Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lazy Days of Summer Giveaway Hop July 27th to August 1st

Lazy Days of Summer Giveaway Hop
July 27th to August 1st

Hosted by Colorimety & 
I Am A Reader, Not A Writer

Tell me you idea of an ideal lazy day.

Contest will be open internationally.
I will be giving away 
a $10 Amazon/Barnes and Noble Gift card 
or I'll let you chose 
a book from Book Depository
up to $10 and as long as they ship
 free to you, you can enter.
Just make sure they ship to you. If not sure, 
 check here.
I love to win Gift Cards and 
these are the simplest and the best 
as far as I'm concerned.
For every 50 brand new followers,
I'll give away another $10 Gift card or
book from Book Depository.

 Click HERE for the full list of participating bloggers on the hop. At this time there is over 200 great blogs to visit and enter their giveaway! This is a great way to meet more bloggers, win books, gift cards and more!
Click on the "Read More" to take you to Rafflecopter--
If you have any problem getting Rafflecopter to come up,
generally refreshing the page will fix it.
Read "Click for Instructions" before answering the question!


  1. Wake up at 12 or even 13, eat an ice-cream for breakfast, then go sunbathing and reading a great Summer read for a while. Eat an apple.
    Go swimming for half an our and then maybe go shopping.

  2. My ideal lazy day would be spent just reading and sleeping all day! =) x

  3. Sitting in bed reading all day is my lazy day! Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. new follower through GFC as lucyatmax. Thanks for the opportunity to win a gift card

  5. My ideal lazy day is one where I can go to the beach or read all day!

  6. My ideal lazy day is curling up with a good book and a cup of tea.
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  7. My ideal lazy day is one where I can stay in my pajamas and read, go online, just lay around all day.

    Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  8. I like a day where I can sit with a mocha, some cookies, a good book or some magazines, and a DVD of THE MUPPET SHOW.


  9. My ideal lazy day would be curled up in a comfy place with lots of sun, a cup of tea and my favourite book :)

  10. Spending the day napping and reading! ahhh

  11. Doing Fill-In puzzles in the back yard on a hot day.

  12. Stay on my bed all day, and watching movies or reading books.

  13. lazy day is when I can stay in front of my pc all day, listening to music and browsing or watching dramas (I love watching Japanese dorama anyway) from episode one till the last episode. Or! Reading books all day!

    Thank you for the giveaway :D

  14. Sleeping in until 10. Then taking a nap two hours later after eating. And then getting up again to eat. Then sleep. :D
    Thank you!

  15. Staying in bed with my laptop reading my favorite ebooks & listing to music.

  16. Chillaxin' all day with a good read in a hammock by the pool & a nice tall lemonade!

  17. My ideal lazy day is when it's raining, the day dark and cold so I can cuddle in my bed with a good book or sleep. :)

  18. My ideal lazy day is curled up with my dog reading.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  19. My ideal lazy day is hanging out in my pjs, reading a book, and just relaxing.

  20. I would say just relaxing in bed reading a book.
    Thanks for this giveaway! =)

  21. My ideal lazy day would be sitting in a comfy chair all day, with the AC on, my mp3 player and a good book.

  22. Reading and sleeping in without any interruptions and my hubby pampering me ....bit unbelievable but that would be my ideal lazy day:D

    Thanks for giveaway!!


  23. laying by the beach or pool reading a good book

    catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

  24. My lazy day is just lying on my day bed with a good book in one hand and a nice cold drink in the other.

  25. I would at least two books. Then I would spend the rest of the time watching some mmovies with my family.

  26. oh of course reading on a pocket window library while having a cappuccino coffee under a rainy day afternoon. sooo loove it!

  27. Wake up wheni feel like it so now clock alaram or anything . Having the possibility to stay in bed with a good book no worries no help to give just me ( but i never has happened yet^^;;)

  28. Sleeping all day and reading all night!

  29. Ah me on beach all day under some tree, juice by my side and of course book (better said books) and weather not too hot! :)

  30. My ideal lazy summer day would be the same as the button for this giveaway hop :) Sitting outside, surrounded by nature, probably under a shadow of a tree, with a river nearby, and a gentle breeze blowing, just reading & enjoying the beautiful summer day...

