Friday, September 9, 2011


Yeah, yeah, I know it's NOT Wednesday  but just to get those Caddyshack juices flowing and get you thinking here's a 5 second clip from YouTube.

 As  lovers of Caddyshack, this classic line has been used around our home for years so it seemed very appropriate to use it for that favorite book I’m waiting on.

We are all waiting for certain books that we feel like we can’t live without. For me it is any number of next ones in a favorite series but there are few that give you that WELLLLL -WE'RE WAITING  feeling that we all had while anxiously waiting on the next new Harry Potter or Twilight book. Now those, I could have told you how many days, hours and minutes till they were available.
I was aware several months back that Meyer was releasing two new books in her Host series- The Soul and The Seeker, to be released some time in 2012.  These two are ones that I get that WELLLLL- WE'RE WAITING feeling for. Normally, I’d show the covers but other than Literary’s reference to these books, I’ve seen no other mention of them.
Usually I don’t pay a whole lot of attention to what is coming out or when as I tend to collect 3 to 4 in a series and then read them back to back in a marathon reading session so it really is not a GOTTA HAVE situation.
I buy them and they lay on a shelf till another two or three in the series is released (which usually means years).
What book are you having that WELLLLL- WE'RE WAITING  feeling for that won’t be out for a while yet?
Oh, and if you want the best source I’ve found to what’s coming out and when, check out Literary Escapism’s list of paranormals and fantasy reads that I use.
Oh, and one more thing, did I mention that I’m having a contest later on and anyone who tells me what their WELLLLL- WE'RE WAITING  book is will be entered in it? So, be thinking about it. I'll be doing it with Rafflecopter as it has worked out so well.

Click on the "Read More" to take you to Rafflecopter--
If you have any problem getting Rafflecopter to come up, 
generally refreshing the page will fix it.

Read "Click for Instructions" before answering the question!



  1. I feel like I have been waiting forever for sequels to The Host and think we may see the movie before we read the next two books. I can't wait to read the sequel to Nevermore by Kelly Creagh, Enshadowed. As of right now, it's my most anticipated read of 2012.
    Truly Bookish

  2. I've been like that about The Inheritance by Christopher Paolini but I'm not desperate for it.

    I am after Insurgent, the sequel to Divergent by Veronica Roth. Soooo desperate!

  3. I'm waiting for the next book in The Iron Druid Chronicles. 2012 seems a long time to wait for a sequel.

    lincalc at gmail dot com

  4. I'm waiting for the next Alex Craft by kalayna Price, i'm very curious to read about it !

  5. I can't wait for Pandemonium, sequel to Delirium. That ending is driving me insane!

  6. Truly generous contest and I love the bunny pic. Awwww. I'm a series slut and I like to have everything in order before I start a new one. It's an OCD thing. I really want to give Eve Silver's "Otherkin" series a spin. Thanks for being a sweetie!

  7. Me too! My hubby just can't understand WHY I can't read a book in a series unless I've got them all or at least enough to feast on (3 or 4). And never could I read one out of order, that's just not... just not...
    just not... (my mind can't even wrap around that thought) right!

  8. My "Gotta Have it!" book is The Clockwork Prince. Thanks so much for the giveaway Lisa! :)

    Dani @ Refracted Light

  9. I reallyreally like The Host,

    hopefully the sequels are as good


  10. I am waiting for Beautiful Chaos(Caster Chronicles #3) by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl.Really excited about it!

  11. There are soooo many books I am waiting on. The Larissa Ione series for LOD, the next won't be out till the end of November, and then I don't even want to think about how long I will have to wait fot the 3rd book. Lynsay Sands has a book that is the 3rd of a trilogy that won't be out until next Spring and the first 2 came out in Jan and Feb of this year. LONG wait for the 3rd book.
    June M.

  12. I would pretty much die for After Obsession or the Unbecoming of Mara Dyer...I would love to read and review these to for my own site and I just love the synopses. I'm sure you've read them, aren't they awesome?

