Friday, June 5, 2015

Review & Character Interview:The IX by Andrew P. Weston Blog Tour

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Title: The IX
Author: Andrew P. Weston
Publication Date: January 26, 2015 
Genre: Science Fiction 

Roman legionnaires, far from home, lost in the mists of Caledonia.

A  US cavalry company, engaged on a special mission, vital to the peace treaty proposed by Presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln.

A twenty-first century Special Forces unit, desperate to prevent a nuclear catastrophe.

From vastly different backgrounds, these soldiers are united when they are snatched away from Earth at the moment of their passing. Thinking they may have been granted a reprieve, imagine their horror when they discover they have been transported to a failing planet on the far side of the galaxy, where they are given a simple ultimatum. Fight or die. Against all odds, this group of misfits manages to turn the tide against a relentless foe, only to discover the true cost of victory might exact a price they are unwilling to pay.

How far would you be willing to go to stay alive?

The IX. Sometimes, death is only the beginning of the adventure.

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When I first picked up this book, I couldn't put it down. The longer I read it the more involved it became. There were so many characters that it was a bit hard to keep them straight but it was worth the effort. I loved the plot twists and the fast pace of the story. I was totally fascinated by the characters from different times managing to become a cohesive force against the enemy. It's hard to say much without spoiling it for anyone but if you love sci-fi this is a read you don't want to miss. 
Andrew P. Weston is a Royal Marine and Police veteran from the UK who now lives on the beautiful Greek island of Kos with his wife, Annette, and their growing family of rescue cats.

An astronomy and law graduate, he is a contracted writer of fiction and poetry. Creator of "The IX" - and the “Guardians” and “Cambion Journals” series, has also has the privilege of being a member of the British Science Fiction Association, and British Fantasy Society.

When not writing, Andrew devotes some of his spare time to assisting NASA in one of their remote research projects, and writes educational articles for and Amazing Stories.

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Giveaway:  $10 Amazon/Barnes & Noble Gift Card or Book Depository Credit; One (1) Digital Copy of Outpassage by Janet and Chris Morris and The Sacred Band by Janet Morris, published by Perseid Press. Ends 6/12.

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