    I didn't need imagining that :( it's so hot here right now, I would kill for a day like that...

    Anyway, thanks for the giveaway! :)

  31. Just stay by the pool with friends:)

    Thanks so much:)

  32. My perfect day would be waking up when I feel like it, not because the kids have woke me up etc... I just wake up when I want too.

    Then I have a nice cool shower and a huge mug of tea,yup I NEED my tea in the morning. Then I just go back to bed with the laptop, visiitng blogs and watching shows like Bones, Vampire Diaries, True Blood, PLL's etc .... some iceream would be involved and copious amounts of chocolate :-)

    Ooh and cream out the cream :-) and maybe some chocolate cake with lots of fudge frosting or a lovely carrot cake or a NY cheesecake!

  33. Lots of books and lots of chocolate - perfect :)

  34. Do nothing..;)
    but better to read a book..:D

  35. Curling in bed with a good book or go online with my laptop all day :D

  36. Just read, read and read! :D And eating ice cream too. :)

  37. My ideal lazy day would be no cooking or cleaning, just relaxing, reading & eating.

  38. reading on my bed and having some chips

  39. My lazy day is reading and sleeping all day!

  40. Well, I have an infant (that I love more than ANYTHING!) but it would be great to have a full day to just lay outside, enjoy the sun, and read a book. I haven't read a full book in less than a week since my son was born. It's usually an hour of reading time here or there. So honestly, I would just love a FULL DAY of nothing but reading. :)

  41. reading a book by the water under the shade of a willow tree

  42. I'd love to just sit around and watch TV all day. That'd be awesome. Thanks for the giveaway!

  43. To stay in bed late and then get up and sit in the garden reading all day.

  44. Waking up whenever I naturally do, no alarm clock. Sitting on couch and watching tv, reading a book, playing on the internet. No where I have to go or anything I have to get dressed and leave the house for.

  45. Sleeping in all day, then spending the night reading and writing online.

  46. Ideal lazy day? I wouldn't let the alarm clock wake me up early,as usual,I'd get some ice cream and I'd probably watch tv shows and read all day long ♥

  47. Ideal lazy day, wake up around 10, eat breakfast made by my husband, watch TV, read a book, take a bath, dinner cooked by husband, go to bed.

  48. Sleeping in watching movies and reading

  49. Just sleeping in, staying in pajamas, some tea and a book all minus children!

  50. My ideal lazy day is just web surfing in bed the whole day, only leaving when hungry.

  51. No one home but me. A good book. A warm day and some cold diet pepsi.

  52. Reading on the "veranda" (ie back porch).

  53. Waking up late and reading all day! (:

  54. My ideal lazy day? Not getting out of bed till noon. Then just either reading or watching tv (maybe both at same time) till late in the day.

    Thanks for the giveaway

  55. Going to the beach, read all day and every now and then every now and then freshing up in the sea ^^

  56. For me, a lazy day is passing all the day sleeping, eating and reading.

  57. Staying in bed all day with a good book, a cup of tea and peace and quiet. :)

  58. Sleeping in with the kids at grandma's and grandpa's...waking up to breakfast in bed. Staying in pyjamas until 1:00 p.m., slurping back some great coffee, and reading a few chapters of a book. A day trip to a bed & breakfast and vineyard for wine tasting with my husband. A great movie on DVD before bed!

  59. Lying all day in my bed with some great books and my laptop

  60. A perfect lazy day is one where I can stay in bed reading or watching a movie.

  61. A day where I don't have anywhere to go, my kids leave me alone, and I can read or do whatever I want.

  62. Being able to sleep in, wake up and stay in my jammies all day reading a good book or watching movies with my family.

  63. My ideal lazy day is one where I heat my computer chair because I've sat on it surfing the net all day in my PJ's.
    That or I'm just lying in bed, either daydreaming or reading a book.

    Also, thanks for the giveaway~

  64. Sleeping late, lounging in comfy clothes, and spending the day in bed or on the couch with a book!

    Thank you for the giveaway! :)

  65. No work, a good book, and a cozy place to read in! Oh, and the kids are all gone for the day, too, of course:)

  66. Wake up nice and late.. at least 12pm. Have a nice leisurely morning. Eat with my boyfriend. Read half the day - maybe by the beach or if it's cold, snuggled up with hot chocolate. Watch a movie with my boyfriend, then read some more!

