Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Author Juliette Cross Release Party and $50.00 Amazon Gift Card Contest

“The Gladium Province is on the verge of civil unrest as humans and Morgons, the dragon-hybrid race, clash once more. But amid disorder can also arise passion…
When the bodies of three human women are discovered in Morgon territory—with the DNA of several Morgon men on the victims—it’s just a matter of time before civil unrest hits the Province. But for ambitious reporter Moira Cade, it’s more than just a story, and it may mean risking her own life.
Descending into the dark underworld of Morgon society, Moira is paired with Kol Moonring, Captain of the Morgon Guard, for her protection. Fiercely independent, Moira bristles at his dominance, and defies his will at every turn. Yet resistance proves futile when passion flares between them, awakening powerful emotions within both, body and soul. But as the killings continue, can their fiery newfound bond survive an even greater evil—one that threatens all of humanity, Morgonkind, and Moira’s very soul?…”
Buy a print copy of Waking the Dragon from Amazon by clicking here.
Buy a Kindle copy of Waking the Dragon from Amazon by clicking here. – ONLY $3.03!
CONTEST INFO: Open to readers worldwide.
Prize: $50.00 Amazon Gift Card


  1. What influences your choice of location for your books?

  2. Favorite paranormal or fantasy creature? werewolf
    Coolest villain? The Penguin!
    Best fantasy--LORD OF THE RINGS or GAME OF THRONES? This is terrible, but I'm not really a fan of either!

  3. What is your favorite type of Paranormal?

  4. Coolest Villain ~ Styxx from Sherrilyn Kenyon series


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