Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Author Susannah Scott Interview and Amazon Gift Card Contest at Bitten By Books

“How To Claim Your Dragon…
As the head of security of Vegas’s Crown Jewel casino―and its hidden dragonshifter sanctuary―ice dragon Darius Dachien commands respect. Unfortunately, that respect isn’t always reciprocated. In fact, when it comes to the stunning Mei Chen, hostility might be a better word. Which makes things even harder for Darius, since Mei is his dragon mate. Without her, his dragon form is fading fast…and once lost, will be gone forever.
Mei can’t deny the fierce chemistry that simmers between them. If Darius were ever to discover who―or rather, what―she really is, she wouldn’t just lose him, but her place with the dragonshifters. The moment Mei’s past comes crashing into her present, she realizes her time for secrets has ended. Now she must reveal her true self…and risk both her life and her heart with the one man who could destroy her.”
Buy a print copy of Dragon Her Back from Amazon by clicking here.

Buy a Kindle copy of Dragon Her Back from Amazon by clicking here. – ONLY .99 Cents!

Books in the as Vegas Dragon series in the order they should be read:

CONTEST INFO: Open to readers worldwide.

Prize: A $25.00 Amazon Gift Card 

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