  67. My ideal lazy day would be lounging by the pool reading a good book!

  68. My idea of a lazy day is chilling out watching TV or movies or reading (or a mix of all 3) all day long - with the essential junk food of course.

  69. A lazy day for me would be a super breakfast with hashbrowns of course and tons of coffee, a super mystery to read and of course more coffee.

  70. I'd probably sleep till noon, get up, surf the net, read and do nothing really productive c:

  71. Sleep in, then read all day in my pajamas. :)

  72. The ideal lazy day for me is staying in my pajamas, reading a great book, a good movie, and some internet time! Thanks!

  73. My ideal lazy day is one where there's a nice steady rain (with some thunder mixed in) and I'm cuddled up by a window with my fleece blanket with chocolate, soup, and BOOKS!

  74. My ideal lazy day is one where there's a nice heavy, steady rain (with some thunder mixed in) and I'm cuddled up by an open window with chocolate, soup, my fleece blanket and BOOKS!

  75. Wake up around 11 AM and lay out by the pool with a good book.

  76. Laying around reading and surfing the net.

  77. My lazy day is curling up with my kitty and reading my book in my PJ's! With no worries and no responsibility and an extra book or two in case I finish the one I'm on ;)

  78. My ideal lazy day:
    1. wake up, read in bed for a while
    2. laze out by the pool with a book
    3. go to bed, read til I fall asleep
    There may or may not be a shower in there somewhere.

  79. My ideal lazy day is reading my book under the shades of the trees until sunset.

  80. Laying by the pool with a good book is a great day!

  81. Sleep in until at least nine, waking to rain falling. Grab a cup of coffee and a good book (or three) and read all day!

  82. Wake up late and listen to music and read the entire day... having bath as optional, hehe

  83. My ideal lazy day is curled up in my bed, reading a book, and listining to my Pandora:)

  84. Waking up early, reading for a few hours before a breakfast in the sun- no dishes, no washing... just sunny, relaxing reading!

  85. lazy day for me, is curling up with my kindle fire loaded with books, and my kitty and doggie, in bed, or in my Lazy boy recliner. :)

  86. I would love to sit outside on my back deck with a drink and just sit with my eyes closed in the sounds of silence.

  87. Love to curl up in my hammock with a great romance and a tall glass of iced tea.

  88. A day alone with a good book or two!

  89. I love sleeping in and not caring about anything. :)

  90. somewhere quite and outside preferably, with the feeling of summer, so out in a garden under the trees or by pool or beach (but quiet please), a cold drink, a great book and the knowledge that you'd have atleast 3 or 4 more days of this yet!
    thanks for the giveaway

  91. Just staying in reading and listening to music without having to worry what I have to do the following day...

  92. My ideal lazy day is to wake up late, stay in bed reading, eat junk food, and hang out in my pajamas all day!

  93. Staying in bed all day in my PJ with a great book and a loooot of tea! :D

  94. Hmm, my lazy day... Drinking a mojito, read and cook something with chocolate in it :D

  95. When I take up the window seat to read and it's a cool yet sunny day. :)

  96. My lazy day is spending the day reading in my bed :)

  97. Well for starters, I wouldn't have any class or any tests to study for. I'd be able to get up whenever I feel like it, with ample time to read as much as I want. I would be somewhere with my family, because that makes me happy (also, many hands make light work).

  98. Relaxing at home or at the beach and reading all day :D

  99. My perfect lazy day would be poolside or on a private beach, with Mojitos or Daquiris and a bunch of good books :)

  100. My idea of a lazy summer day is to sleep, eat, read and chill at home! :)

  101. A couple of hours looking round book stores and clothes and shoe shops. Coffee and cakes in my favourite bakery. Home for a lazy afternoon with a good book in a big squishy armchair!

  102. Sleep in past 8, Relax & read in the pool, Good dinner, then more reading in my favorite spot in the house undisturbed.

