Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Can Stevie resolve the conflict between her public and private persona?

Title: Perfectly Straight
Author: Jacqueline Campos
Publication Date: May 11, 2015 
Genre: Erotic Romance

Stevie Ramsey, America’s Sweetheart, is an actress who enjoys phenomenal popularity and success. She has one significant secret that she guards fiercely---she is a closeted lesbian who is in a relationship with her personal assistant, Kylie Winston. Kylie, a former model, maintains the position in title only as suggested by Stevie’s svengali-like manager. Eventually Stevie caves to pressure to have an affair with Fletcher Coleman, a hot up-and-coming actor as a ruse to fool her public. However the plan explodes in Stevie’s face and a heart-broken and betrayed Kylie leaves her. 

But the actress pines for her gorgeous ex-lover, Kylie Winston who has moved to New York where she has resumed a successful modeling career. Stevie resolves to win back Kylie, but also decides to finally dedicate herself to her craft and takes charge of her career for the first time. 

Perfectly Straight follows Stevie Ramsey as she struggles to find her way through life and love exploring relationships with women and men until finally accepting her identity. Can Stevie resolve the conflict between her public and private persona?

“This is my secret place,” he said.  The tiny carpeted room was barren.  Fletcher tugged at a sheet hanging on the wall to reveal sliding glass doors.  He slid the door open and exposed a tiny terrace that overlooked a pool surrounded by lit-up palm trees.  The lights from outside dimly penetrated the room, making it unnecessary to turn on additional lighting.  He went to a mini-refrigerator in the corner of the room and took out two bottles of dark ale.  Fletcher took off his tuxedo jacket and laid it on the floor and then sat next to it.  He pulled her down on his jacket.  “I used to come here and dream about making it big,” he said, opening a bottle and handing it to her.  She took a long swallow that she instantly proceeded to spray over both of them.
“What the fuck is this!  Horse piss?” she uttered.  They laughed.  She wiped the beer off herself and from his face.  They stopped laughing and looked into each other’s eyes.  He looked away and took a long gulp from his bottle.  Stevie took another drink, knowing what to expect this time.  “So, tell me about this room.”
He guzzled again from his beer bottle then spoke.  “I worked at this hotel delivering room service not too long ago.  You can’t imagine the things I’ve seen!”
“Oh, do tell!”
He shook his head.  “No, I was raised not to talk about things like that around a lady.”
“Does anyone else know about this?”
“I don’t think so.  It’s like a forgotten room.  I was delivering room service once and I opened this door by mistake.  After a while I noticed no one ever used it.  So I brought in the little fridge.  I slept here many nights during my lean years.”
“Come on, I’m sure you have some steamy stories to tell about what has happened to you in this room!”
He cracked a grin.  “One story.  I only brought one woman here and it was actually after my career got going.  It’s not that exciting of a story, really.”
“Well, your career is exciting!”
“Yeah, I just wrapped my first film where I’m the lead.  It’s just an action film.  I play a bounty hunter trying to keep the streets safe.”
Just an action film?  I’m sure there were millions spent on it!”
“That may be true, but I want my films to mean something.  I’m not crazy about rehashing the same formula over and over.  My next film, whatever it is, will be relevant, no matter how long it takes me to find,” he said.
“Then I doubt we’ll ever be working together!  From what I understand, my films weren’t very good.  The next one, whatever it is, I’m sure will be the same.  I basically show up and say and do as I’m told.  Somebody is doing something right because I’ve made a lot of money for other people—and for myself as well.”
“They might be fluff Stevie, but I think you’re really good in them!  I can’t take my eyes off of you when you’re on screen.  Nobody can!  You have what they call it —something that can’t be taught.”
Stevie smiled.  “Thank you, Fletcher.  That’s very sweet.”  Her eyes were drawn to his massive biceps as he raised his arm to take another drink from the beer bottle.  They continued talking about everything and nothing in particular, drinking bottle after bottle of beer.  With each sip she wondered why he did not attempt to make a move.  She studied him as he spoke of his passion for his profession.  So far, he was one of the nicest men she had met.  Tom’s words rang in her head like church bells.  She uttered under her breath, “Tom hasn’t been wrong yet.  It might as well be you.”
“What was that?”
“Nothing . . . just drunk.”  The more she anticipated his move the more she found herself wanting him to make it.  She might have even been looking forward to making out with a man  for real for the first time.  Inevitably, Stevie knew that it would be up to her if anything were to happen between them that night, in that little room.  She also knew that if he was a healthy heterosexual male, it wouldn’t take much encouragement.  “You know, if this were a movie, this would be the part when the leading man would kiss his leading lady,” she whispered.
On cue he leaned in and kissed her.  She instantly felt the difference between kissing a man on a bright soundstage, with a large crew looking on, and alone in a dark little room, drunk.  Although he handled her as if she were a porcelain doll, it was more forceful than kissing a woman.  She felt his male energy taking the lead and directing the action.  Without a doubt she was the one being kissed.  The barely-there hair stubble around his mouth burned her skin a little.  But his lips were soft, and when he parted them his tongue felt cold from the beer.  His tongue sought out hers and she took it in her mouth, sucking on it delicately.

Jacqueline Campos is the author of the celebrity-based erotic books, "The Arrangement" and "Perfectly Straight."

When not writing books and screenplays she can be found vowing to take up yoga and guitar lessons on the guitar that was given to her by her mother many Christmases ago. She is usually searching for an inspiring view of nature, simplicity, and peace. Although she lives in Southern California, she always has Texas and Chicos Tacos in her heart.

Jacqueline found herself writing to create stories that were entertaining but not necessarily the norm. She would like her novels to be exciting and to contain messages of love, kindness, and respect---and of course, sex with no holds barred.

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