Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Author Tina Gabrielle Character Interview and Amazon Gift Card Contest LIVE at BittenByBooks

Find thrills and sexy chills in Scandalous's latest historical romance...
Every gentleman has his secrets...
London 1821
After years of marriage to a selfish man who preferred gambling to his young bride, Jane, the widowed countess of Stanwell, now seeks what she was long denied-a satisfying lover. Naturally, a lady needs a list of eligible candidates, which doesn't include the dangerously handsome (if far too arrogant) Gareth Ramsey...until he steals a sinful kiss from Jane's all-too-willing lips.
Reputed as an arrogant barrister, Gareth's real occupation is as a spy in the service of His Majesty, and his suspect is on Jane's list of possible lovers. With her life in danger, there's no safer place for Jane than with him-and in his bed. But Jane is as distracting as she is infuriating, and keeping her by his side while he pursues his mission might just endanger them both...

Buy a Kindle copy of At the Spy’s Pleasure from Amazon by clicking here. – ONLY $2.99!
Books in the Crown’s Secret Service series in the order they should be read:


  1. What inspires you to write?
    Thanks for the giveaway! =)

  2. You are a new author to me. Have you written any contemporary romances?

  3. I like my romances with a touch of mystery. I like my heroes protective and charming. I like Scottish romances, but I do read a lot of the others.


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