  103. My idea of a lazy day is sprawling out on a lawn chair with a great book all day :)

  104. Anywhere on water (beach or lake) reading and napping all day!

  105. Sitting around in my PJs and reading all day :D

  106. Sleep in and read all day.
    amandarwest atgmaildotcom

  107. My lazy day is to spend time on Facebook, drink as much tea as I can, and then lie down on the couch reading a good book.

  108. Curling up on a chaise lounge next to the pool with a tall glass of something cold and my ereader, while the cabana boy caters to my every need. ahhh the life. Oh wait, that's my fantasy. It's still my ideal lazy day. <^_^>
    Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win.


  109. Waking up at noon to a nice yummy meal of fruits and ice cream, coffee all day long, reading curled up in my bed amongst down pillows with my legs propped up and cool air blowing

  110. I'd sleep until nine-thirty or ten. Then I'd spend the day reading on the hammock or watching Big Bang Theory. I like simplicity.

  111. An ideal lazy day would be a stormy day with pouring rain and thunderstorms so that I could curl up with the kids on the couch and watch a movie...or read!

  112. My ideal day? Swimming, reading, a good movie, and ice cream.

  113. My idea of a lazy day is just chilling at home either reading a book or scouring the interenet

  114. Greetings, thanks for the book hop.
    My day would start with a tasty breakfast with my family.
    Having a great book to read and
    not having a care in the world.
    Then a romantic meal with hubby.
    Would be nice if it was on a Cruise,
    watching the sun go down.
    Oh well, one can dream, eh.

  115. My ideal lazy day would be waking up late and spending the entire day reading in my hammock.

  116. For me a lazy day would include getting out of the stupid city I live in, lying around reading, going horseback riding and then renting a movie at night. Followed by more reading.

  117. My ideal lazy day would be sitting on the porch reading a good book and drinking cold lemonade.


  118. My ideal lazy day would be staying in my bed in the air conditioning with my kindle.

  119. Reading in bed and eating chocolate.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  120. Stay in bed, Facebook and read books:)

  121. my lazy day would be not doing anything, and have someone bring me food , drink, cothes, anything I want


    thanks for visiting mu blog

  122. My ideal lazy day is would be relaxing by the beach with a good book in hand.

  123. My ideal lazy day is lounging in bed watching great movies and TV shows and having a good book to read. Thanks for the giveaway! :D

  124. Waking up around noon, skipping a shower and hanging out in my recliner in my pajamas watching tv and reading all day :)

  125. Laying the sun by the pool and reading a fluffy romance novel!

  126. I think I'm going to do it today - lay in bed and read for a few hours, have a lazy lunch and then just chill out all afternoon - the sun is even shining to make it better!

  127. A lazy day for me would be drinking my favorite fresh ground coffee and reading a book with my feet up; not having to answer anyone's demands or needs ;)

  128. Sit under the sun all day with a book in hand.

  129. Sleep in, watch my TV shows of the day, then spend the rest of the day reading, dancing, singing, jumping around the house, not doing any housework... Yep that's pretty much it. I do this quite a lot this summer.

  130. Hmm. Doing nothing at all?
    For me, reading books isn't a lazy thing to do. There are a LOT who doesn't want to read books because they're 'lazy'.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    Michelle from Michelle Shouts Random

  131. Just lying on my bed, reading books the whole day and blogging :D Thanks for the amazing giveaway!!

  132. Laying in a hammock, on the beach with a good book.

  133. Sleeping late and reading books!

  134. Reading on a blanket at the beach!

  135. Swimming in the pool and snoozing away on the hammock with a good book and glass of lemonade

  136. a day when i don't have to do anything but lay around watching tv or reading a book or just playing around online : )

  137. Wake up at noon, watch a movie on TV, read a book and then order take-out.

  138. An ideal lazy day would be to be able to sleep in and not feel guilty about it afterward, and just staying in bed with a good book.