  13. One book that will be released in two months and that I really want is The Bite Before Christmas anthology because two of my favourite authors are in it, taking up half of the book each. So each will have a fairly long novella for me to read :)


  14. I am seriously desperate to get my hands on "Lord of the Abyss" by Nalini Singh.


  15. I am impatiently waiting for Midnight in Austenland by Shannon Hale. Austenland has just finished filming and I think it is slowing down the midnight book release.

  16. Oh, and I want to read it because Austenland was sooo romantic!

    bchild5 at aol dot com

  17. One book that i can't wait to read is:

    Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi. Ever since I saw the US cover I have been completely in awe of this book. I need to own it. Plus I have become totally obsessed with dystopian books and follow the author on twitter. Thanks.

    jennifer.kalman at gmail dot com

  18. I am so excited for Beautiful Chaos, can't wait, can't wait, can't wait :)


  19. I have been reading the Ruth Galloway series set in Norfolk over the past three weeks and will shortly run out of the books. If Elly Griffiths could just finish the next one and publish it on Monday, that would save an agonising wait! Email cerievans1(at)gmail(dot)com. Thanks

  20. Waiting for the next Karen Kingsbury book to be released.

  21. I'd love to win Bet Me by Jennifer Cruise. That is awesome!!


  22. waiting for "The Rose of Winslow Street" by Elizabeth Camden (Jan 1, 2012) blstef1 at mts dot net
    b/c her debut, "The Lady of Bolton Hill" was soooo delish!

  23. "Angels of Darkness" by Ilona Andrews, Nalini Singh...
    Love Nalini's books even if it is a short story!

  24. I'm waiting for Goliath by Scott Westerfeld.

  25. Seduction of a Highland Lass by Maya Banks, can't wait to read about this handsome brother in a kilt! Yum!

  26. I'm anxiously awaiting Bloodrose by Andrea Cremer. I cannot wait!!

  27. Crap, here's my email :)

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  28. too many choices atm but it would be a dean koontz book

  29. I'd have to say Shadow Heir by Richelle Mead. It's the fourth one in the Dark Swan series and doesn't come out until next year and although this series isn't my favourite of her's pretty much any Richelle Mead book gives me that oh-my-god-I-have-to-read-it-now!! feeling. It was hell waiting for all the VA books to come out and I was definitely counting the days, and randomly writing things like May 18th (the date Spirit Bound came out) all over the place. Thanks!

  30. I have a very long wait till 27th March 2012 for Lover Reborn JR Ward. My must have,drop everything and read it as soon as the pre order comes through the letter box series of books.

  31. I would choose Sweetly. I read Sisters Red and would like to read the next in the series. :)

  32. Oh yay... I hate waiting for sequels/series but once they're in my hands I love them ;) The book that I'm currently doing the impatient shuffle for is Michelle Sagara's newest, Cast in Ruin, to be released end of October.

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  33. I've been waiting for the Host books to!! For sooo long :)
    I'm also waiting for theThe Inheritance by Christopher Paolini and Insurgent (Veronica Roth) but the one I'm most anxious about is City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare :)

  34. I've been waiting for Love & Leftovers by Sarah Tregay. I can't wait for this one!!!


  35. I've been waiting for Daybreak by Ellen Connor :-)


  36. Love Reborn and Amy Lane's Rampant...I was ready for them both last year!

    mmafsmith at gmail dot com

  37. I absolutely cannot wait for Stacia Kane's Sacrificial Magic. I loved her Downside series last year and am eagerly anticipating the next installment in March of 2012!

