Saturday, July 28, 2012


Win a NOOK eREADER during
the Covet Books Launch Celebration!

COVET: Contemporary romance with a paranormal twist.
Get ready to laugh, experience romance, and fall in love with this brand
 new take on paranormal books.
Covet is a digital only imprint from Entangled Publishing, an exclusive, boutique
 publisher of romantic fiction. Located in Fort Collins, Colorado, Entangled's
 goal is to bridge the gap between traditional and indie publishing, giving both 
readers and authors the best of both worlds. 
Get more information
Length: 291 pages
ISBN: 978-1-62266-952-3
Release Date: July 2012
Imprint: Covet

Length: 291 pages
ISBN: 978-1-62266-953-0
Release Date: July 2012
Imprint: Covet

Length: 293 pages
ISBN: 978-1-62266-950-9
Release Date: July 2012
Imprint: Covet



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