. Spirit In The Sky Norman - Greenbaum
2. Desperado – Eagles
3. Sabotage – Beastie Boys
4. Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress – The Hollies
5. Thunderstruck – ACDC
6. Friends in Low Places – Garth Brooks
7. My Way – Frank Sinatra
8. Space Oddity – David Bowie
9. 2000 Light Years from Home – The Rolling Stones
10. The Final Countdown - Europe

National bestselling author, Heather Long, likes long walks in the park, science fiction, superheroes, Marines, and men who aren’t douche bags. Her books are filled with heroes and heroines tangled in romance as hot as Texas summertime. From paranormal historical westerns to contemporary military romance, Heather might switch genres, but one thing is true in all of her stories—her characters drive the books. When she’s not wrangling her menagerie of animals, she devotes her time to family and friends she considers family. She believes if you like your heroes so real you could lick the grit off their chest, and your heroines so likable, you’re sure you’ve been friends with women just like them, you’ll enjoy her worlds as much as she does.

Connect with Heather: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon

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