Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Through the Veil by Colleen Halverson Blog Tour - 2/22 to 3/4(excerpt)

Where the fairy tale ends, destiny begins.

Title: Through the Veil
Series: Aisling Chronicles
Author: Colleen Halverson
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Publishers: Entangled Publishing
(Feb 22, 2016)
Paperback:400 pages
ISBN: 978-1682811092

Elizabeth Tanner is no Tinkerbell, and her life is no fairy tale. Broke and drowning in student loans, the one thing she wants more than anything is a scholarship from the Trinity Foundation. But after the ancient Irish text she's studying turns out to be more than just a book, she becomes their prisoner instead. And when Trinity reveals Elizabeth is half-Fae, she finds herself at the center of a plot to save the magical races of Ireland from a brutal civil war.

As Commander of Trinity's elite warriors, Finn O'Connell isn't used to having his authority challenged. He doesn't know whether to punish or protect the infuriating young woman in his custody. When he discovers the Dark Fae want to use Elizabeth's abilities to control the source of all power in the universe, he'll risk everything to help her.

At the mercy of Trinity and enslaved to the Dark Fae, Elizabeth finds herself alone on the wrong side of an Irish myth thousands of years in the making. Refusing to be a pawn in their game, Elizabeth has to fight her way back to the man she loves, but to do so, she must wage her own war against the magic that binds her.

Find a copy at your favorite retailer: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo | Entangled | Goodreads

Excerpt Two:
Finn looked up at me. “Are you jealous?”
         Heat rose in my face, and I placed my elbow on the table, allowing a curtain of my hair to fall between us to block Finn’s view.
         “Don’t flatter yourself, Finn.”
         “You are jealous!” He chuckled a little to himself.
         “Shut up.”
         “You fancy me!”
         “I hate you.”
         Finn laughed. “Oh, no, I don’t think so. I think you like me, Elizabeth Tanner.”
         I whirled on him. “Do not.”
         “Do too.” Finn folded his arms in a challenge.
         I let out an exasperated sound. “Just shut up.” I said, grabbing my pencil and erasing my last conjugation error so hard I tore through the paper.  “Unlike you, I don’t play mind games. I don’t like you, and I don’t want anything to do with you.”
         “What do you mean ‘mind games’?”
         I shook my head, throwing down my pencil. “Oh, please, don’t…don’t be like that.”
         “Like what?”
         I stared at Finn. “Since we had,” —I lowered my voice, not sure if we were alone in the cavernous library—“sex—you’ve barely said two words to me except to growl at me about Irish vampires.”
         “That’s not—”
         “We had sex, okay? It happens.” I picked up my pencil and began scanning Arranmore again, but all the words blurred together. “I mean, you don’t have to get so moody about it. It was just…it was just sex.”
         There was a long pause, and I could feel Finn’s eyes boring into me.
         “That wasn’t just sex, Elizabeth.” His soft voice reminded me of the feel of his tongue running down my flesh. I stifled a shiver, my pencil dragging trenches across my notebook paper. Frustrated, I slammed it on the desk, and Finn jumped.
         “Then what do you think it was?” I glared at him. “Because I’ve slept with enough frat-tastic douchebags to know not to wait around for a phone call from asshats like you. So, thank you for the ‘just sex’ and for treating me like I gave you a bad case of the clap afterward. That was awesome. Best. Really.” I picked up my pencil and scribbled a few more notes.  
         “Is that what you think?”
         “That you’re a douchebag? Yes.”
         Finn’s voice lowered to a thin hiss. “I didn’t go into your room that night to try to sleep with you.”
         I whirled on him, pointing my pencil in his face. “You’re such a goddamn liar, Finn. You don’t think I’ve got your number? I wanted to fuck you. So we did. End of story, so just stop acting so weird about it.”
         Finn’s face fell, all the blood draining from it. “I’ll stop acting weird if you stop acting weird.”
         “I’m not acting weird!”
         “Then why are you yelling at me?”
         “I’m not yelling—!” I stopped myself mid hysterical scream and whispered, “You really are the worst, aren’t you?”
         Finn flashed me a sly smile, but then his face grew serious again. “I’m sorry for hurting you. It’s been a long time since…” He swallowed hard. “Since I’ve been with someone. I forgot myself and…my manners.”
         I laughed. “You really expect me to believe that? Irish supermodel alpha warrior dude has trouble getting laid? Yeah. Okay. Whatever.”
         “It’s not…I mean,” Finn ran his hands through his hair and sighed. “Believe what you like.”

As a child, Colleen Halverson used to play in the woods imagining worlds and telling stories to herself. Growing up on military bases, she found solace in her local library and later decided to make a living sharing the wonders of literature to poor, unsuspecting college freshman. After backpacking through Ireland and singing in a traditional Irish music band, she earned a PhD in English with a specialization in Irish literature. When she’s not making up stories or teaching, she can be found hiking the rolling hills of the Driftless area of Wisconsin with her husband and two children.

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Visit the rest of the stops on the tour for more!

Excerpt A Sky Full of Stars Blog
Excerpt Cassandra's Reviews
Excerpt Lore Lush Books

Excerpt Zoe Forward, Author
Review Warrior Woman Winmill
Excerpt Lisa's Loves(Books of Course) 

Review Könyv Extrák
Review Carries Book Reviews 

Review Tome Tender 
Excerpt Rants N Scribbles
Review + Excerpt Rabid Reads

Review + Guestpost My fictional escape
Review T&L Book Reviews
Excerpt Diana's Book Reviews
Guestpost + Excerpt Kitty's Book Spot!
Excerpt RhiReading

Review + Excerpt Bitten by Romance
Review + Excerpt Happy tails and tales 
Guestpost Whatever You Can Still Betray
Review + Interview  Resch Reads and Reviews

Review + Excerpt Splashes Into Books
Excerpt Reading on the Rocks
Review + Excerpt Lynn's Romance Enthusiasm
Excerpt Book Groupies

Review + Excerpt Rae's Rockin Reviews
Review Jeri's Book Attic
Review + Excerpt Mama Reads Hazel Sleeps

Excerpt Kindle and Me
Review + Excerpt Kelly Smith Reviews
Review Snoopydoo's Book Reviews
Review one girl lost in romance books
Guestpost Reading Between the Wines Book Club
Review + Excerpt vampy and racey

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