Thursday, February 27, 2014

Author Victoria Davies Interview and $40.00 Amazon Gift Contest LIVE at BITTENBYBOOKS

Abbey Sinclair has the distinction of being the only human employed at the Supernatural matchmaking service, Fated Match. Her boss, Vivian, is a beautiful siren. Business has been slow, and when prominent vampire socialite, Melissa Redgrave, expresses an interest in joining the service, Vivian is ecstatic.
The only catch is Lucian Redgrave, Melissa’s sire and guardian. He will not allow his charge to join the matchmaking service without meeting with a Fated Match representative other than Vivian, as he despises sirens. Despite Abbey’s no-vampire policy, Vivian forces her to meet with Lucian at the Redgrave mansion. Once Abbey and Lucian meet, the sparks fly, and he declares he will sign with the service first before allowing Melissa to join. He is determined to change Abbey’s mind about vampires.
CONTEST INFO: Open to readers worldwide!

Prize: $40.00 Amazon Gift Card

Read a 4 star review of Love at Stake by clicking here.

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