Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Author H.C. Playa Guest Blog and Amazon Gift Card Contest LIVE at BITTENBYBOOKS

“Tala Neil sets out to be nothing more than an excellent cop, but she can’t escape her Mage lineage. When she meets Alexander Kynigos, a lycan Guardian, her life takes an unexpected turn. Buried secrets are discovered, sparking hope for a life she never thought to have, but she must fight an old enemy and even older laws to protect those she loves.”
Here is a short story which takes place in the Guardian universe. 

CONTEST INFO: Open to readers worldwide!
Prize: $25.00 Amazon Gift Card

“HC Playa is a writer, a mad scientist in training (translation: full –time graduate student), a mother of three, and an animal wrangler. Although, some days she wonders if maybe she’s the one being wrangled.
An avid reader since the precocious age of four, she devoured books from numerous genres, but science fiction and fantasy hold a special place in her heart. A rambling, late night phone conversation with her sister sparked an idea, which led to discovering a new passion. Bitten by the writing bug, at last count she had seven novels in various stages of completion, and a growing collection of short stories.
Her favorite activity is to play in fantastical worlds, as it’s the best adventure there is.”
Connect with H.C.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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