  139. Having nothing to do except reading books the whole day...

  140. laying around w a good book

  141. Reading a good book while sipping a hot cup of fresh brewed coffee.

  142. My ideal lazy day :
    . Both hubby and daughter out or otherwise occupied
    . Sleep in
    . Leisurely hot shower
    . Take-out for lunch
    . Snuggle in with good book and/or movie/TV marathon
    . enjoyable meal(that I don't have to cook) with family

  143. A day that consists of nothing but free time would be nice.

  144. reading and watching tv all day

  145. An ideal lazy day is staying home snuggling with my pooch and a book
    rlawrence110 at yahoo dot com

  146. Nothing to do but relax and read

  147. My ideal lazy day would be sleeping, then do some reading (actually, lots of reading) and a bit of blogging, while eating lots of junk food XD

  148. Reading and sleeping all day!

  149. Stay in My Room... for Watch TV or DVD.. Read Books.. Sleep.. Facebook... ;b

  150. Getting up later than 10 am and reading a good book the whole day, with some tea and chocolate to go by.

  151. waking up super late, maybe going for a swim (if it's summer. if it's not, then watching tv is good!) then curling up bed and reading

  152. My Idea of a lazy day, would be curling up on the couch with my hubby, watching a Great movie.

  153. Floating in the pool with a cold drink in my hand then later lounging under an umbrella reading a good book.

  154. Sleeping late and being surprised by breakfast in bed, going to the movies and reading in bed in the evening.

  155. Sleeping in, reading and eating food someone else cooked!

  156. Staying in bed with a book :)

  157. Lazy Day: Read all day long!

  158. it would be, wake up late, eat, watch a good movie, take a nap and reading a good book,
    thanks for making this international

  159. My ideal lazy day would be hanging out with friends on the beach, having a BBQ, swimming, reading, and going for a drive.
    Thanks for the giveaway!


  160. I would love to sit and read in a hammock on a sunny day!

    Lilian @ A Novel Toybox

  161. My lazy day would be spent reading at the beach.

  162. My ideal lazy day is curled up reading

  163. My idea of a lazy day is laying around reading books. :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  164. stay in bed til 1pm, noodle around on computer for awhile, eat a piece of cake and then go play a videogame for several hours, then eat dinner that someone else made, and veg on the couch to my ultimate primetime schedule (mad men, breaking bad, bunheads for instance!)

  165. My ideal lazy day would be laying on the beach reading a good book.

  166. Getting up late and doing nothing all day.

  167. Sleeeeeeeeeeeepppp and more sleeeeeeppp!

  168. My ideal lazy day is a long soak in a tub with a good book followed by lounging in my pajamas and watching cartoons with the kids.

  169. On a hot day, out on the lake floating in an inner tube with a good book and an ice cold drink.

    Thanks for participating in the hop and for the giveaway opportunity.

  170. Sleeping late, no housework, no cooking and lots of reading time!
    Thanks :)

    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  171. stay in bed and read all day long!

  172. I would like to think that I would read or do something slightly productive but with two little kids all I would want to do on a lazy day is sleep.

  173. sleep in until 11, grab a cup of tea and a book and cozy with a blanket and cat, take a nap, would love a lazy day like that, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com

  174. Sitting in peace with a great book. No husband, kids or dogs bothering me.

  175. Sitting outdoors on a pleasantly sunny day, reading a good book.

  176. Staying in bed and watching horror /zombie movies all day

  177. To spend the day reading from morning to night! :-)

  178. Waking up late, eating a breakfast even if it's time for lunch, spending time on Internet (facebook, youtube, goodreads, blogs...) and of course, lying on my bed and reading !
    Thanks for this giveaway :)

  179. Staying in my PJs, drinking lemonade or iced tea, and reading all day. Perfect.

  180. My ideal lazy day includes sleeping in, reading on the beach, and watching movies with my husband and friends. Oh and I would eat ice cream and chips and two favorite lazy day foods.

  181. Sitting around in my pajama's reading a book all day.

  182. Sitting in the warm sun reading a good book

  183. I'd sit on my porch swing with my iced tea and a fluffy book. Yup, that's Southern for you.

  184. Eating a nice lunch then lying around in front of the a/c reading

  185. Being lazy with my kiddos all snuggled in my bed and watching a movie

  186. Wake up late to a homemade breakfast have a few minute before I get out of bed to cuddle my cat. Then I either read a book or play games with friends and family maybe even a nap in the after noon


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