Saturday, September 10, 2011


The main winner of my BACK TO THE BOOKS BLOG HOP Hop giveaway is 
# 243---Ceri 
whose email starts with  ceriev...@...  
When asked 
"Imagine, you get a do over in life.

You just graduated from high school and your first year of college is starting. 
Where are you going and what’s your major?" 

This was her answer:
Hello, I would do an English Literature degree and might try to become a teacher.

I had 761 entries. I had 57 new followers so that means one more winner! 
Oops! the second winner failed to comment so as that was mandatory I'll choose again.
The extra winner is 
#77 dani_n whose email begins with  daniellesaun...@... who said 

"If I could go back and do it all over, I'd go to either Northwestern or Univ of Chicago and get my degree in English Literature. I know that's something I would really enjoy.
Thanks for the giveaway!"

I've emailed you guys to verify email address for a $10 Gift Certificate from Amazon/Barnes and Noble/Book Depository. You have until midnight on September  14th EST to respond or a different winner will be chosen. 
All winners were chosen by Rafflecopter
Thanks to all who visited  and commented. Be sure and watch for the SPOOKTACULAR Giveaway Hop that starts Oct 24th to 31st for your next chance at a $10 Gift Certificate from Lisa’sLovesBooksOfCourse.
Be sure and check out these three fabulous giveaways that are ending soon-

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