    Donna @ The Happy Booker

  38. I really want to read Lothaire by Cole and The Guardian by Kenyon.

  39. I'm waiting for Maria V. Snyder's Touch of Power (DEC) and Cynthia Hand's Hallowed (JAN)

  40. I've been waiting patiently (read: anxiously) for Insurgent by Veronica Roth.


  41. I can´t wai to read Clockwork Prince :) I really love how Cassandra Clare writes...


  42. I have been waiting forEVER it seems for Clockwork Prince!!! And not very patiently, either, it seems :)

    jwitt33 at live dot com

  43. I just finished Dragon Bound and I loved it. I know that Tiago's book is out and Rune's is out shortly, but I'm waiting for Graydon's book - only I don't think it's been written yet!

    I'm also waiting for the Drink Deep by Chloe Neill which is out November 1 - I have Hard Bitten on my TBR but I heard it had a kind of cliff hanger-y ending so I didn't want to read it until DD was out so I knew that Ethan and Merit would be okay.

    hankts AT internode DOT on DOT net

  44. I´m waiting for 2011 The Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare (Dec) and Legend by Marie Lu (Nov). And for 2012 Insurgent by Veronica Roth(May) and The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith (Jan).[AT]gmail[DOT]com

  45. I'm waiting for A Million Suns by Beth Revis, The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith and Insurgent by Veronica Roth.


  46. Definitely Insurgent by Veronica Roth. I am ITCHING day and night (not literally, well sort of) to get my hands on this book. And I have to wait until May 2012?! Seems like such a long time, but I am sure it will be worth the wait. I was hesitant going into Divergent (book 1) but came out LOVING it and the author's style. I feel like it can only get better and more exciting. Sigh. :)

    Thanks for having this giveaway. Awesome idea. And the clip is hilarious, I lol'ed.


  47. I'm looking forward to Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick. I love this series and I just can't wait :)
    Thank you for the giveaway :)


  48. I've been waiting for the next book of Kresley Cole, Lothaire! Still have a few months to wait!

  49. clockwork prince by cassandra clare. sounds amazingly good like the otherss!

  50. I would like Destined from the House of Night series because it's been so long since I read Awakened and i miss the story and the characters!

  51. I have a few wellllllll books but the biggest one is Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver. I can't believe I have to wait until March of 2012! I need to read this, I have to know what happens!!!


  52. oh ....I'd have to say raven cursed by faith hunter. I love this series so much! Go give this author some love!

    Pabkins @ Mission to Read

  53. I'm waiting on "Out of Sight, Out of Time" by Ally Carter! I'm itching to get my hands on that book for months!(March 20, 2012)

    Email: osnapitzAngiex3 [AT] aol [DOT] com

  54. I'm desperately waiting for Beth Revis's A Million Suns! I've read Across the Universe and absolutely adored it! I cannot WAIT for it to come out! :D

  55. The Space Between by Brenna Yovanoff is on my can't wait to read list because she writes such lovely characters and I've been a fan of her writing ever since before she was published.


  56. A great contest and thanks for the chance to win.

    cenya2 at hotmail dot com

  57. I'm can't wait for Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare to be released. I love the characters and I am dying to know what happens next!

    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  58. Hi, I am currently waiting for Lisa Kessler's night series book 2, not sure of the title, but Nightwalker was brilliant, so can't wait for the new one, I love series!!!


  59. Hi again, forgot to say I am in the U.K.
    x x

  60. Well besides Clockwork Prince obviously, I can't wait to get my hands on Deadly Little Voices by Laurie Faria Stolarz. I just love that series. She is good with characters and story building, I can't wait to see what happens next.

    miss.smileygirlie at gmail dot com

  61. I can't wait for Clockwork Prince! This December, I'm so excited. I want to know what's going on with Will and I hope Jem's in it more as well haha.


  62. I cannot wait for Spell Bound by Rachel Hawkins.The last book was such a HUGE cliffhanger! I'm DYING to read it!


  63. I'm waiting for Delirium by Lauren Oliver. I still have a long wait let, and it seems like it's taking forever to get here.

  64. I can't wait for Isla and the happily ever after or the Fault in our stars.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    icecreamavalanche at gmail dot com


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