Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Blog Tour-Playing Defense (Corrigan Falls Raiders #2) by Cate Cameron- AUTHOR INTERVIEW



This Entangled Teen Crush book contains adult language, swoon-worthy kisses, and sexy hockey players. It may cause you to watch a hockey game...or ten.
Sixteen-year-old Claudia Waring has never kissed a boy. Never been popular. Never been to a hockey game. All that’s about to change. Assigned to tutor Chris Winslow, a prank-loving, gorgeous hockey player, Claudia’s perfectly planned life immediately veers off course. And she kind of likes it. But as fun as Chris is, she knows she'll never fit in his world.

After his latest prank lands him in hot water, Chris has to get serious about school or lose hockey. Not an easy thing for someone as carefree as the defenseman. The biggest problem, though, is how much he wants to help his cute, buttoned-up tutor loosen up a little. But while confidence has never been a problem for him, around Claudia, Chris is all nerves. Why would a girl as smart as her ever fall for a jock like him?
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Playing Defense (Corrigan Falls Raiders #2) by Cate Cameron
Publication Date: March 14, 2016
Publisher: Entangled Teen Crush


Tell us a little about yourself?

I’m a bit of an undercover author – very few people in my life know that I write, and I like it that way. It helps me keep my day job separate from my “hobby”, and also avoids those awkward conversations I hear about from other authors. “Did you put me in your book? You’d better not put me in your book!”

So, while I like being undercover, it makes it a bit hard to answer questions like this…

Oh, I know, I’m a hardcore INTJ. Like, so far into the extreme ends of each of the letters that my results never vary when I take the tests (Myers-Briggs – probably not a reliable tool for serious research, but lots of fun!). Abstract sequential thinker. Green with a little bit of gold. An Owl. Ravenclaw. Hmm… what other tests are there?

When and how did the idea for "Corrigan Falls Raiders" come about?

This series actually started as a single book, and it originally wasn’t a romance, it was a coming-of-age story focused almost exclusively on Karen. That book evolved, turned into a romance, and when it sold to Entangled, turned into a series. So—it definitely evolved!

What was your favorite part about writing the book and is there a character you had the most fun with?

I love Chris Winslow. He’s such a teddy bear of a guy, in terms of his personality, and having all that heart and good humour crammed into a big, tough guy’s body was really fun. And it was fun to make him interact with people because I really felt like he brought out the best in the other characters – he’s so easy-going, it made it much easier for other characters to be themselves around him.

Personally I love books about "sports & romance", are there any you enjoyed reading and what ones are they?

I like Sarina Bowen’s Ivy Years series quite a bit. A nice mix of authentic sports action and interesting romantic drama.

But I have a bit of an allergy to alphahole heroes, and that can get in the way of my enjoyment of a lot of sports romances. I like my heroes to be a flawed, sure, but not as arrogant as some of the popular athlete main characters. So I’m a bit picky in my sports romances, really.

Can you tell us more about the series and what plans 
you may have for it?

There’s one more book planned for this series – Winging It, which follows Toby Cooper and his hockey-playing love interest, Natalie West. It’s really fun, and I hope it’ll be out sometime… I don’t know, maybe late spring or early summer? But maybe not until later… (It’s written, but I don’t think it’s scheduled yet)

How long did it take to write the book and tell us a 
little about your writing process?

It took about six or seven weeks to do the first draft, and then maybe a week to tidy it up? And then probably another week to work through edits. I write pretty fast, just starting at the start and working through to the end. I keep trying to write outlines and follow them, but it never works out… my outlines feel flat and boring, and I end up chasing after butterflies once I start actually writing.

Who inspires you to write? Do you have a favorite
 author you look up to?

I’m probably inspired more by TV, movies, music… anything but writing! I find that since I started writing myself it’s really hard to let go of my inner editor and immerse myself in a story and characters like I used to do. So reading for me tends to be a bit too conscious of an activity to really serve as an inspiration.

Describe your book in 6 words
 hot jock, cool brain, melted ice!

When did you begin writing?

I started writing seriously about seven years ago – I started in m/m romance as Kate Sherwood, and only started writing as Cate Cameron a couple years ago. It’s fun to have two versions of myself I can experiment with!

What do you hope readers will take away from reading this book?

Mostly I hope they just enjoy the characters. This isn’t a deep, angsty, message-heavy read. I don’t mean it’s stupid – I try really hard to write smart books. I just mean it’s light. It’s fun. I think that’s more than enough!



The hometown hockey hero won’t know what hit him…
Karen Webber is in small-town hell. After her mother’s death, she moved to Corrigan Falls to live with strangers—her dad and his perfect, shiny new family—and there doesn’t seem to be room for a city girl with a chip on her shoulder. The only person who makes her feel like a real human being is Tyler MacDonald.
But Karen isn’t interested in starting something with a player. And that’s all she keeps hearing about Tyler.
Corrigan Falls is a hockey town, and Tyler’s the star player. But the viselike pressure from his father and his agent are sending him dangerously close to the edge. All people see is hockey—except Karen. Now they’ve managed to find something in each other that they both desperately need. And for the first time, Tyler is playing for keeps…
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Week 1:

March 14, 2016 – A Dream Within A Dream – Guest Post
March 14, 2016 – The Avid Book Collector – Spotlight/Excerpt
March 14, 2016 – MrsLeif’s Two Fangs About It – Review
March 15, 2016 – AmberCarroll – Review
March 15, 2016 – Chapter by Chapter – Interview
March 16, 2016 – The Book Adventures of Annelise Lestrange – Review
March 17, 2016 – Between Books – Review
March 17, 2016 – A Book Addict’s Bookshelves – Guest Post
March 17, 2016 – BooksChatter – Interview
March 18, 2016 – U.S. – Brazil Book Review – Review
March 18, 2016 – booklovercircumspect4 – Spotlight/Excerpt

Week 2:

March 21, 2016 – Reader Girls – Guest Post
March 21, 2016 – Margay Leah Justice – Review
March 21, 2016 – EskieMama Read – Spotlight/Excerpt
March 22, 2016 – Adventures in Writing – Review
March 22, 2016 – Rockin’ Book Reviews – Spotlight/Excerpt
March 22, 2016 – The Page Unbound – Spotlight/Excerpt
March 23, 2016 – Rachel’s Book Reviews – Review
March 23, 2016 – Lisa’s Loves(Books of Course) – Interview
March 24, 2016 – Haddie’s Haven – Spotlight
March 24, 2016 – Her Book Thoughts – Review
March 25, 2016 – Book Briefs – Review
March 25, 2016 – WS Momma Readers Nook – Guest Post
March 25, 2016 – Diana’s Book Reviews – Review


Cate Cameron grew up in the city but moved to the country in her mid-twenties and isn’t looking back. Most of her writing deals with people living and loving in small towns or right out in the sticks—when there aren’t entertainment options on every corner, other people get a lot more  interesting!
She likes to write stories about real people struggling with real issues. YA, NA, or contemporary  romance, her books are connected by their emphasis on subtle humor and characters who are trying to do the right thing, even when it would be a lot easier to do something wrong.


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