Sunday, April 19, 2015

Review- Embrace by Cherie Colyer

Title: Embrace
Series: Embrace #1
Author: Cherie Colyer
Genre: YA Paranormal
Rating: * * * *

Publishers: Omnfic Publishing
(Dec 20, 2011)
Paperback: 220 pages
ISBN: 978-1936305964
FTC Disclosure: 
e-Book provided by the author via The Book Machine

Madison is familiar enough with change, and she hates everything about it. Change took her long-term boyfriend away from her. It caused one of her friends to suddenly hate her. It’s responsible for the death of a local along with a host of other mysterious happenings. But when Madison meets a hot new guy, she thinks her luck is about to improve.

Madison is instantly drawn to the handsome and intriguing Isaac Addington. She quickly realizes he’s a guy harboring a secret, but she’s willing to risk the unknown to be with him.

Her world really spins out of control, however, when her best friend becomes delusional, seeing things that aren’t there and desperately trying to escape their evil. When the doctors can’t find the answers, Madison seeks her own.

Nothing can prepare her for what she is about to discover.

Dangerous, intoxicating, and darkly romantic, Embrace is a thriller that will leave you spellbound.
1. Embrace (2011)
2. Hold Tight (2013)
3. Entwined  April 14 2015

If you like a fast-paced YA paranormal romance with a twisty mystery than this is the book for you. So much happen, so fast, that I was unable to put it down. I read way into the wee hours as I was so intrigued with what was going to happen next. The only thing I wasn't sold on was the insta-love and I'm so not a fan of love triangles. That said, the rest of the book was a joy to read and I'm so glad I've got two more books to read in this series. Yeah! for rainy weekends! I can plop my butt on the coach and read to my heart's content and not feel guilty that I should be doing something else!

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