Saturday, April 18, 2015

Review-The Legend of the Blue Eyes by B. Kristin McMichael

Title: The Legend of the Blue Eyes
Series: Blue Eyes Trilogy #1
Author: B Kristin McMichael
Genre: YA Paranormal
Rating: *****
Publishers: Lexia Press
(Jan 4, 2015)
Paperback: 250 pages
ISBN: 978-0989121811
FTC Disclosure:  eBook provided by the author via The Book Machine

Arianna Grace liked her boring, Midwestern, teenage life where she ignored the many unanswered questions of her childhood. Why were her parents dead? Why did she not have family? Where was she raised until she was five? When someone offers to explain it all, Arianna thinks she's just getting answers. Instead, she is thrown into a world of night humans who drink blood.
On Arianna's sixteenth birthday, her world is thrown upside down when she changes into a vampire. Night humans, or demons, as some call them, live in normal society. Learning all of the new rules of a world she didn't know existed might be hard enough, but it's further complicated by two former-friends that now want to help her take her role as the successor to her grandfather.
There is a war going on between the night humans. Sides have been taken and lines are not crossed. Four main clans of night humans are struggling for control of the night. Divided into two sides, clans Baku and Tengu have been at war for centuries with the clans Dearg-dul and Lycan. That is, until Arianna Grace finds out the truth; she's the bridge of peace between the two sides. But not everyone wants peace. With the night humans divided, Arianna is now a pawn in the war between them. She must choose a side--her mother's family or her father's--and for once in her life, decide her own fate.

I love vampire books. I've read all varieties-scary, funny, silly, sick, YA, boink like rabbits ones- I've read them all. The ones where they catch fire in sunlight,  slap on SPF 100 and walk in the sun, turn to ash with a pointy stick,  fly like a bird, turn to mist, travel through time, have babies, don't have babies, are 30 and gorgeous, are 1000 and gorgeous,
so needless to say I was tickled to be treated to this awesome new vampire world. It blows my mind that as many incredible vampire worlds as there are out in the literary world, McMichael has concocted yet another. Bravo!
I sat down at about 9 one evening to take a peek at this book and did not look up till nearly 3 AM when I finished it. While I'm not a fan of the love triangle (and I suspect it will be a quadrangle before it's over) it wasn't intrusive on the overall story. I'll definitely be back for the rest of the trilogy.


  1. thanks so much for reading my novel :) I am also not a fan of love triangles either and never intended to write about them...... unfortunately my characters have a mind of their own some times and make the story into what they want it to be......


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