Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A Lady Forsaken Series By Christina McKnight Cover Re-Reveal & Giveaway

Get lost back in time with the Lords and Ladies of the “A Lady Forsaken” series and fall in love with the historical romance genre.
Follow the tour and enter to #win a $20.00 Amazon Gift Card

Title: Shunned No More
Series: A Lady Forsaken#1
Author: Christina McKnight
Genre: Historical Romance, Regency England
Original Release Date: May 21, 2014 Word

A Lady Shunned by All…
Lady Viola Oberbrook only wanted to forget the ill-fated early morning duel that took the lives of two young, wealthy, promising men of the ton and sent her fleeing for her father’s country estate. Eight years later, she has her life in order: a fulfilling business, a few trusted friends, and no plans to return to London society. What she doesn’t expect is to come face to face with her past.
A Lord Betrayed by One…
Brock Spencer, Earl of Haversham, only wants vengeance. Recently returned from his military service to the King, his plans include repairing his family estate, finding a bride, and destroying the girl responsible for the untimely death of his twin brothers. What he doesn’t anticipate is falling in love with the only woman who should never be part of his future.
An Impossible Match, Destined to Be…

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Title: Forgotten No More
Series: A Lady Forsaken#2
Author: Christina McKnight
Genre: Historical Romance, Regency
Release Date: November 20, 2014

A lady forgotten by all...
Ruby St. Augustin must find the truth of her past to determine what her future holds. She only has a short time in London to uncover the identity of her real father and the secrets behind her birth. If anyone learns of her mission, she will disgrace everyone she holds dear. What she doesn’t expect is to draw the attention of a man who doesn’t care about his reputation or her past.
A man mesmerized by one...
Harold Jakeston is a man without wealth or title. Resigned to a life he loathes, Harold has the chance at a few weeks of freedom before being trapped in a future he wants no part of. When he’s drawn into the mysterious quest of a woman from his past, he embraces the opportunity to forget the life that awaits him. What he never anticipated is falling in love with a woman who ignites his desire to create a new future for himself and for her.   
A love neither can abandon...

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Title: Scorned Ever More
Series: A Lady Forsaken#3
Author: Christina McKnight
Genre: Historical Romance, Regency England
Release Date: June 29, 2015

**Warning: Not every story of love has a happy ending**
A man willing to sacrifice all…  
Andrew Penton, the Marquis of Drake, is a man used to getting all he desires, for nothing in return. But when a mysterious woman catches his eye, he’s helpless to do anything but offer her all he is.  
A woman determined to take everything…  
Lady Lorelei de La Valette, daughter of the French Comte of Epernon, is new to London society and not the lady she appears to be. Her life has been controlled since birth, yet she’ll have to decide if her destiny lies with her country or her heart.
A love lost forever…

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The rules had always been the same:
1. The girl must be of noble birth
2. The taking must be in clear sight of all men competing and
Finally, 3. Further attachments resulted in the loss of all points garnered.
A one-point penalty would be assessed if the female were married, and beyond that, if her husband or father were present during the tryst then extra points would be awarded.
Andrew Penton, the newly proclaimed Marquis of Drake, was hedging on a monstrous thirteen points being added to his running total, even with the penalty due to Mrs. St. Augustin’s married status. The only way he could muster more points was if the girl were an innocent, and although his reputation as a rakehell of the first order was true, he did not relish taking the virtue of a young girl, no matter how willing she appeared.“Surely, I cannot.” The woman before him feigned innocence at his plight. “I must return before the performance begins.” “Come now, Pearl,” Andrew coaxed. “It is only a few moments within my box. You truly must see the view. I guarantee it is far superior to the baron’s seats below.”With little more effort expended, the baroness followed him willingly into his box, the door shutting soundlessly behind them."

Title: Christmas Ever More
Series: A Lady Forsaken#4
Author: Christina McKnight
Genre: Historical Romance, Regency England
Release Date: November, 2015

A lady seeking forgiveness for her past…
Lady Viola Haversham is determined to put her past where it belongs—behind her. To do so, she sets out to host the grandest holiday celebration Foldger’s Hall has ever seen; proving to everyone—including herself—that she has more to offer than the hardship and loss she has brought to her family.
A woman forging a new path in life...
Mrs. Ruby Jakeston is tired of others taking care of her. She is ready to show everyone that she can look after more than just herself and her new husband; she also wants to set her overprotective friend at ease, and bring her hellion sister to heel.
A girl lost and in search of a place to belong…
Lady Ellington is on the brink of losing the only home she’s ever known. The last thing she wants is to attend a grand soirée. However, when her older sister demands her presence at a country Christmas party, she is compelled to attend. With only a stablehand as her companion, she arrives at a house teeming with unfamiliar faces—and nowhere to hide.
A trio of women holding out hope for three different holiday miracles…  Christmas ever more.

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Title: Hidden No More
Series: A Lady Forsaken#5
Author: Christina McKnight
Genre: Historical Romance, Regency England
Release Date: March 23, 2016

A lady concealed from society…
Lady Ellington, the illegitimate daughter of a wealthy marquis, has spent her entire life hiding from London’s high society—both as a result of her own desires and those forced upon her by her overbearing and abusive father. When the marquis passes away suddenly, Ellie feels as though a weight has been lifted and immediately assumes her role as mistress of Drake House. Though she is constantly looking over her shoulder, wondering when it will all be taken from her. And for good reason—no sooner has she shed her black mourning garb than a missive arrives, announcing an heir to the Marquisate. A person she has never heard of before, but one with enough power to change her fate entirely. A man uncovering the secrets of his past…
Taken in by his nursemaid in infancy and raised as an orphan, Alex has never had the benefits of a name or a bloodline. Yet he’s content to work hard and earn his keep as a stable hand in one of London’s finest homes, proving himself worthy of both his position and his friendship to the beautiful Lady Ellington. When Ellie asks for his help with a delicate matter, he’s happy to oblige, but soon finds himself in the middle of more than he bargained for. His innocent meeting reveals secrets from the past that he never could have imagined, and he discovers that he’s a duke by birth. But even with the possibility of a title and all that goes along with it, Alex is unsure whether he can tear down the walls Ellie has built to protect her heart.
A love neither can hide…
While the two have a love that’s undeniable, it may not be enough to bridge the gap and overcome the obstacles standing in their way. And now, with every secret revealed, there’s even more at stake.

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Title: Loved Ever More
Series: A Lady Forsaken, Exclusive Bonus
Author: Christina McKnight
Genre: Historical Romance, Regency England
Cover Artist: Sweet n’ Spicy Designs

Available Exclusively to all Newsletter Subscribers Receive a never before released EXCLUSIVE BONUS scene by subscribing to Christina McKnight’s Newsletter HERE!

Christina McKnight is a book lover turned writer. From a young age, her mother encouraged her to tell her own stories. She’s been writing ever since. Christina enjoys a quiet life in Northern California with her family, her wine, and lots of coffee. Oh, and her books…don’t forget her books! Most days she can be found writing, reading, or traveling the great state of California.

You can visit her online at the following places:

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Follow the tour and enter to #win a $20.00 Amazon Gift Card

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