Thursday, December 25, 2014

She's BAAAACK- BLACK WIDOW by Jennifer Estep (Read first Chapter) & Giveaway

By: Jennifer Estep
Publisher: Pocket Books
Publication Date: November 25, 2014
Mass Market / Price: $7.99 / ISBN: 9781476774541
There’s nothing worse than a cruel, cunning enemy with time to kill—and my murder to plan. With wicked Fire elemental Mab Monroe long gone, you’d think I could finally catch a break. But someone’s always trying to take me down, either as Gin Blanco or my assassin alter-ago. Now along comes the Spider’s new arch-nemesis, the mysteriously named M. M. Monroe, who is gleefully working overtime to trap me in a sticky web of deceit. 

The thing is, I’m not the only target. I can see through the tangled threads enough to know that every bit of bad luck my friends have been having lately is no accident—and that each unfortunate “coincidence” is just one more arrow drawing ever closer to hitting the real bull’s-eye. Though new to Ashland, this M. M. Monroe is no stranger to irony, trying to get me, an assassin, framed for murder. Yet, as my enemy’s master plan is slowly revealed, I have a sinking feeling that it will take more than my powerful Ice and Stone magic to stop my whole life from going up in flames.
The first chapter of Black Widow can be found here.

Jennifer Estep is a New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author prowling the streets of her imagination in search of her next fantasy idea.Spider’s BiteWeb of LiesVenomTangled ThreadsSpider’s RevengeBy a ThreadWidow’s WebDeadly StingHeart of VenomThe SpiderPoison Promise, and Black Widow, along with the e-shorts Thread of DeathParlor Tricks, and Kiss of Venom, are the other titles in her red-hot Elemental Assassin urban fantasy series. Jennifer is also the author of the Black Blade and Mythos Academy young adult urban fantasy series and the Bigtime paranormal romance series. For more on Jennifer and her books, visit and @Jennifer_Estep.

There aren't many series that I read as quick as the new book comes out. I'm a binge reader so I tend to buy the new book and put it back to read when I have 3 or 4 in the series to indulge in. Gin however, refuses to lay on the shelf unread. I defy you to attempt this (if you do try, you better be prepared to defend yourself in the middle of the night ). I've yet to start one of these books without reading into the wee hours of the night to finish it. You would think that after 11 books this series would be getting predictable but I still enjoy it as much as ever. I love that the romance and mystery has been doled out in bits and pieces. With each new book you get answers to questions and problems not resolved in the earlier book with yet new problems to tackle. Estep does an excellent job with the world building and never fails to entertain. Her secondary characters are as important as Gin and definitely as entertaining.  I love that she introduces new villains while still building on the history of the older ones. Estep could have so easily closed the series with this book but thankfully Gin will continue to entertain with all her wise cracking and outrageous shenanigans.  

As I was lucky enough to get to read this early thanks to the awesome people at Net Galley, I'm going to give my brand new copy to a lucky reader. I always pre-order the newest Gin book as soon as it is available so enjoy this newest offering from Estep.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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